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Int & Mnd

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  • Int & Mnd

    Hello! It seems that whenever I post here, I always get positive feedback! ^^

    I've heard that MND affects all white magic and INT affects black magic, end of story...

    I've also heard that INT affects the maximum amount of damag you are aloud to do. While MND gives you a higher percentage actually dishing out that damage.

    With that said: Is MND an important stat for black mages at all?

    Also, are INT and MND the stat modifiers for each of thier own specific skill (i.e. MND > white mage, INT > black magic)? Or do they corrispond with one another in multiple magic skills?

    Thanks! <(^_^)>
    `\~*~/`Life is a Dream, Death is the Alarm Clock`\~*~/`

  • #2
    INT increases your black magic offensive power slightly per point. There's some discussion in another thread on this forum about how spell damage is calculated.

    MND doesn't appear to affect anything for black mages, other than cures (if you're casting one), and the odd white magic enfeeble (paralyze, slow, silence) you might cast in an emergency. I've never noticed it affecting spell accuracy for black magic in any way - Elvaan BLMs seem to have no advantage over Taru BLMs as far as accuracy goes, even at high levels, and the difference in MND stats between the two races at level 75 is substantial.



    • #3
      As I understand, magic resisting or not relies on magic skills right? Int will increase the maximun a spell can do.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Yes, resistance for elemental magic is from your skill


        • #5
          Resistance = Elemental Magic Skill.
          Damage = INT amount.
          MND = White Magic (Buffs, Debuffs, Cure).

          I have heard about the discussion over INT and DMG calculation, and it does, for the most part, seem to be correct. While I have not done actually pen and paper stats (I leave that up to the folks that do the INT DMG discussion), I do notice that I will do more DMG when Burn (Lowers targets INT) before I start to nuke. I have also noticed a slight , and I do mean slight, decrease in resistance if I have a higher INT. What I mean by that, is INT adds a small percentage to your resistance amount. While this slight reduction is somewhat noticable, it is by no means enough. To get less resists all together, you want to go Elemental Magic and Magic Attack; Magic Attack being the better of the three (INT, Elemental Magic, Magic Attack).

          Now, with regards to MND and what it does, it really doesn't do anything for BLM spells. MND affects only White Magic. I have macros for my WHM that increase only my MND. I use this when casting Protect/Shell/etc.. MND will make those spells last longer and become more effective. Aside from those spells, MND is somewhat useless for a BLM.

          I really havent tested this, but I do think MND will affect Magic Defense, similar to the way INT affect Magic Attack. Presuming that INT does have a slight decrease to resistance rate and slight increast to Elemental magic, MND would do the same for you. It would give you a slightly better resistance rate for a spell cast apon you. Now, again, this has not been tested, but this can easily be denied by the higher INT affect DMG discussion. But, I will leave all of that to the other discussion, and leave you wil this; Pre-end game, get lots of INT and Elemental Magic. During the end game, get lots of Elemental Magic and Magic Attack.


          • #6
            MND does not affect protect or shell at all. The duration is set at 30 minutes, unless the target is below the level of the spell. Protect IV lasts all of about 1 second on a level 1 character for instance, but lasts the full 30 minutes on any level 70ish player.

            MND does impact resistance to white magic status attacks, however. Shock (-MND) makes landing Slow, Paralyze, and Silence noticeably easier.



            • #7
              I may be thinking of the bar- spells then. My mistake.


              • #8
                In a defensive stand point...

                INT helps resist against Poison, Bio, Elemental nukes, Elemental debuffs, Blind, and Bind... anything black magic. The damage from spike spells might be based on the damage reciever's INT. Dispell, when resisted(its possible), is more than likely INT based.

                MND helps resist against offensive Cures(Undead >.>), Holy, Banish, and White magic debuffs. One could make a case that it helps against the damage of En-spells. But, on the other hand, that could be INT or simply not stat involved.

                You'll have a tougher time nuking high level DRK monsters than you will nuking a high level WHM monster.


                • #9
                  From what I have experienced and read, INT determines your magic attack and your chance to land a spell unresisted. MND affects cure potency, magic defense, and (bear with me) MP regained while healing. If you have more MND then the first tick healed will be 15 instead of 10 (just an example) and then it goes up like normal (1 each tick). I just tested this, and here are the results. As a naked taru BLM @ lvl 44, I healed 18 MP my first tick. When I put on my equipment, (MND is now 37+16) I got 19 MP the first tick. Granted this is not a lot, but it means an extra 10-15 MP if you don't have a chance to fully heal up, and I'm sure the difference at higher levels is more substantial. This means for me, I would max out in +MND equip for WHM, but for my blm, I have plenty of +INT, with some +MND thrown in (I just got my Red Cape +1, +3 INT +3 MND). I hope this helps out.


                  • #10
                    Um... you wouldnt happen to have put on your Seer's Tunic, would you? Cuz the Seer's Tunic adds +1 HMP. MND has no effect on HMP.

                    Clear Mind, Food, and specific Equipment are the only things that change HMP.
                    Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
                    >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
                    Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
                    >> Alauna : yeah...


                    • #11
                      MND does not affect MP regained per tick. Trust me on this. I normally carry +38 in MND gear, and switch between +1 and +38 configurations when I cast Stoneskin. There is no difference in MP recovery wearing either set, with the exception of pieces which give Refresh effect (Noble's Tunic, Vermillion Cloak), or +hMP (Dark Staff, Errant Houppelande, Hierarch Belt).



                      • #12
                        More often than not, I get myself into a party with no red mage. In those times, I usually have no choice but to main enfeeble.

                        Since BLM gets a lot of help with +enfeebling gears (Igqira Tiara, AF Body, & Igqira Lappas) I usually have no trouble landing my enfeebles. However, being a Taru BLM, I have a low MND score (61 base @lv 75). As a result, my WHM enfeebles don't last very long. Even with +MND gears it's not much better.

                        It would have been much better if the WHM can cap his/her enfeeble skill and take over the MND based enfeebles in these situations. Instead of having me casting enfeebles 2-3 times every battle.
                        Junior Member?

                        Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                        • #13
                          So magic damage and resists is calculated by your int v.s. mobs int for black magic, your mnd v.s. mobs mnd for white magic?

                          I'm noob to magic.


                          • #14
                            elemental damage, yes (by INT). elemental resists, no (by skill).

                            MND I don't remember (have to dig up Apple Pie's posts).

                            Thanks Yyg!


                            • #15
                              Actually, the way I understand it, from a defensive standpoint...

                              Higher MND is resistance to magic period. Shock helps *land* spells unresisted from my experience. Some mob types with high MND also have the inherent magic resistance (Magic Defense Up) of their job type (WHM and RDM types) that is an automatic and unDispellable damage reduction/difficulty to stick spells. In that case, those jobs basically have a level of Shell up all the time.
                              The only real way to test it would be against things like PLD and DRK types that have high MND/INT but no inherent Magic Defense once fully Dispelled.

                              Higher INT is something that's factored into the damge equations that I've seen. Your INT minus Mob INT is a factor for what "full" damage is. So the lower the INT on a mob, the higher the max damage is, to a point (testing people have used Burn on level 1 mobs, which would reduce their INT to zero for a base).

                              Magic Attack is a seperate multiplier and much more effective for that reason. It's a percentage increase of your damage, no MAB is 1, then I think each point of MAB is .01 added or so (gear based, I think job based is .1 for first and .05 for subsequent bonuses).

                              Offhand the very basic magic damage formula is (Base damage + Int difference damage)*MAB. Base damage varies by spell/tier, INT damage by tier. Staves seem to add damage basically as a MAB per-element.

                              When casting, the absolute primary factor for resist or not is skill. Elemental Skill means a TON more than INT, Enfeebling a TON more than MND, etc.
                              For Enfeebles, some say that higher stats will help duration and effect strength/proc rate. This makes some sense to me from what I've seen.

                              So for a BLM, outside of landing White magic enfeebles, there seems to be little reason to boost MND for offense. However, there are good reasons to use Shock to reduce opponent's MND.
                              That's how I've come to understand things anyway.

                              FFXI Blog

