OK, since SE has added these new obi's its just another potential /equip line in our macro's to try and manage. Between healing, nuking, enfeebling, dark magic, our macro's are insane enough already. So how do you have your macro's set up? Post your macro set and help out your fellow BLM's.
Here is mine. I focus on having the best healing, nuking w/ and w/o ES, and dark magic. Also, this set up is for HNM/God fights, not XP.
/heal on
/equip body "Errant Houppelande"
/equip R.ear "Warlock's Earring"
/equip main "Dark Staff"
/equip waist "Hierarch Rope"
(i also plan on adding boroka earring and pch. collar as I get them)
/heal off
/equip body "Igqira Weskit"
/equip R.ear "Moldavite Earring"
/equip waist "Forest Rope"
Normal nuke:
/ma "Nuke IV" <t>
/equip main "Nuke Staff"
/equip neck "Elemental Torque"
/equip hands "Wizard's Gloves"
/equip legs "Druid's Slops"
/equip head "Elite Beret"
ES Nuke:
/ma "Nukega III" <t>
/equip main "Nuke Staff"
/equip neck "Philomath's Stole"
/equip hands "Zenith Mitts"
/equip legs "Errant Slops"
/equip head "Republic Circlet" (Wizard's petasos or Demon helm depending on influence)
Drain, Aspir, Stun:
/ma "Dark Magic" <t>
/equip main "Dark Staff" (Thunder for Stun)
/equip neck "Dark Torque"
/equip hands "Zenith Mitts"
/equip legs "Wizard's Tonban"
/equip head "Wizard's Petasos"
Now the dilemma is finding a way to get both an elemental earring, and the various obi's into this mix.
Here is mine. I focus on having the best healing, nuking w/ and w/o ES, and dark magic. Also, this set up is for HNM/God fights, not XP.
/heal on
/equip body "Errant Houppelande"
/equip R.ear "Warlock's Earring"
/equip main "Dark Staff"
/equip waist "Hierarch Rope"
(i also plan on adding boroka earring and pch. collar as I get them)
/heal off
/equip body "Igqira Weskit"
/equip R.ear "Moldavite Earring"
/equip waist "Forest Rope"
Normal nuke:
/ma "Nuke IV" <t>
/equip main "Nuke Staff"
/equip neck "Elemental Torque"
/equip hands "Wizard's Gloves"
/equip legs "Druid's Slops"
/equip head "Elite Beret"
ES Nuke:
/ma "Nukega III" <t>
/equip main "Nuke Staff"
/equip neck "Philomath's Stole"
/equip hands "Zenith Mitts"
/equip legs "Errant Slops"
/equip head "Republic Circlet" (Wizard's petasos or Demon helm depending on influence)
Drain, Aspir, Stun:
/ma "Dark Magic" <t>
/equip main "Dark Staff" (Thunder for Stun)
/equip neck "Dark Torque"
/equip hands "Zenith Mitts"
/equip legs "Wizard's Tonban"
/equip head "Wizard's Petasos"
Now the dilemma is finding a way to get both an elemental earring, and the various obi's into this mix.