I plan to lvl blm soon for my main job whm.But I want to know if you guys can show me the TRUE power of a black mage.Tell me everything,secrets,rumors and such.
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Show me the TRUE power of a black mage.
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Fought Maat as a level 75 BLM for fun, and obliterated him in 2 or 3 moves (not including sleep) without taking any damage. I would have gotten the best server time, but I misfired some of my macros because I was giggling like a little girl. Fairly easy to do, someone can probably fraps a combat log for you or something
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At level 50 you will get a nice little spell named Freeze. It hits for 7oo damage average, and if timed correctly you can get it up to around 1'ooo.
I have also seen a BLM do 3'4oo damage with Firaga III or something. Can't remember if it was fire, or whether Firaga III exists or not at the moment, but it was something like that and I am certain of the damage.I quit. :O
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Re: Show me the TRUE power of a black mage.
Originally posted by Cbot
I plan to lvl blm soon for my main job whm.But I want to know if you guys can show me the TRUE power of a black mage.Tell me everything,secrets,rumors and such.
-It only takes 3 BLM's to win KS30 in under 2 minutes.
-BLM Alliance can 1shot DM.
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Friday went well
2 Runs, 2 wins~ 2nd Drop included Kriesbeil, Stylet, Divine Log, and Damascus Ingot :spin:
Did another set on Monday, 3 runs 3 wins. Another 25-30mil Drop on last BC. Moneyzzzzzzzz!
P.S: No one died on Monday :sweat:
Fuk it, Cut the cord...
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Location: Boyahda Tree
Target: Robber Crab
Skillchain: Smash Axe (orz... {Too Weak}) --> Shoulder Tackle (omfg {Too Weak}): Fragmentation
Thunder II (86 mp) ~375 DMG (4.36:1 dmg:mp)
---> Burst (352 mp) ~1240 DMG (3.52:1 dmg:mp) <---
Sure, Burst is slightly less efficient than Thunder, but who doesnt like taking out 1/2 the crabs HP in one shot?? We had is so smooth, that I would med for the first half of the fight, get up to shock/choke/burn then launch Burst.
(and no, that wasnt the whole pt, just near the end. The MNK replaced a DRK, so we had Vorpal Scythe > Avalanche Axe for Distortion; MB Water III for just over 500 (5.16:1 dmg:mp)
=== edit: math ===
note: cant quite remember exactly where the Thunder II MB's were landing, cuz we didnt do Frag enough w/o Burst. Most of my Thunder II's were landing for 280-310 (no resists)Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
>> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
>> Alauna : yeah...
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Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
A BRD or RDM(/BRD better ) + 5 BLMs can do KRT as low as 68-69. Firaga III all at same time, then maybe someone stuns, Fire III for win. I heard people do this til level 75 in the exact spot. I am level 72 now thanks to it.
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