I am a whm/blm, and therefor I have to lvl blm for sub. Because I am Hume, i have almost no mp at all to cast spells with
Will it be better as soon as i start partying? Will go to Dunes soon (alright, seems a bit strange to complain about a job without even being high enough lvl to go to Dunes). When do you recommend going to there? Will I get invites at all as a rank 3 (hopefully rank 5 soon ^^)hume blm/whm?

Will it be better as soon as i start partying? Will go to Dunes soon (alright, seems a bit strange to complain about a job without even being high enough lvl to go to Dunes). When do you recommend going to there? Will I get invites at all as a rank 3 (hopefully rank 5 soon ^^)hume blm/whm?