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Finding Black mage boring

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  • Finding Black mage boring

    I am a whm/blm, and therefor I have to lvl blm for sub. Because I am Hume, i have almost no mp at all to cast spells with
    Will it be better as soon as i start partying? Will go to Dunes soon (alright, seems a bit strange to complain about a job without even being high enough lvl to go to Dunes). When do you recommend going to there? Will I get invites at all as a rank 3 (hopefully rank 5 soon ^^)hume blm/whm?

  • #2
    BLM is (in my opinion) boring until you start grouping. I would goto the dunes at lvl 10, and Rank should make no difference.

    I can totally see where you are coming from... and all I can say is, its gets WAY better.

    Stick with it and let me know how things turn out for you. ^^


    • #3
      Yay, good to see that a full time Black mage that "didnt like" 1-10 either. I just mentioned rank, cause since Taru blm's usually are much better, and only rank could make it go faster to get invites. But i guess no one is really having a hard time getting parties in Dunes ^^


      • #4
        1-9 was hell for me... it was my first character (low money), i was taru (low hp), and all my skills were so low i never parried and bind didnt hold out long... Along with /whm for cures

        But as soon as you get to lvl 9 you get Aero, at which point you can start doing worms solo for 100+ and up to chain 2 or 3 (better exp then you might get in Valkurm sometimes). I suggest a Pole weapon untill lvl 9, and play it like a rdm. When you get to start partying, be sure you know the limits of your tank and try not to overcast unless you know for certain you can handle it.

        It is boring at first, but you'll level really well in Valkurm (or Shakrami, which is probably better untill 15 or so), and it does get better

        Fuk it, Cut the cord...


        • #5
          Hi again!
          I have lvled blm from 10 to 12,6 today
          And i had a great time too, thank you for cheering me on


          • #6
            in my opnion for only bein at lvl 11 I think BLM got better once I hit lvl 10 because you can go to dunes party lvl like hell. Also you learn alot of kool spells in the 10-20 range alot of them are usefull I cant wait till I learn Fire or Warp.
            "magic is feard by all but only us tarus can control it right."

            my taru-waruness hurty-wurts.


            • #7
              I lked 1-10 just fine. In fact, it was one of the most fun times I had in my BLM carrer.

              I never really soloed duing those levels. Instead, I got myself a partner (blm or whm), and we juggled monsters. When we did it right, we can take out a couple T's without breaking sweat.
              Junior Member?

              Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


              • #8
                yesterday i decided to level up the blm,i only reached to lv 5....
                but i had a great time!!!!
                it was very funny lol

                till i played with the blm i only enjoyed playing with my sam.
                besides i noticed that i could fight stronger enemies thanks to the black magic
                i am hume too but i never played as a taru and i dont know if there is a good diference with the mp, but i think that there is lol


                • #9

                  WE WANT YOU!
                  Join RDM.


                  • #10
                    Level 1-10 was great for me.
                    I went to Ghelsba and not only got great exp but made a profit selling crystals.

                    Bind then nuke. (It didnt hurt that orcs were weak against water either)
                    Pre-Bind i ate a griled hare and i had an ash pole +1. I was killing hares in one hit for 50 exp. It was great.

                    Also when u hit ten. Go to Konshtat Highlands and keep ur flag up. That way u get invites for valkurm(Believe me u will) and u can solo the quadav and wasps there. Great exp while waiting for pt. Im mithra too so we have the same mp pools and it is vey possible to solo stuff thank u bind.


                    • #11
                      No question about it, BLM becomes much more fun. Qufim Island is when you get to see what it's all about. But in the jungles is where you will have much more fun since you get to use those higher level spells. If you want a nice challange, try the Pashlow Marshlands for soloing. High 20's and low 30's. Since there are gobs running around you can use aspir and drain more frequently. Stick with it, you won't find a more fun job.


                      • #12
                        Ok 2 words, Ancient Magic. LOL. Wait til you get in your 50's and have fun with these spells. Oodles of dam, especially when you magic burst with them, but also greater risk of hate put on you. So you will have to learn to play it smart when using AM.

                        Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
                        Genkai FINISHED!!
                        Maat finally went down.
                        All BLM AF1 - Acquired
                        All WHM AF1 - Acquired
                        Windurst Rank 7


                        • #13
                          If you don't like BLM, you can sub SMN. That means you get to be a gimped WHM for 37 levels. -_-b

                          Anyways I have to level my BLM sub to 35-37, so my set can get 70-75 sometime in the next three weeks. Altepa is fun when you fight beetles there. You can aspir for a lot off of the beetles, and keep the chain going.

                          Another thing, rank, race, equip, all that other shit.....doesn't matter in the dunes. Noobs will invite anything, and anyone. Only once have I gotten an invite there cause of my rank, and everyone in that party had a job at 60 or higher. That party kicked ass, we were pulling chain 4's.

                          One other thing about BLM in the dunes, or qufim, or the jungles. Where you can (look around first, and judge) try to use -ga to magic burst. We were doing a fire skillchain, I used elemental seal, and then started casting Firaga. The leader freaked out on me, was yelling and threatening to kick me out of the group. I said, That magic burst did 250 damage to the mandy. He said you never use -ga to burst............lo, and behold here comes the, "I'm a 45 DRK, I think I know what I'm talking about speech from him." I started laughing my ass off. I wish I could have seen the look on his face when I told him my WHM was 61, and that in Cape Terrigan you MB Blizzaga II for 700+ damage.
                          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                          • #14
                            Thanks everyone, i lvled Black Mage to 17, cause i wanted warp, and now i am 36whm, so i need to lvl it more now ^^
                            But i will wait a while, though, cause i am lvling brd atm


                            • #15
                              1-10 isn't as fun this time around with my taru blm. With my hume I could take on evens and not break a sweat, but with my taru I struggle on some decents since taru's get destroyed so easily in melee. Luckily I just got bind to keep those orc's at bay.

                              Monoxide (Tarutaru):
                              BLM: 32 WHM: 44 MNK: 4 WAR: 12 || BST: 18 NIN: 14
                              Dymitro (Hume):
                              WAR: 25 THF: 30 WHM 10 BLM: 9 MNK: 16 NIN: 16 PLD: 21
                              Kyhah (Mithra):
                              RDM: 13 WAR: 6

