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LvL 52 BLM: Question about AF and Coffers

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  • LvL 52 BLM: Question about AF and Coffers

    I am level 52, i havent done any AF quest because i have very nice gear, and the only Af pieces i'm extremely looking forward to are the hand and head gear pieces.

    I am gonna get all the pieces but those are the two i most want.

    My question:

    If you have done no AF quest (not even the one for the casting wand) can you get your AF hand gear by getting a key and finding a coffer?
    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

  • #2
    nope, you need the quest to get the item, im 99% sure.


    • #3
      here is my gear set at level 52, should i rush to go get the wizard sabots or just wait it out till i need em.

      aquillos staff/plutos staff/lightning staff- thats all i have for now.
      head- seer's crown+1
      body-tct.mgc. coat+2
      hands-seer's mitts+1
      ear- morion earring x2 (no1 to camp gob NM w/ me, what level can i solo that btw)

      ring-wisdom ring x2
      waist-desert stone (ima mithra)
      feet-garrison boots/tct.mgc. boats+2 (equip macro for when windy is #1)
      ammo-morion tat
      legs-mage's slacks(i dont use the either charges)

      so are those wizzard sabots really that good when i wotn be soloing anything for a while, i mean my tacs boots give me 4 int when windy is #1, and the garison only add 1, but one is more then none.
      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


      • #4
        Just do the casting wand and get it outta the way first.

        That'll let you start the quest for the coffers.

        Then you can get your gloves right away and wait til 59-60 to do the rest you have to go through to get the hat.


        • #5
          cool, i heard that i could solo the casting wand quest, is this true?

          I am by no means lazy, i just have been spending alot of time farming to afford this rough strech (lvl50-60) and i've gotten really good parties and been able to level pretty fast.

          but...if i can solo the casting wand part, ill do that tonight.
          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


          • #6
            at 52, Eck I would have to say no at soloing it.

            Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
            Genkai FINISHED!!
            Maat finally went down.
            All BLM AF1 - Acquired
            All WHM AF1 - Acquired
            Windurst Rank 7


            • #7
              OK, thanx, i figured not, a solo-able af quest seemed too good to be true.

              dam why does that lame wand have to suck so
              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


              • #8
                I've heard of RDMs solo'n their 1st two AF pieces, but then again, that is RDM. :p

                But, if you don't need/want the items immediately, and at Lv.59 you're going to go and blow through them all, why not wait until then. By then, I'd like to think you could go in with one other person, if not actually solo it, and wipe out the NM.

                Since you're in no kind of hurry for the wand, why not put it off until you decide it's time to knock them all out?
                PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                • #9
                  because i wand the gloves, if i have to get the wand to get the gloves, then ill go get it, but if not, yeah i'd rather wait.

                  its not like i cant get help, but i static, so as soon as i log i could be in a party exping, but as soon as i log on i couldnt be omw to completing any AFs w/o first getting help.

                  I mean im trying trying to be effiecient, this blm character is just a work horse to make my rng gil.
                  Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    because i wand the gloves, if i have to get the wand to get the gloves, then ill go get it, but if not, yeah i'd rather wait.

                    its not like i cant get help, but i static, so as soon as i log i could be in a party exping, but as soon as i log on i couldnt be omw to completing any AFs w/o first getting help.

                    I mean im trying trying to be effiecient, this blm character is just a work horse to make my rng gil.
                    I don't mean to be rude, but BLM isn't exactly the best farming job, so if you're only leveling it to make're probably going to get dissappointed.
                    For The Horde!!
                    Current Gil total spent on gear:
                    Current Gil Value of gear:
                    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                    • #11
                      Yeah, if we're not crafters or skilled fishermen we're usually dirt poor.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Coinspinner
                        Yeah, if we're not crafters or skilled fishermen we're usually dirt poor.
                        or bcnm60 masters


                        • #13
                          thank you guy, BCNM 60 master

                          thats why, i need this character for bcnms 60, 50, 40, 30, i can do em all.

                          rng and blm are most needed for BCNMs IMO.

                          my rng is level 40 now, dual hawker's, winged boots, emp hairpin, noct brais+1, noct gloves+1, dual drone earrings, +1 accuracy rings, nomads+1

                          I mean i have gotten all of the rng gear i could possibly need besides the uberly exspensive, the moment i realized that i would get an e.bow anywhere near level 55 rng, i switched to blm to make gil, and its been going great, i mean i have like 130k in rng gear ive bought so far, and thats with me supporting a fully uberly equiped blm.

                          plus its very very very nice to have a blm at level 52, i mean i own stuff better then with my rng, my rng hits hard and consistenly, but he cant take dmg, and there are delays on my ranged attacks, the delays dont add up when soloing.


                          my blm can kill a mob faster at level 40 just by wasting all my mp.

                          I was thinking about taking blm to 68 so i can get a demon's cloak, i think that would make farming a lil easier.
                          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                          • #14
                            I've never been invited to a BC60... and I was forced to level WHM to 40 so I could actually be useful for BC40. 300+ seals sitting in my storage unused. /shrug

                            plus its very very very nice to have a blm at level 52, i mean i own stuff better then with my rng, my rng hits hard and consistenly, but he cant take dmg, and there are delays on my ranged attacks, the delays dont add up when soloing.

                            my blm can kill a mob faster at level 40 just by wasting all my mp.
                            Yes... and then rest 3-5 minutes for MP. I don't believe BLM can farm better than RNG, or hell, any job but WHM and BRD. Past Sidewinder... no chance in hell.


                            • #15
                              Do you buy gil online?

