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black mage farming help

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  • black mage farming help

    currently i am a level 21 blm/10 whm leveling in qufim island. i have +12 to int atm between all of my equips. However between levels29 and 36 my equips are going to vastly change and i expect this to be a relatively costly process.

    Hand: (forgot the wand name e.e) +1 +5 int + 5 mnd
    Ammo: Morion Thalum? (or is it phantom >_<) +1 int
    head: seers crown +1 +3 int
    neck:black silk neckerchief: int +1
    earing:morion earing X 2 (i believe these are around lvl 30ish, cant remember) +2 int
    gloves: seers gloves+1 +2 int + 2 mnd
    rings: loyalty ringX2(again forgot the name, damn school) +6 int
    back: black mantle +1 +3 int
    waist: friars rope(not sure if there is anything better yet)
    legs: seers slacks +1 int
    feet: RSE hume male boots +3 int

    believe the + to int will come out to be around 28 which would be haut

    right now i have the black silk neckerchief and the friars rope thats it >_<. i have about 250k on me and i know it will be rather costly to get all of these things but i want to be a good blm for my partys. so my question is how do blms farm and where do we farm? thanks any help!

  • #2
    BLMs can -ga farm critters, but imho it's a unpleasant process. If you can find 2 other BLMs with 30 beastman seals, you might try your luck on the crawler BCM30. Very easy with 3 BLMs and there are very nice drops.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Originally posted by neighbortaru
      BLMs can -ga farm critters, but imho it's a unpleasant process. If you can find 2 other BLMs with 30 beastman seals, you might try your luck on the crawler BCM30. Very easy with 3 BLMs and there are very nice drops.
      Where is the crawler BC30 and what sort of preparation do you need for it?
      For The Horde!!
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      • #4
        Balga's Dais. 3 person fight, Creeping Doom. Take turns nuking, sleep, aspir and take turns nuking again. Apple Pie had a video of it with him and 2 blm's.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          Lv.30 level cap. I tried this once, shortly after it was added, and my group had our butts handed to us. Went as PLD, MNK, RDM I think it was. Even with using 2hrs we weren't even close. The damn thing SPAMs Cure III on itself. So 3 BLMs may be a good way to really light it up. Just eat Steamed Crab, keep it bound, and spam your highest Blizzard spells.

          I was told you needed a good RNG. Sharpshoot, Barrage, and Eagle Eye Shot to finish it off. Just have the PLD use their 2hr to keep hate.

          I was the RDM, with at least MND+15, if not more, and it resisted Silence at ever turn.

          But the items dropped there can sell for very well. BLMs could probably do one with out using their 2hrs.
          PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
          RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

          Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
          SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


          • #6
            I've been doing that BCNM for a long time.. Really easy and "good" drops:

            # Ashigaru Earring
            # Bast Parchment
            # Beater's Earring
            # Elm Log
            # Esquire's Earring
            # Genin Earring
            # Healer's Earring
            # Hi-Ether
            # Hi-Potion
            # Iron Ore
            # Killer Earring
            # Magician's Earring
            # Mercenary's Earring
            # Onyx
            # Onyx Earring
            # Pilferer's Earring
            # Scroll: Erase
            # Scroll: Magic Finale
            # Scroll: Utsusemi: Ni
            # Silk Thread
            # Singer's Earring
            # Trimmer's Earring
            # Warlock's Earring
            # Wizard's Earring
            # Wrestler's Earring
            # Wyvern Earring


            Well, I usually do it with 2 blm and a drk. He tanks the crawler while we aspir/nuke/aspir/nuke and heal him. Quite easy.. But bad luck with drops ; ;

            PD: Now with full seer gear is really easy
            I'm back! Sanim restored!

