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Water IV

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  • Water IV

    Well I am getting closer and closer to 70 and I have Water IV ready to learn, but was it worth 190k to buy it? Should I learn this spell when I hit 70 or should I sell it back? Any advice would be appreciated.

  • #2
    If your PT still uses distortion.. It might be a smart idea.. hell even if they do dark renkeis you might wanna look into it..

    I say yes you should use it, water4 is the first expensive spell since like.. thunder2.

    And just like melee, we mages look at our spells as our armor.

    Melee/DD are expected to have up to date equip, mages are expected to have up to date spells.


    • #3
      it's 300something thousand on midgard.

      yeah i sure bought a rse belt instead


      • #4
        It's obviously an important spell, just farm for it like I did. I just bought it for 145k :spin:


        • #5
          Kill Sapphire Quads. It's actually not that rare of a drop (I've gotten 2 so far, 1 to pay for the one I bought to learn, and 1 for a friend). Whatever you can do to make that price it ^_^

          Then again, if you don't have a water staff...don't buy it until you do. It's actually less mp-efficient to cast Water IV than it is to cast Thunder III (Thunder III does ~625 damage (660 or so max), while Water IV does ~620 damage (680-700 max)). With Water Staff, Water IV becomes much more efficient (750 consistently). I don't know why, but for whatever reason, the IV line of spells for me is *highly* dependant on the staves. Maybe that's because I'm still relatively low level for them, but when I've borrowed earth/water staves, those respective IV spells get a lot more reliable and usable.
          For The Horde!!
          Current Gil total spent on gear:
          Current Gil Value of gear:
          Laughing when new players complain about prices:


          • #6
            my damage on spells seems pretty consistent. on the same mob, if i cast thunder III 3 times, it'll do the same amount of damage, varying only when weather comes into effect or burn is on or if burn wears off...i don't have water IV yet either -_-....i want to get it just so i can have all the spells. haven't had any occasion yet where i would use the damn thing.

            edit: it seems pretty damned rare for me. i've gone coffer key hunting countless times and i've even farmed 'em a few...0 drops . i've gotten waterga III like 10982306980198230152 times though. besides, it wouldn't be 150-200k unless it was rare, right?


            • #7
              I am currently doing BLM now and up to 30. where can i find saphire quads at for future refrence?
              BLM 75
              DRK 75
              WAR 75
              SCH 75
              THF 73
              PLD 46
              WHM 42
              RDM 38
              SAM 37
              NIN 37
              MNK 27
              BLU 7 (who knows)
              PUP 5 (staying right where it is)
              DRG 27
              SMN 12 (SMN75 oneday)
              BRD 14 (no intrest as of yet)
              RNG 5 (gil sink no thanks)
              SAM 37
              Beating up Gigas one at a time for their lunch money!
              Retribution: O Spiral Hell: O Ground Strike: O Savage Blade: O Black Halo: O Evisceration: O Decimation: O Steel Cyclone: O


              • #8
                it's a level 70 spell, so i doubt you'll be needing it any time soon, but they are in beadeaux & qulun dome


                • #9
                  like i said future refrence. but thanks for the lacals.
                  BLM 75
                  DRK 75
                  WAR 75
                  SCH 75
                  THF 73
                  PLD 46
                  WHM 42
                  RDM 38
                  SAM 37
                  NIN 37
                  MNK 27
                  BLU 7 (who knows)
                  PUP 5 (staying right where it is)
                  DRG 27
                  SMN 12 (SMN75 oneday)
                  BRD 14 (no intrest as of yet)
                  RNG 5 (gil sink no thanks)
                  SAM 37
                  Beating up Gigas one at a time for their lunch money!
                  Retribution: O Spiral Hell: O Ground Strike: O Savage Blade: O Black Halo: O Evisceration: O Decimation: O Steel Cyclone: O


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mdn
                    it's 300something thousand on midgard.
                    I paid 120k for it three months ago for a friend who was unable to use it til just a week......insane price jump....


                    • #11
                      The reason its so expensive is yes, it's a rare drop. It's not *that* rare though. The main reason why its expensive is its a pain in the ass to get to, and the area its in is annoying as hell. That and they probably nerfed the drop rate in one of the last few patches (so its rarer than I'm used to, since I didn't play for ~5 months).
                      For The Horde!!
                      Current Gil total spent on gear:
                      Current Gil Value of gear:
                      Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                      • #12
                        I can't believe its 300k now. Thats crazy. This was THE most expensive spell I bought past Ancients, and I got it for 20k last december.

                        Aside from that, I hardly ever used it. I use it now on Fafnir and on Gods, thats about it. Once in a while to burst a Dark Skillchain, but that was before I got blizz4.

                        I'd recommend farming for it, and spending that 300k on ele staves. I've seen water4 drop about 3 times in the few key hunting PT's I've been in there.

                        Ice staff is down to 80-90k on midgard now. Good for all you blms coming up. I highly suggest the full set.

                        Raise3 is up to 850k now btw. Now that is an absolutly necessary spell. Water4, meh, a PT won't kill you if you don't have it. A 70 whm w/out raise3.... Ouch for whms.


                        • #13
                          Good spell to burst against Manticores which is one of your hunting grounds at early 70s. So yeah its not a must have but usefull reguardless.
                          Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
                          Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


                          • #14
                            Yea i think i got the last cheap one before the price skyrocketed, cost me 40k i believe and then the next week it was up to 120k, i dont use it to often, i would say its kind of useless, however it is good to have all of the spells. I only really used it when doing avatar runs to kill ifrit faster, never really in xp parties. so should you get it, yes, however its not a high priority

