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What to do . . . .

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  • What to do . . . .

    Ok, I just hit lvl 40 blm this past weekend and am almost lvl 41. My delemma is this: now that I hit 40, I need to once again update my spells, namely warp II, and I would like stonega II (I always prided myself of having every spell for my lvl), and new gear would be nice too, like the seers crown looks nice, and I still need morion thing that fits in the throwing object slot (forget the name off hand).

    But all this of course will cost gil. Now I know I can quest for warp II but I don't have any of the maps to do the quest and it would cost me the same amount to get the maps and get up there alive as it would me buying warp II off the AH. I have been teleing ppl in Jeuno so far for gil but there are always 3 other whms doing the same thing and I don't like teleing in other cities cuz its always slow.

    So, I need gil for these spells. I also tried doing BCNM lvl 40 but failed twice and don't want to loss more xp.

    So any opinions? I know this is just like everyother "I need gil . . ." thread but I figured I'd atleast complain alittle to get my fustration off my chest.

    My be I should go beat ramuh and lvl my lvl 23 smn again and say screw blm . . . . . but I don't want to do that, or do I?
    Blm73, whm36, smn31, rng10, war9, thf5
    Bastok rank 6
    Carbuncle server

  • #2
    40 is cheap. 50-60 costs a lot more, with elemental staves, and your most expensive spells coming during this time.

    i got really lucky and claimed a few nm and got some pretty good drops when i was down in that level so i never had too many money problems and i'm quite good at doing bcnm60 giants in fei`yin now for my gil flow, but you might try warping people out of that yhoater jungle hell hole once you get warp2. i used to see blm doing that a lot.

