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What is your highest MB?

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  • What is your highest MB?

    I had a real jaw dropper this weekend, that left me dead not long after it, but it was the kind of death that was utterly and totally worth it.

    To preface this:
    I had on +16 in Magic Attack Bonus items (Igquira Weskit, Zenith Mitts, and Moldavite Earring) and was using a Thunder staff (10% bonus for the spell).

    It was firesday, and it was a light skillchain (Savage Blade -> Decimation) on a slime mob NM (Sewer Syrup)

    My int at the time due to equipment choices was only 76+29 (including food). I do not have any AF2 so no MB Bonus items.

    Oh yes..the inevitable outcome of the above:


    75BLM/WHM Siren Server.


  • #2
    From my experience, the Sewer Syrup takes extra damage from all spells, like an extra 50% or so. 8) I would like to see what damage Thundaga III woulda done to it :D

    My highest is a 1522 Blizzaga III burst on a golem in Ru'Avitau, on Iceday.
    75 BLM, 38 WHM, 42 SMN, 11 THF
    Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 7 Windurst
    95 Fishing, 79 Woodworking, 34 Smithing, 51 Alchemy
    Lu Shang, Fishing Apron, Waders aquired!
    Fenrir 6 Bernart 2


    • #3
      Ahh that is interesting to know about Sewer Syrup, it was my only time I had ever fought it so if I had known that in advance I would have toned things down a bit and gone with a Thunder III.



      • #4
        I hit 2015 or so w/ ThundagaIII on the placeholder for Vivacious Vivian in Boyahda Tree off of Light Renkei. I forget what con the mob is. T or VT.
        I suppose the double lightning weather did hurt either
        Its just too bad I forgot my AF2 gloves in the mog safe ><


        • #5
          Thundaga3 would have done less damage than Thunder4. Waste of MP too

          My highest was 1422 with burst, ice staff on a VT monster in boyahda. Forgot where though. Didn't bother to check what day it was.

          Clothcraft 82+2


          • #6
            I don't have Thunder IV yet, but Firaga III always bursts for more than Fire IV unresisted. Waste of mp though /nod

            Most I've done is.... 1600+ using Thundaga III on Golems. 2000 is... wo @_@;.
            Black Mage 73


            • #7
              Then there must be something special about Aga bursting, because on single targets, AOE never does more damage than the single-hitter 1 number above it.

              Clothcraft 82+2


              • #8
                1,338 damage from Firaga III on a Tiger in Kuftal Tunnel at lv70. No Fluke, I guess...but I have a firestaff now
                For The Horde!!
                Current Gil total spent on gear:
                Current Gil Value of gear:
                Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                • #9
                  Then there must be something special about Aga bursting, because on single targets, AOE never does more damage than the single-hitter 1 number above it.
                  typically, thats pretty accurate. firaga II does about as much as fire III, blizzaga II does roughly the same as blizzard III and so on, but when it gets to the -ga III and IV spells, its very strange. Stonega III is a bit stronger than stone IV and waterga III is even stronger than that when compared to water IV. it seems like the -ga III spells' damage scales up faster than the IV series. i don't have aero IV or fire IV yet, but when i nuked with firaga III next to a blm who used fire IV today, my firaga III did about 950 (non-bursted) while his fire IV did about 800, non bursted so i'd imagine that thundaga III would be significantly stronger than thunder IV on single targets.

                  granted, i was weilding a fire staff while he wasn't, but he was 75 and he had on zenith mitts. that combined with magic attack up IV should more than make up for the lack of a fire staff compared to me. oh, and my personal best was just over 1300 with fire staff on bark tarantulas.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Secrenja
                    Then there must be something special about Aga bursting, because on single targets, AOE never does more damage than the single-hitter 1 number above it.
                    Ummm, all my ga3 spells do more damage on a single enemy than their 4 counterpart. It is certainly not in tune w/ the amount of mp used, but thundaga3 does indeed hit for more than thunder4. somehwhere to the tune of 100 +/- on a single target, and 2-300 +/- more on a MB. Never really kept track of how much exactly

                    Total waste of mp sure.
                    But who cares when you're just screwing around to get a high number.


                    • #11
                      1696 with ThundergaIII against Sparoti Sorceror in King Ramparres tomb. I was using HQ thunderstaff, Moldaive Earing, Igira Body and bracers (only use them on MBs).

                      Nowadays mobs dies so fast... that bursting with -GA spells are really not necesary since most of the time you will overkill. Oh and when you burst when they are doing SC at the begining you have a guaranteed ticked of your ass being kicked by the mob... even with -9 enmity -_-;;
                      Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
                      Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


                      • #12
                        Although I don't remember the 'exact' number, it was somewhat around ~1500dmg with a Flood MB against VT during a EXP session. I had +21 INT from various stuff and no MG ATK+. It was against a crab, was extremely lucky the spell wasn't resisted (Water III MB's didn't get resisted too!), thanks to Ice Staff + Shaman's Cloak + Wizard's Gloves' Elemental SKill+30. :r
                        Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


                        • #13
                          thats quite amazing. i can't pull off a 1500 flood MB...ever. well, perhaps on double water weather on watersday in boyahda with water staff...=). best i ever did with flood was around 1200...same as my firaga III atm. how the heck did you pull that off with an ice staff?


                          • #14
                            To tell you the truth, I can't say much because this happend when I was still playing FFXI (5 months ago.) I also don't know the exact details, like what day it was, the weather, etc. TT;

                            I guess I'd have to say I was extremly lucky. I didn't even expect it, was just using my MP to it's fullest potential; I was gonna get a level up after this thing. So I suggested a Flood MB for the hell of it, and we pulled it off. I was amazed at the fact that I did more dmg than my 1300 Freeze-MB against fishies in Terrigan, I had indeed an ICE STAFF, boosting Freeze even more. I was very surprised, as well as my PT. I got the finishing kill on Mr. Robber Crab, I think. ;D

                            Personally I don't like Ancient MB's because they're kinda cheap, but this 'was' my highest MB ever done so meh. :r
                            Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


                            • #15
                              to be honest, i've never pulled a 1300 freeze either...then again, i've only MBed it like 10 times. WITH an ice staff, i think i pulled 1100 or 1200 or something...don't recall. looking forward to blizzaga III because it is actually much stronger than freeze on its own, MBed or not. the reason i'm so nitpicky about these details is that despite being a hume, i'm striving to be the best blm on my server and so when i hear of someone doing an absurd amount of damage over me, i'm gonna find some way to beat it .

                              current stats
                              lvl 69 ( disbanded before i leveled :mad: )
                              +30 int with food
                              +15% magic attack (moldavite + fire, thunder, wind, & ice staves)
                              +40 elemental skill

                              looking forward to
                              magic attack bonus IV
                              ocean rope when i hit 70
                              prism cape when i hit 71

                              earth staff, water staff, igqira gear after doing a bunch of bcnm70 runs

                              i figured when i hit 73, i'll be sporting zenith mitts and igqira weskit (or a genie's *drool*) and possibly switch to republic circlet for a grand total of +21% magic attack bonus, 31% with the staves.

