HNM Questions
Hi Faluzure, what i am asking for may be a little out of topic. But i would greatly appreciate it if you can answer my queries.
As a member of a HNM shell, what kind of damage do you deal against the Gods in Tulia? For example, Genbu and Seiryu are really easy to nuke, with Thunder IV and Blizzard IV respectively. But Byakko and Suzuka tend to give me trouble as i get tons of resists. What kind of spells do you use against them and do you think bards threnody and skillchains would help to lessen resists to a useful extent? Kirin is another pain in the neck, as i get heavily resisted often. The best way to deal damage against it, i found was ES + Aeroga III but i can only do it once per 10min which is not so good.
Hi Faluzure, what i am asking for may be a little out of topic. But i would greatly appreciate it if you can answer my queries.
As a member of a HNM shell, what kind of damage do you deal against the Gods in Tulia? For example, Genbu and Seiryu are really easy to nuke, with Thunder IV and Blizzard IV respectively. But Byakko and Suzuka tend to give me trouble as i get tons of resists. What kind of spells do you use against them and do you think bards threnody and skillchains would help to lessen resists to a useful extent? Kirin is another pain in the neck, as i get heavily resisted often. The best way to deal damage against it, i found was ES + Aeroga III but i can only do it once per 10min which is not so good.