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New BLM Igqira/Genie Armor - An Analyzation

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  • New BLM Igqira/Genie Armor - An Analyzation

    This has been posted in one of the main forum threads about the new armor from CoP in general. However, since I wrote a response pertaining to the BLM only set, I thought it would be informative to right it in the job discussions section. This is an analyzation on the new Igqira/Genie set in comparision to the existing sets.

    Currently, in order to get the "best equipped" Black Mage, you need to mix and match different pieces from different sets (Zenith, Errant, AF2, etc.) Many high level BLMs already complain about the lack of Black Mage focused items. CoP has fixed that and the Igqira set is awesome. However, there are certain pieces that I wouldn't want to replace with my current gear. For those of you that want to plan out your equipment, here's a list of which Igqira pieces & their corresponding equip slot:

    Igqira Tiara - Head
    DEF:20 Evasion+10 Enfeebling magic skill +10 Physical damage: "Curse" effect on opponent

    Igqira Weskit - Body
    DEF:35 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+6 Elemental magic skill +5 "Conserve MP"+2 Physical damage: "Curse" effect on opponent

    Igqira Manillas - Hands
    DEF:11 Elemental magic skill +5 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+2 Physical damage: "Curse" effect on opponent

    Igqira Lappa - Pants
    DEF:30 Evasion+10 Enfeebling magic skill +10 Physical damage: "Curse" effect on opponent

    Igqira Huaraches - Feet
    DEF:15 Enhancing magic skill +8 Dark magic skill +4 Enmity+2 "Conserve MP"+4

    Now that you know which armor belongs to the corresponding equip slot, you can plan accordingly. As with every other job, you have to mix and match pieces from different sets in order to get to your ideally equipped job.

    The faults with the Igqira set is that they have no Emnity Minus stats. The Errant, the BLM AF1/AF2, as well as the Zenith set all has Emnity Minus attributes. We Black Mages already do a lot of damage and sometimes we have to control our power. Too much spell damage can really take away the hate from the tank and can cause some problems. I have a friend and an LS friend who has all HQ items for their BLM. They try not to cast too much because they just do too much damage.

    Another fault, the Igqira set has no MP+. You have to balance the two a bit. Some Black Mages play for Mana balance rather than straightfoward nuke power. The Zenith set accomplishes that.

    In my opinion as a Elvaan Black Mage, I have to balance both damage and mana as well as choose pieces that benefit my job. I now know that I do not want the Igqira Manillas, Tiara, or the Lappa. Here is my opinion on each as well as existing BLM gear. Again, this is my opinion, but I think it would ring true to all the Black Mages out there...

    Head Pieces:
    Igqira Tiara: I have no use for the Enfeebling Magic skill. Yes it is a part of my arsenal of spells, but that is not entirely what I want to focus on. I currently use the Zenith Crown and Demon's Helm (interchanging them depending on the situation). Depending on the current conquest situation, you would find it beneficial to use the Republic Circlet over anything else.
    Republic Circlet: DEF: 12 [WND]+4 [ERT]+4 In areas inside own nation's control: Magic Atk. Bonus+5

    Hand Pieces:
    Igqira Manillas: The Elemental Magic skill is a nice touch, but my Zenith Mitts has Magic Attack Bonus +5 plus 50 HP to MP. I'd rather keep my Zenith Mitts. Those of you that have the BLM AF2 Sorcerer's Gloves: DEF:15 MP+24 Enmity-2 Dark Magic skill+10 Magic Burst Bonus can swap these with the Igqira Manillas (Using the manillas for regular nuke and swapping AF2 for MB nukes).

    Body Pieces:
    Igqira Weskit: This is probably the *best* Igqira piece. Not only do you get Elemental Magic Skill (something a BLM actually uses) but you also get a dab of Conserve MP as well as a superior Magic Attack Bonus. Right now I have the Errant Houppelande: DEF: 42 STR-7 DEX-7 VIT-7 AGI-7 INT+10 MND+10 CHR+10 Enmity-3 MP Regeneration While Healing+5. The Igqira overshadows the BLM AF2 Sorcerer's Coat: DEF:41 MP+12 Enmity-2 Adds "Refresh" effect Elemental Magic skill+5. Refresh is nice but when would you actually use it over the Igqira? If healing, I would still keep the Errant Houppelande for the Healing-MP recovery. If you're in an area where you cannot rest but need MP, then the AF2 would come in handy.

    Leg Pieces:
    Igqira Lappa: Again, I have no use for Enfeebling Magic skill. At level 75, my spells will either stick or they won't. If I must get them to stick (like sleep or bind), I use Elemental Seal. I would much rather use the Errant Slops: DEF:38 STR-5 DEX-5 VIT-5 AGI-5 INT+7 MND+7 CHR+7 Enmity-3. Those of you that have the BLM AF2 Sorcerer's Tonban can keep using those conditionally as you normally do. (Conditionally meaning wearing them only when the spell you are using is on the same day of that element).

    Feet Pieces:
    Igqira Huaraches: These are a nice touch with the Conserve MP+4, but Conserve MP is a random attribute. I currently have the Zenith Pumps: INT+2 CHR+2 Converts 50 HP to MP. I lose 2 INT with this. Some Black Mages may find this acceptable but remember, I'm Elvaan. My dream feet are the BLM AF2 Sorcerer's Sabots: DEF:14 MP+18 INT+2 Enmity-1 ConserveMP+5. This piece is much better than the Igqira Huaraches on more than just Conserve MP. The Huaraches has Emnity, something you want to avoid as a Blackmage. Not to mention, the AF2 Sabots have MP+ and INT+.

    That's my 2 cents. Peace out blackmages! Hope this helps in your planning.
    Character: Faluzure
    Server: Quetzalcoatl
    Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
    Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
    Black Mage Profile
    Red Mage Profile
    Summoner Profile

  • #2
    Nice analysis Faluzure, I was actually having trouble making decisions on which peices of which sets to have at my end game.

    Much appreciated!

    Clothcraft - 88.1+1


    • #3
      Re: New BLM Igqira/Genie Armor - An Analyzation

      Originally posted by Faluzure
      Head Pieces:
      Igqira Tiara: I have no use for the Enfeebling Magic skill. Yes it is a part of my arsenal of spells, but that is not entirely what I want to focus on. I currently use the Zenith Crown and Demon's Helm (interchanging them depending on the situation). Depending on the current conquest situation, you would find it beneficial to use the Republic Circlet over anything else.
      Republic Circlet: DEF: 12 [WND]+4 [ERT]+4 In areas inside own nation's control: Magic Atk. Bonus+5.
      I have had the Bastokan Circlet (+3 instead of +5) a long time, but I actualy do less damage with it equipped than with my AF hat. Wizard's Petasos, Zenith Crown, and Sorcerer's Petasos all look better to me than the ones you mentioned. :p


      • #4
        Im going to laugh histerically when blms across vana d'iel start falling at the hands of enemies because of this armor. Poor tanks.

        No -enmity and all that magic attack+....scary.
        /ja "poop pants" me

        My Character!

        Tu'Lia is COOL!


        • #5
          does anyone know the recipes for this gear? i have the tiara, but have seen none of the other pieces surface as of yet...i'm guessing that some of the materials for the other pieces might be found only in cop areas though...if you have any info pls let me know...
          ulmo | "falling down sucks" -djm 03/29/03
          clothcraft 100+3, leathercraft 60+1, goldsmithing 60+1, all others 60

          halloween (mule)
          leathercraft 100+3, clothcraft 60, alchemy 20


          • #6
            Wizards of arcane power.

            This new set is maybe the reason to why they lowered "Cover" to 3 mins instead? ^^


            • #7
              For me, I focus strictly on pure damage. As a taru, I don't care much for +mp, while trying to balance damage and enmity. A lot of the time, I fight mobs in duos (like Capricious Cassie, or Amikiri) which has no purpose for me to even wear enmity items. With this being said, if you really want to focus on damage, I'd recommend this setup:

              Head: Demon's Helm -- this is good just for the extra +1int you get over the BLM AF1 hat, but not really a neccessity. Although if you can get a +1 version of the Demon's helm, then you'd be rockin.

              Body: Igqira Weskit -- the Magic Attack Bonus +6 alone is the best thing about this armor. That's an additional 6% damage to your overall base damage. That's at least a good 30 extra damage compared to Errant gear. A +1 version (Genie Weskit?) would be to die for... *drool*.

              Gloves: Zenith Mitts by far. There's no comparison for this.

              Legs: I wish they could have swapped the Igqira hands and leggings, so that you could get magic attack damage on the leggings, but unfortunately this didn't happen. I currently wear a +1 Errant Slops because no other legging armor gives substantial damage.

              Feet: Sorcerer's Sabots all the way. I was so happy when I got my very own pair, hehe. I totally cherish them. If you aren't lucky enough to get this, then I'd recommend the Zenith Pumps.

              So if you want to be a godly damaging BLM, this is the setup you need...
              Head: Demon's Helm+1
              Armor: Genie Weskit
              Hands: Zenith Mitts+1
              Legs: Errant Slops+1
              Feet: Sorcerer's Sabots

              Good luck!
              The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


              • #8
                /looks at whm's noble set
                /looks at noble tunic
                good shit don't come easy
                /rolls eyes

                if my guess is not wrong
                there will be an hnm in �骸谷 (valley of thousand bone/corps) and that hnm will drop you the ingredient to make that body piece
                omfgbbq ;3


                • #9
                  my endgame set looks like:

                  AF1 hat (-enmity and some int)
                  Igqira Weskit (+6 magic atk bonus)
                  Zenith mitts (+5 magic atk bonus)
                  Errant slops (cant afford HQ)
                  Errant feet (-enmity and dont have af2 feet /sulk)
                  add in a Moldavite earring for +16 Magic atk bonus x_x it
                  Clothcraft Veteran


                  • #10

                    Isn't the idea to get hate for a brief moment? If I read correctly, you give curse to the opponent. So, wouldn't you start the fight with a spell just strong enough to get the monster's attention, then the THF SATA's onto the tank who provokes? After that, fighting like normal. That way the monster is cursed and the fight is shorter.

                    I mean, of course it's dangerous, but couldn't it theoretically work?
                    4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


                    • #11
                      Re: Curse

                      Originally posted by Balodoth
                      Isn't the idea to get hate for a brief moment? If I read correctly, you give curse to the opponent. So, wouldn't you start the fight with a spell just strong enough to get the monster's attention, then the THF SATA's onto the tank who provokes? After that, fighting like normal. That way the monster is cursed and the fight is shorter.

                      I mean, of course it's dangerous, but couldn't it theoretically work?
                      thats a really bad idea^^
                      Wandering Minstrel~


                      • #12
                        I'm sure all that magic attk will work just super on all those HNMs and Gods that resist me w/ 320 elemental skill


                        • #13
                          Re: Curse

                          Originally posted by Balodoth
                          Isn't the idea to get hate for a brief moment? If I read correctly, you give curse to the opponent. So, wouldn't you start the fight with a spell just strong enough to get the monster's attention, then the THF SATA's onto the tank who provokes? After that, fighting like normal. That way the monster is cursed and the fight is shorter.

                          I mean, of course it's dangerous, but couldn't it theoretically work?
                          From what I can tell, the new set is more oriented at giving BLM's a better chance with farming, or at least soloing anyways. Magic Attack Bonus is great and all, but it doesn't make a lick of a difference when you are getting resisted all the time.

                          I wonder how curse effect effects enemy mobs, and in addition, if having multiple peices of it give the effect, how that effects it as well. Also, how frequently the effect procs (if its an additional curse upon every hit, this'll make AoE farming *much* easier. Picture AoE farming a whole bunch of cockatrices that thanks to curse can't keep up with you, and when you have them all together have almost no HP, so only one -ga will kill them all) will determien how useful it is.
                          For The Horde!!
                          Current Gil total spent on gear:
                          Current Gil Value of gear:
                          Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                          • #14
                            Well, in terms of HNMs... You're going to get resisted no matter what gear you're wearing and no matter what race you are. Those of you that are 75, tell me the last time you actually had absolutely no resists on one of the god HNMs during the entire fight. It's very rare that you would have 100% effectiveness the entire fight.

                            To comment on Balodoth, it is possible that you *could* do this however I wouldn't do it, even as an Elvaan with 900 HP. If you do this, it is best you are a RDM with Stoneskin and Phalanx prior to the fight because we BLMs are very fragile. If it is indeed like the real curse, then the reduce HP, MP, and movement would be nice to kill the enemies faster. However, there's 2 things I'd like to point out:
                            1)Just as any armor with an effect, it seems it is a chance of that effect happening. It isn't 100%; just like that one armor with Ice Spikes. Ice Spikes isn't an effect 100% of the time.
                            2) As with any enfeeblement effect, you have a chance to resist. So if you're fighting really tough mobs (especially in XP PTs), it is still possible that the Curse effect will be resisted if it happens. By no means should you deliberately nuke the mob at the beginning of the battle just for a chance for Curse to stick, because you don't know if it will. This in turn will lead to your demise unless you had Stoneskin and Phalanx (again, with RDM sub only). Stoneskin doesn't last long alone...

                            The curse in general however points to AtraposBLM's response in farming. When farming, the mobs are usually weaker than you and the Curse should stick when activated.

                            Also, to comment on the elemental magic skill... remember... the Merit Point system has been expanded. You can now level up any kind of skill that your job owns. I know instead of focusing on INT on my Merit Points, I will now level up my Elemental Magic skill.
                            Character: Faluzure
                            Server: Quetzalcoatl
                            Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                            Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                            Black Mage Profile
                            Red Mage Profile
                            Summoner Profile


                            • #15
                              I have used my first merit point on ele skill.

                              The first point gave me +2 to elemental skill.

                              And as far as the new equips. I would only use the body in conjunction w/ either the AF2 hat or the elite beret, as those combos would yield +15 (same as w/ AF2 body) and +9 elemental skill accordingly. There is no way I'm giving up AF gloves and +15 ele skill, or any ele skill for that matter, for magic attack bonus when fighting anything of consequence.

                              As soon as I get the new body crafted tonite, I'll make sure to report how it perfoms on sky gods and such in comparison to my other body pieces.

