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lvl 60 equip dilemna

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  • #16
    Staves > Sleepga II > Torque

    I usually tend to say get the spells you need first, but considering what you said you're planning on doing the next few levels... that is the order I would purchase them.

    All 3 are needed in the endgame so you'll have to get them all anyways.:spin:

    Clothcraft - 88.1+1


    • #17
      Originally posted by Tetsura
      talked to a good friend ingame today about Agas, mainly i asked was he tough. She replyed that he wasnt. I had heard that Agas was quite dificult so i asked how many people it took, 12? 18? She says 6.

      Now i trust this person alot, and she's been lvl 75 for as long as i've known her, and speaks japanese fluently as well as english. Also she's quite modest so i cant see her fabricating a story to impress people.

      Is it possible your over-estimating Agas's strength/dificulty?
      6 lv75 people might be able to do it. The thing is Aga's casts a lot of Aga III spells (Hence his name), so if you have your healers close up, they'll get rocked by the AoE. If you move them back, they'll get aggro'd by crabs, and then you have mobs that are really annoying to deal with as aggro's. The mob himself wouldn't be that bad with 6 lv75's, and is about level with what I said (12 lv70's). It's just that the area he's in sucks, his AoE all sucks lol.
      For The Horde!!
      Current Gil total spent on gear:
      Current Gil Value of gear:
      Laughing when new players complain about prices:


      • #18
        BTW as far as the original post goes, my advice is that you NEVER spend more than 8k on earrings. End game both earrings you will want are rare/ex, moldavite and abyssal, you don't need the mp, 1 or 2 int for 70-1mil gil isn't worth it.
        The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

        My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


        • #19
          thanks for all the replies everyone

          I'm lvl 65 now (@9k so will be 66 tonight), i have a full static pt that meets 5 days a week for 4 hours a night so i'm lvling very quickly, but as always gil is a problem. I have forgone the idea of buying a morion earring or healer's earring for that matter and will wait for the Abyssmal earring. I've also since bought a thunder staff (131k), but am holding off on Fire untill i can figure out how to spend my money.

          Here's a short update on equip prices and items now needed:

          Fire Staff: 195~200k still
          Sleepga II: 170~200k (it seems to vary widely between the 2)
          Aquilo's Staff: 500k still
          Elemental Torque: 600k!! (soon after i hit 62 it leaped in 1 night from ~420k to 600k and has since stayed there)
          Black Cloak: 180~200k (used to be 95k -_-)

          Then of course there's the small extras like Arcachne obi, and phantom tathlum (replace morion tathlum).

          Problem is i have to be much more conservative about my money now that i'm lvling much too fast to keep up in gil (lvl once every 3 days). And i'm at 290k on hand and another 200kish in AH atm.

          I'm thinking Black Cloak is probably top priority so there goes about 190k, i'd like elemental torque... but it's not worth shelling out 600k atm when i need other things as well imho.

          Also, I've completed the quests working up to Sleepga II quest. So i will hopefully be able to get help and finish that soon which might save me some gil. If anyone has any sagely advice, or has been in this same situation before please help me

          Fuk it, Cut the cord...


          • #20
            The order I would get the stuff in would be:

            Black Cloak > Elemental Torque > Sleepga II > Fire staff > Aquilo staff

            I'm assuming you have an Ice Staff(if you said you did I'm sorry my memory is teh suck ^^) so the only reason to upgrade to an Aquilo would be if you have extra gil laying around(the +5% dmg on Ice spells is nice...but in a few levels you wouln't be using Blizzard III so much as you get your IV line of spells).

            Black Cloak is what you'll be wearing up until errants, and even past them depending on what mobs you fight, and thus you definately should shell out the cash for that. Next is the elemental torque, which you'll be wearing forever and ever and ever. It really does help with resists, and if you manage to get the cash for that before 68 then get it first, otherwise go with the cloak.

            Sleepga II is nice, but you said you had a BRD, and they can take care of just about anything. For those who said Sleepga II overides all sleep spells, it doesn't :X Sleep II = Sleepga II > Sleep = Sleepga. Go outside and try it, after Sleep II a Sleepga II will have no effect. Sleepga II lasts longer than Lullaby though.

            The Fire Staff is nice, but like the Aquilo the only reason to get it to would be to use with Fire spells, and you'll stop using Fire III as a main spell pretty soon, so it's really not all that needed for a while yet.

            Another thing you may want to look at is spell cost. On Garuda Water IV and Aero IV both have rather outrageous prices: 250K and 90K respectively. But you don' t really have to worry about those yet.
            75 BLM, 38 WHM, 42 SMN, 11 THF
            Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 7 Windurst
            95 Fishing, 79 Woodworking, 34 Smithing, 51 Alchemy
            Lu Shang, Fishing Apron, Waders aquired!
            Fenrir 6 Bernart 2


            • #21
              have you gotten a moldavite earring?

              the earring makes a much bigger difference than even +1 phantom or morion earring

              also, consider getting the new iqqira stuff if you can afford it. the iqqira body is quite awesome with the +5 or 6 to magic atk bonus and elemental magic skill and the conserve mp +4 makes up for the fact that you lose refresh effect from black cloak and +mp healing from errant houpelande. the iqqira gloves are ok if you want something that's between zenith mitts and your af hands. iqqira pants are not worth it (they're worth more than the body on my server so definitely not). the one has made the feet on my server yet but i'm sure once they're made, they're going to sell like hotcakes since there really isn't many good feet pieces for blm :/

              one thing you MIGHT want to consider is getting astral rings. once you're at 75 and if you're fighting hnms, int becomes less important and mp moreso. so you may not have to buy those coveted snow rings . i have a snow ring but i hardly wear it when i go hnm hunting. int isn't nearly as important as elemental magic skill and having mp or using items that recover mp or save mp.

              also, astral rings are just useful across all mage jobs so it's just worth having if you want to level red mage, white mage, summoner, and bard (at low level).
              observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


              • #22
                Yes i have the moldavite earring (man it was anoying to get ). Maybe i should mention my pt and equip as it stands...

                Static Pt 65~67:
                Pld/war Hume
                War/nin Elvaan
                Drk/thf Hume
                Whm/smn Mithra
                Blm/whm Taru (me)
                Brd/whm Hume

                Whm has Vermillion and a bunch of +mp gear, War and Drk both have Hubergeons and snipers and such, Brd Opopo Crown +60~ chr, Pld got vit rings, mercenary earring, gluttony sword, and that kinda stuff. Then me, the gimp lol.

                Ice/Thunder/Dark Staffs
                Full AF
                Moldavite earring and Enhancing earring
                Morion tathlum
                druid's rope
                Zircon rings
                Black cape+1
                Black Silk Neckerchief

                Just hit 66, so i'll probably farm for phantom tathlum and stuffs tomorrow...

                We just got our Light SC going with Mistral Axe >> Spinning Slash and a Thundaga II MB. Was doing Swift Blade >> Cross Reaper before that with Pld (ya lots of haste lol) for Dark SC and a Waterga III MB. Should be moving to Gustav tunnel on friday for skels.

                Seems like the majority feel Staffs to be first priority, followed by Elemental magic skill, which seems a fair assesment. Looking forward to 69 for Firaga III on Light SC on skels, so i'd like to have a Fire staff by 69.

                Thanks for the replies, they're helping me alot to make my decision.

                Edit: forgot to mention that our static is planning on staying together untill 75 so it's safe to assume that for all intensive purposes my equipment will be catered to their needs. Also threnody rocks

                Fuk it, Cut the cord...


                • #23
                  remember to buy all your spells first before you buy equipment. having aero 4 and water 4 should be a priority over having a black cloak and such.
                  observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sadeira
                    remember to buy all your spells first before you buy equipment. having aero 4 and water 4 should be a priority over having a black cloak and such.
                    Actually, I would rather have the proper staves before buying the IV line of spells. I couldn't land better than 50-60% of my Water IV's without a water staff (it jumped to a good 90%+ with), and without water staff, my max damage was somewhere around 680, but the "consistent" damage for whenever I landed it well was only about 640 damage. Barely more effective than my 600 damage Blizzard III, and less effective than my 650 damage thunder III. With Water staff, I could land Water IV for 750 damage consistently - NOW it becomes a useful spell. If you don't have the proper staff, it's almost not even worth casting the spells without that staff (except on MB..where the 10% difference is STILL huge). In EXP situations, there's really no reason to ever cast Water IV at lv70. Without water staff, it's a waste of MP. With Water Staff, unless you have a high-quality tank, or a paladin that's getting tricked on, 750 damage in one shot pretty much rips hate 8 out of 10 times you cast it.

                    Plus, aside from Water IV and Aero IV, none of the IV line is much more than 10k. AND most mobs aren't weak to yes, maybe consider buying Water (although you'll mainly be exping on things that are weak to ice, thunder, and fire) IV, but Aero IV you can buy whenever you find yourself wanting it (pretty much never, as Firaga III is your best light burst until Thundaga III, and Blizzaga III is your best dark burst, and you get it at lv71...same time you get aero IV).

                    If for some reason you're in a really weird party, and you'd be bursting Aero IV...then maybe buy it before getting other staves, but I honestly don't intend to buy it until my gear is complete, or I hit lv75, or I get one of those random ass parties that needs it for something.
                    For The Horde!!
                    Current Gil total spent on gear:
                    Current Gil Value of gear:
                    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                    • #25
                      sleepga2 is absolutely necessary, and for whoever it was saying sleepga2 doesnt overwrite sleep2 is absolutely right, but considering the cooldown on sleep2 is around 25-30 seconds ( i dont remember exactly) sleepga2 will get them all slept at the same time. In regards to bcnm60s, sleepga2 stacks on top of bard sleep, making them stay slept much longer. in all bcnm situations, i have been a sleeper first, and a nuker secondary. for kindred seal bcnms you will also need sleepga2 if you do spiders. also, if they are going to take you to do the bc60s just because you have sleepga2, you will be making the money back anyways from the items that drop from the bc. so you pretty much get the spell which is necessary, and maybe some extra cash.


                      • #26
                        i have to agree, the staves make all the difference. the spells shouldn't be a problem, except water IV and maybe aero IV, but if your party is nuke dependent (like most of mine), elemental torque and black cloak should be a high, high priority. by nuke dependent, i mean 40% or more of the damage comes from me, each battle. i don't plan on buying water IV...i'll get it some day, but i have much better things to spend my money on (like more staves ).

                        in bcnm battles where i have access to sleepga II, this is what i usually do...start the battle off with elemental seal + sleepga (for those sleep resistant bastards, like anticans) and then follow up with sleepga II about 45 seconds in...voila, 2 minutes and 15 seconds of uninterrupted ant bashing. oh yeah, it just so happens that the antican bc60 drops elemental torque . i have to agree with deadsoulja on our role in bcnm battles. sleep first, buff up, prepare to take a few hits, and if you have extra mp and if there's absolutely nothing to do, nuke once or twice...but i'd rather take the time to rest for more mp.

                        Barely more effective than my 600 damage Blizzard III, and less effective than my 650 damage thunder III.
                        /sigh...i guess thats the taru difference -_-;;. i thought i was gimped until i partied with other blms, all of whom were higher leveled than me (70-71 while i'm at 68-69), yet i consistently outdamaged them by 10-50 points, depending on spell and upwards of 100 on MBs (hume, taru, elvaan, it was pretty much the same). then i realized, i'm not really gimped at all! but comes atrapos with his spells dishing out 40-50 more than mine :mad: maybe i should've gone taru :sweat: k...sorry, i'm done.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by riceburner4540
                          i have to agree, the staves make all the difference. the spells shouldn't be a problem, except water IV and maybe aero IV, but if your party is nuke dependent (like most of mine), elemental torque and black cloak should be a high, high priority. by nuke dependent, i mean 40% or more of the damage comes from me, each battle. i don't plan on buying water IV...i'll get it some day, but i have much better things to spend my money on (like more staves ).

                          in bcnm battles where i have access to sleepga II, this is what i usually do...start the battle off with elemental seal + sleepga (for those sleep resistant bastards, like anticans) and then follow up with sleepga II about 45 seconds in...voila, 2 minutes and 15 seconds of uninterrupted ant bashing. oh yeah, it just so happens that the antican bc60 drops elemental torque . i have to agree with deadsoulja on our role in bcnm battles. sleep first, buff up, prepare to take a few hits, and if you have extra mp and if there's absolutely nothing to do, nuke once or twice...but i'd rather take the time to rest for more mp.

                          /sigh...i guess thats the taru difference -_-;;. i thought i was gimped until i partied with other blms, all of whom were higher leveled than me (70-71 while i'm at 68-69), yet i consistently outdamaged them by 10-50 points, depending on spell and upwards of 100 on MBs (hume, taru, elvaan, it was pretty much the same). then i realized, i'm not really gimped at all! but comes atrapos with his spells dishing out 40-50 more than mine :mad: maybe i should've gone taru :sweat: k...sorry, i'm done.

                          When you hit lv70, you'll find all your spells suddenly take a 30-or so point jump in damage. So the taru difference is actually only 10-20 damage, which is nothing major. Although you *do* probably have more +INT gear than I You might only gain 25 or so damage...but still, lv70 gives us our last Magic Attack Bonus, which results in a *noticeable* increase in damage. Don't feel too bad. If I was outdamaging you by 40-50 points when you were also lv70...then you could feel saddened by not being taru....but I'm pretty sure you'll be fine
                          For The Horde!!
                          Current Gil total spent on gear:
                          Current Gil Value of gear:
                          Laughing when new players complain about prices:

