Back when I was in my early 50s I would look at the AH and go 'Wow that must be so awesome!' to higher level gear etc etc etc. Well Im higher level now and richer, and I got most of the stuff I want. Ive been looking at the HQ staffs, but does anyone know if they FURTHER help lower resist rates compaired to the regular staffs? I know they help more damage, but what about lower resist rates? And if I were to get the HQs, which ones should I start with? I was thinking Ice staff because on really hard stuff, the +10 ele skill also helps resists against hard stuff, and the HQ part of it might also help. So anyway below is my gear, and if anyone has any ideas of what I can get (besides cursed gear or af2 stuff) please lemme know. ^^
Fire/Ice/Wind/Thunder/Dark Staff
Phantom Thally
Ele Torque
Moldy Earring
Healers Earring
Black Cloak (also have on me AF body/hat)
AF Gloves
Blue Cloak ( I
that 30 MP)
Merc Capt Belt (I have Ocean Rope for 70)
RSE Pants (I have the RSE on me)
RSE Boots
Fire/Ice/Wind/Thunder/Dark Staff
Phantom Thally
Ele Torque
Moldy Earring
Healers Earring
Black Cloak (also have on me AF body/hat)
AF Gloves
Blue Cloak ( I

Merc Capt Belt (I have Ocean Rope for 70)
RSE Pants (I have the RSE on me)
RSE Boots