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What to get?

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  • What to get?

    Back when I was in my early 50s I would look at the AH and go 'Wow that must be so awesome!' to higher level gear etc etc etc. Well Im higher level now and richer, and I got most of the stuff I want. Ive been looking at the HQ staffs, but does anyone know if they FURTHER help lower resist rates compaired to the regular staffs? I know they help more damage, but what about lower resist rates? And if I were to get the HQs, which ones should I start with? I was thinking Ice staff because on really hard stuff, the +10 ele skill also helps resists against hard stuff, and the HQ part of it might also help. So anyway below is my gear, and if anyone has any ideas of what I can get (besides cursed gear or af2 stuff) please lemme know. ^^

    Fire/Ice/Wind/Thunder/Dark Staff
    Phantom Thally
    Ele Torque
    Moldy Earring
    Healers Earring
    Black Cloak (also have on me AF body/hat)
    AF Gloves
    Blue Cloak ( I that 30 MP)
    Merc Capt Belt (I have Ocean Rope for 70)
    RSE Pants (I have the RSE on me)
    RSE Boots
    Kuno's super cool stats!
    Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

    Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
    Lushang's: Ok!

  • #2
    Geez.. you really love your +mp.. I know your a hume.. but you have like no +int e.E;

    If you where to get a HQ staff get Ice first, then dark.


    • #3
      I'm in the same boat as you my friend. I had ice,wind,water,fire thunder and dark staves, and the same gear as you cept astral and serket ( taru hehe), and of course i'm not wearing rse :p. Yesterday i spent 1.2million on an acquilo's staff, and i can say i'm enjoying it so far! Out damaging a 71 taru blm when i'm 69 is priceless, and so much fun .
      I'm going to be buying a fire staff or thunder staff +1 soon, but the 2-3mil price tag will hurt
      All HQ elemental staves
      Republic circlet obtained w00t.
      Tiamat trouncer : O
      World Serpent Slayer : O
      Vrtra Vanquisher : O


      • #4
        >Geez.. you really love your +mp.. I know your a hume.. but you have like no +int e.E;

        I see INT as useless.

        >If you where to get a HQ staff get Ice first, then dark.

        I was wondering about this.. Dark+1 wont help heal more when resting, so I dont think Id really need this except for more aspir/drain, and I dont think thats really worth the price tag on it.

        >and of course i'm not wearing rse :p.

        >.< Hey if you can find something better then RSE pants/shoes for hume, I'd like to hear it. BLM af shoes SUCK! >.< (Im hoping to get AF2 for that spot)

        > I'm going to be buying a fire staff or thunder staff +1 soon, but the 2-3mil price tag will hurt

        All the HQ staffs on Baha are around 400k. :x But anyway, Im mostly thinking about Ice fire and thunder.. but I'll get the ice first. ^^ I see water/earth staffs are pretty much uesless for me. I NEVER cast water or earth spells, because they suck and theres always something better. I just got Wind Staff because I didnt want all my aero spells to be either gimp (with ice staff) or crappy (with no staff at all).
        Kuno's super cool stats!
        Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

        Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
        Lushang's: Ok!


        • #5
          Let me move servers SE :D
          All HQ elemental staves
          Republic circlet obtained w00t.
          Tiamat trouncer : O
          World Serpent Slayer : O
          Vrtra Vanquisher : O


          • #6
            oh btw i meant i'm not using RSE cos taru RSE sucks , didn't mean to say you shouldn't hehe
            All HQ elemental staves
            Republic circlet obtained w00t.
            Tiamat trouncer : O
            World Serpent Slayer : O
            Vrtra Vanquisher : O


            • #7
              What does a HQ dark staff add to the mix? other then increased drains/aspirs and likely a better chance for sleeping.

              HQ dark staff is about 400k on my server but Aquilo's is just under 500k so i think the choice would be obvious to go with Aquilo's, is there something i dont know here?

              Fuk it, Cut the cord...


              • #8
                Nah not that i know of . Bah dark staff +1 is 700k here and ice staff +1 is sitting at 1.2mil > 1.6mil
                All HQ elemental staves
                Republic circlet obtained w00t.
                Tiamat trouncer : O
                World Serpent Slayer : O
                Vrtra Vanquisher : O

