I have been partying with a NIN tank lately and was looking for any pointers how we can work together better.
We always have a THF, but they insisit on starting the mob off with a SC 1/2 the time. So I usually end up pulling hate on the mob and can't really nuke the rest of the fight.
I'll do burn, then it goes enpi >> viper >> blizz2, mob comes right for me ; ; Than I can't even get away with casting another level 2 nuke the rest of the fight.
Even when they do the renkei towards the end of the fight and I have the chance to burst waterga2 about 70% of the time I manage to pull the mob towards me. So I end up casting blizz2 instead for less damage.
I really would like to do some good damage. Currently I do about 600-800 per fight but I need up sitting there bored and finish the fights with tons of mana. I know I can do well over 1000 per fight and still have mana for the chains but we cant seem to get hate under control.
I am very used to hate bubble since whm was my main job, but I did static with a PLD and this is my first time trying this with a NIN tank.
any advice? The nin is willing to spend money and uses powders to help draw hate. We try for a NIN, THF, WHM, BLM + bard or redmage, and whatever for the 3rd melee.
Oh and I'm currently lvl 48...but I can't see it getting any better since at lvl 51 I will have +3 more INT and staves for more dmg...
thanks in advance^^
*** Maybe I should post in NIN board?
I have been partying with a NIN tank lately and was looking for any pointers how we can work together better.
We always have a THF, but they insisit on starting the mob off with a SC 1/2 the time. So I usually end up pulling hate on the mob and can't really nuke the rest of the fight.
I'll do burn, then it goes enpi >> viper >> blizz2, mob comes right for me ; ; Than I can't even get away with casting another level 2 nuke the rest of the fight.
Even when they do the renkei towards the end of the fight and I have the chance to burst waterga2 about 70% of the time I manage to pull the mob towards me. So I end up casting blizz2 instead for less damage.
I really would like to do some good damage. Currently I do about 600-800 per fight but I need up sitting there bored and finish the fights with tons of mana. I know I can do well over 1000 per fight and still have mana for the chains but we cant seem to get hate under control.
I am very used to hate bubble since whm was my main job, but I did static with a PLD and this is my first time trying this with a NIN tank.
any advice? The nin is willing to spend money and uses powders to help draw hate. We try for a NIN, THF, WHM, BLM + bard or redmage, and whatever for the 3rd melee.
Oh and I'm currently lvl 48...but I can't see it getting any better since at lvl 51 I will have +3 more INT and staves for more dmg...
thanks in advance^^
*** Maybe I should post in NIN board?