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Emergency Sleep Macro

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  • Emergency Sleep Macro

    Hey all,

    I don't know why, but I'm drawing a blank right now (brain fart?) on setting up an emergency sleep macro. Is this setup correct?

    /ja "Elemental Seal" <me>
    /wait 1
    /ma "Sleep" (or Sleepga or Sleepga II etc) <t>

    Keeping in mind I'd target the mob I wanted to sleep before I popped the Macro, is this correct, or would the target stay on me because of the first line of the macro?

    Thanks for any help ^^
    RDM 56 / DRG 36 / BLM 34 / THF 30 / WHM 24 / WAR 17
    NIN 12 / BST 8 / MNK 7 / SMN 5 / RNG 1 / DRK 1
    San d'Oria Rank 5
    AF: 2/6
    Dark Staff: O
    Ice Staff: O
    Light Staff: O
    MND Gear
    INT Gear

  • #2
    If you arent in fighting stance and not autotargeting the mob you should first target the mob, then pop macro. I think this should work because the <me> in the macro shouldnt target you anymore after the macro.
    My Character:

    Genkai 1: (X)
    Genkai 2: (X)
    Genkai 3: ( )
    Genkai 4: ( )
    Genkai 5: ( )

    AF 1 (X)
    AF 2 (X)
    AF 3 (X)
    AF 4 (X)
    AF 5 (X)
    AF 6 (X)


    -Get Hauby
    -Get THF to 37
    -Get WAR to 37
    -Complete G3


    • #3
      Yes that'll work. I use the same Macro for emergencies.
      (/.\) (_.\);


      • #4
        Well I had a couple of chances to use it last night in the Desert and it worked. Thank's for the feedback, I don't know why my brain just wasn't working last night :sweat:
        RDM 56 / DRG 36 / BLM 34 / THF 30 / WHM 24 / WAR 17
        NIN 12 / BST 8 / MNK 7 / SMN 5 / RNG 1 / DRK 1
        San d'Oria Rank 5
        AF: 2/6
        Dark Staff: O
        Ice Staff: O
        Light Staff: O
        MND Gear
        INT Gear


        • #5
          You can also try:
          /ja "Elemental Seal" <me>
          /wait 1
          /ma "Sleep" <stnpc>

          This lets you not have to even worry about who/what is selected when you hit the macro. Hit the macro...wait a second, tab to the mob, and hit enter. Done

          If you have the mob already selected, same thing...hit macro...hit enter...done.
          For The Horde!!
          Current Gil total spent on gear:
          Current Gil Value of gear:
          Laughing when new players complain about prices:


          • #6
            I used to do that but the /wait got on my nerves and caused me to mistarget often. ><;;

            Also, I once wasted E.Seal and Sleep II on a WHM type Goblin with Blink up (his Blink ate my Sleep II, I was afraid to use Sleepga II because there were non-aggressive IT mobs near him) and he resisted my other attempts to sleep him eventually killing me.

            I have E. Seal next to my Sleep macros and use them seperate now. Me so clumsy ; ;


            • #7
              I use Atrapos's method, though, i dont have Sleepga II, (though i wish i did ) i havent really mistarged a mob, or gotten other IT's to aggro to me, i guess im lucky =) then again, Altep can be forgiving....somtimes....if there isnt a Earth Ele nearby.

              Also, if you do you a Sleep Macro, it might help to tell your party what ye plan on doing, i cant count the number of times ive put a mob to sleep, to have a WAR, or PLD hit it, then wonder why we are all running >.< If i have time, i also Bind it, but i normally i dont have that choice. heh =)

              Sig is the courtesy of Enishi, Remora Server

              BLM 75
              WHM 44
              SMN 50
              SAM 54

              BLM Relic: 4/5 :D (I've been lucky >.>)
              HQ Staves: 6
              Zenith Mitts: O :D
              Ugg. Pendant: X ; ;


              • #8
                Thanks Atrapos, I'll try switching in the <stnpc> to the macro.

                Usually I tell the party when it forms up (if I'm the only BLM) that if there's an add I'll try to sleep it first. If it's a JP party then they usually just figure on the BLM doing so, so I haven't had to fumble with the autotranslator in those parties.
                RDM 56 / DRG 36 / BLM 34 / THF 30 / WHM 24 / WAR 17
                NIN 12 / BST 8 / MNK 7 / SMN 5 / RNG 1 / DRK 1
                San d'Oria Rank 5
                AF: 2/6
                Dark Staff: O
                Ice Staff: O
                Light Staff: O
                MND Gear
                INT Gear


                • #9
                  You might want to consider a /p line in the macro, to let your party know what you're doing. I've seen a lot of melees panic at the sight of an add, and I'll sleep it only to have a melee jump on it and wake it up. Fun times.
                  74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


                  • #10
                    Here is what I use:

                    /panic <stnpc>
                    /p (Sleep) ⇒ <lastst>!!! <call17>
                    /ja �Elemental Seal" <me>
                    /wait 1
                    /ma "Sleep II" <lastst>

                    I perfer to see the subselect cursor as soon as I hit a macro, but for some reason, it does not work if I put it in the /p line.
                    Junior Member?

                    Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-

