Hello. Yesterday, I did my first BCNM40, and I ended up doing it four times. I was partying with a great brd, and people from my LS who I trust a lot, so we won each time we entered the BC. Before I went in, however, I was really nervous. I tried to find information on what a blm would do in this sort of situation, but there really was none. Even a, "It's not that hard" would've helped my nerves a lot.
So, I thought I'd post my experiences with BCNM40, and what I think is important. For blm, it's really not that hard. By the fourth run, it was all very routine. Most of the trick is having a good brd.
Our setup was: RDM/WHM (Main tank healer), WHM/SMN (Bard's main healer, subbed smn for extra mp), BLM/WHM (Me, DD), NIN/WAR (Tank), RNG/WAR (Melee DD), BRD/WHM (Mandy sleeper). We did Steamed Sprouts in Giddeus, and consistently won around 15 minutes.
It was an LS event, they did it 10ish times, I went on 4 of the runs. They only lost once (on a run I wasn't on), because the brd d/c'd.
1. Subjob
I would really recommend having a whm subjob for this fight. Our setup was RDM/WHM/BLM/BRD/RNG/NIN, and even with the RDM/WHM, and the WHM, I still ended up using Paralyna on the tanks a few times per battle. It's not really necessary if you have as many healers as we did, but it was useful. I'd say definitely have whm subbed if you only have 1 main healer. If the brd gets paralyzed and the main healer is busy, and you have smn/rdm subbed... If you have a group you trust, with a whm or /whm healer, you could probably get away with subbing anything, though.
2. Food
I ran out of MP like nobody's business. All the mages I did this with had juices, and it was a BIG help. I'd say at least two juices per battle, three would be nice if you've got gil to spend. Stuff like pie really isn't even necessary, I don't think. After using my mp to below 200, I never really got above that again for the rest of the fight. Yagudo Drinks are the best (2000 a pop on Kujata), it seems, but towards the last run or two I was running low on gil, so I bought Melon Juice (700 per) instead.
3. Strategy
There isn't a humongous amount of strategy to this, but here's what I thought. Mostly, you just nuke stuff to death. The only mob I bothered casting enfeebles on was the Dvorovoi (big black super-Mandy). The Domovoi (white mandys) just went down too fast. The melee's skillchain was Fusion (Blade: Retsu > Flaming Arrow), which was nice, because I could burst with Fire II. My LS said I was doing a good job, so I think I did okay.
As for drops~
I'll just say I made about 200k.
I thought it would be interesting to see what any other blms had to say about doing BCNM40, or any of the higher BCNMs (50, 60, etc.) Post away!
So, I thought I'd post my experiences with BCNM40, and what I think is important. For blm, it's really not that hard. By the fourth run, it was all very routine. Most of the trick is having a good brd.
Our setup was: RDM/WHM (Main tank healer), WHM/SMN (Bard's main healer, subbed smn for extra mp), BLM/WHM (Me, DD), NIN/WAR (Tank), RNG/WAR (Melee DD), BRD/WHM (Mandy sleeper). We did Steamed Sprouts in Giddeus, and consistently won around 15 minutes.
It was an LS event, they did it 10ish times, I went on 4 of the runs. They only lost once (on a run I wasn't on), because the brd d/c'd.
1. Subjob
I would really recommend having a whm subjob for this fight. Our setup was RDM/WHM/BLM/BRD/RNG/NIN, and even with the RDM/WHM, and the WHM, I still ended up using Paralyna on the tanks a few times per battle. It's not really necessary if you have as many healers as we did, but it was useful. I'd say definitely have whm subbed if you only have 1 main healer. If the brd gets paralyzed and the main healer is busy, and you have smn/rdm subbed... If you have a group you trust, with a whm or /whm healer, you could probably get away with subbing anything, though.
2. Food
I ran out of MP like nobody's business. All the mages I did this with had juices, and it was a BIG help. I'd say at least two juices per battle, three would be nice if you've got gil to spend. Stuff like pie really isn't even necessary, I don't think. After using my mp to below 200, I never really got above that again for the rest of the fight. Yagudo Drinks are the best (2000 a pop on Kujata), it seems, but towards the last run or two I was running low on gil, so I bought Melon Juice (700 per) instead.
3. Strategy
There isn't a humongous amount of strategy to this, but here's what I thought. Mostly, you just nuke stuff to death. The only mob I bothered casting enfeebles on was the Dvorovoi (big black super-Mandy). The Domovoi (white mandys) just went down too fast. The melee's skillchain was Fusion (Blade: Retsu > Flaming Arrow), which was nice, because I could burst with Fire II. My LS said I was doing a good job, so I think I did okay.

As for drops~
I'll just say I made about 200k.

I thought it would be interesting to see what any other blms had to say about doing BCNM40, or any of the higher BCNMs (50, 60, etc.) Post away!