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Going to lvl Blm Plz help

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  • Going to lvl Blm Plz help

    Okay I need some advice on being a good blm if anyone could help...My main is lvl 30 Whm so im use to casting spells & nukeing somewhat but Any advice you can give me to make my Blm better would be very appreciated.


  • #2
    Okie, here we go!
    I'm not the best BLM ever, but I can give some helpful pointers to make you somewhat "decent" and such. :r

    Here's the first thing; "overnuking". I'm sure you know what this means, but who knows, some people might not. This term usually means the player is casting too much spells, to the point where the primary tank cannot keep the enmity (hate). Mages, espicially Black Mages, need to control themselves and make sure they don't overnuke. Otherwise, you'll... 1) die, 2) get bad rep, 3) etc.

    Next thing, the equipments. This goes for all jobs, but I still need to state it out. Don't have something like a Tunic at level20 when you can wear a Black/Mage's Tunic. Being uber cheap won't do you good, nor your parties. Also, as you probably know, Black Mages need to focus on getting as much Intelligence (INT), MP, and other various things. At lower levels, not much choices but focusing on INT and MP+. I know not all people are rich enough to buy 2 Morion Earring+1s when you hit 30, but at least have some MP+ stuff, yeah?

    Onto the 3rd; spells. This is just as important as the other two. If you're a level30 with only 1/2 the Black Magic spells you can learn, that's not good. If you're low on gil, you "can" try to sneak off by not learning some of the spells needed during EXP PTs, and buying them later.

    That's about all I have for right now, hope this helped. -,-
    Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


    • #3
      As a Taru, you wont need any +mp gear. Just put +mp in slots that you cant get +int in.

      Learn to MB ASAP if you dont know already.

      Like the above poster said, overnuking can be a problem, but so can undernuking.

      Also, a good idea after you get out of noob groups, is to save alot of your mp for the last 2 fights in a chain. Help heal in the first 2-3 fight, and MB, then unload as much as you can within reason on the last mob. It will increase the exp/hr by a good bit in some PTs.


      • #4
        When I started lvling my BLM I got a party in dunes with ppl who were rank6 (hawt) so they taught me how to magic burst right away.

        I would suggest getting some basic knowledge about weapon skills that your party members can do and how they chain IF your pt doesn't know how to make skill chains. The first thing that I memorized though whas what spells so magic burst on each skill chain (IE: Reverberation -> Water, Liquefaction -> Fire)
        There is no knowledge without experience.
        San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
        Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


        • #5
          "As a Taru, you wont need any +mp gear. Just put +mp in slots that you cant get +int in."

          I was thinking of saying that, but hey, if you put it that way; Tarus have the highest MP and INT, no? They can focus on INT to cast stronger spells, or have more MP to cast some more spells. I know every Tarutaru BLM focuses on INT+ rather than MP+ because they got plenty of MP, but it really all depends on what people want, na? People low on gil tend to buy MP+ items, 'cause they tend to cost "a lot" cheaper. Anyways, just know MP+ equipments arn't "BAD", but INT+ could be more useful.

          I totally forgot about Magic Bursts, gomen! You can find some random renkei chart and learn about the elements. Magic Bursts make a great difference during EXP PTs, as you'll be creating lots of Skillchains and more damage/accuracy+ from your spells can't hurt.

          "Like the above poster said, overnuking can be a problem, but so can undernuking. "

          Yeah, like Erasmus said (thanks for pointing it out), undernuking can be bad too. Until about 40, I was known for my overnuking problems, and it wasn't a good thing. I have a death count of about 600, most of them dying at lower stages 'cause of overnuking. So then, I started casting less spells, and that's when I started "undernuking". BLMs have to be careful and precise while casting, you have to keep up with the damage, while not stealing the hate.
          Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


          • #6
            The first fight I'm I get into in a new party, I tell my tank that I'll be pulling hate. I tell him to do his job normally, but to cover me if I end up pulling too much hate, but nothing else special. Then, since you have a lot of time to recover to get chain 1, I unload, carefully watching how the mob reacts, and how the paladin reacts. Generally, after this fight, I can tell how many large nukes I can cast in a short period of time before gaining excessive hate. It differs with every paladin, and with how much MP / how many job abilities they have available. Always learn to pay attention to your tank, how he does his job, and whether or not you trust him to keep you alive. Certain paladins I knew I was going to die with, and did several times, but I move on, knowing that I did my job properly, accepted whatever raise was available, and went on with my job. If you die in an exp, don't flip out. Yes, the paladin probably could've saved you, but it's still your fault for overnuking. I get angry when something happens like the Paladin is stoned, I didn't catch it, so I nuke, get hate, and now the mob is glued to me, nobody can rip it off...and the whm cures the dark or something equally retarded. Then it's nobody's fault but the idiot whm...but that doesn't happen too often ^_^;

            As far as Taru's only focusing on INT, or only focusing on MP, I find that it's best to play as if you DON'T have the advantage of being taru. Meaning, do exactly what an elvaan/galka blm would be doing. Use 2 sets of gear, one for mp, one for int. Switch between the two as neccessary. The less you use your race as a crutch, the less those elvaan/galka blm's can say "Taru blm's are lazy and overnuke all the time". Learn to use equip-switching macro's early, and use them frequently.
            For The Horde!!
            Current Gil total spent on gear:
            Current Gil Value of gear:
            Laughing when new players complain about prices:


            • #7

              Okay thank you for the advice, It has come in really helpful...

