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Elvaan BLM Help ><

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  • #16
    I am an elvaan blm <just got lv56 tonight>, yay me ^^

    Being an elvaan, you need to keep your gear up to date, if you wanna compete with the lil tarus out there. Being elvaan doesnt hamper on invites, i get load of em, even when i dont want a pt.

    I have been getting my AF's, and some of them dont seem as good as my RSE, for example: (RSE Boots, +2 int, +20mp) (AF Boots, +2 agil, -20% spell interruption rate, -1 em.) I think thats the right stats. I dont know which ones to use Do i carry them both and switch off? or is one better than the other? Its about the same for the gloves to, RSE seem better. Anyone a high lv elvaan blm that could comment on what they used?


    • #17
      Originally posted by SamuraiX
      I am an elvaan blm <just got lv56 tonight>, yay me ^^

      Being an elvaan, you need to keep your gear up to date, if you wanna compete with the lil tarus out there. Being elvaan doesnt hamper on invites, i get load of em, even when i dont want a pt.

      I have been getting my AF's, and some of them dont seem as good as my RSE, for example: (RSE Boots, +2 int, +20mp) (AF Boots, +2 agil, -20% spell interruption rate, -1 em.) I think thats the right stats. I dont know which ones to use Do i carry them both and switch off? or is one better than the other? Its about the same for the gloves to, RSE seem better. Anyone a high lv elvaan blm that could comment on what they used?
      Commonly, any non-taru can switch in his/her RSE for the pant and shoe slot on the BLM af. Neither adds anything particularly helpful, although in the right situation they're handy to have. The pants will help your drain/aspirs land for full more often. The shoes help a bunch while trying to solo something that isn't really easy to solo. However, your RSE has much better stats. Therefore....carry both. Use your RSE regularly in exp partys, AF if you wanna match in town.

      However...the gloves are the best peice in the entire set of AF. +15 elemental magic skill makes you cast spells like a blm that is 2-3 levels higher than you. It's a big difference. Plus, there's really nothing else you'd *want* to wear on your hands anyways.
      For The Horde!!
      Current Gil total spent on gear:
      Current Gil Value of gear:
      Laughing when new players complain about prices:


      • #18
        thanks Atrapos ^^ that was really helpfull


        • #19
          Glad to be of service

          P.S. I like Naruto too
          For The Horde!!
          Current Gil total spent on gear:
          Current Gil Value of gear:
          Laughing when new players complain about prices:


          • #20
            I like naruto too =).
            I dont want to be off topic so...
            Yeah,im an elvaan blm....its pretty fun.
            AtraposBLM you helped me alot thanks =).
            And goodluck to every elvaan blm out there :spin: .



            • #21
              Glad to be of service.

              I just want to add one thing. I think it's nice that we've all come to a sort of agreement, where non-taru players finally respect taru players, and taru players finally respect non-taru players. I was really sick of the bickering back and forth, and it's nice to see that sometimes, we really can all get along.

              Good luck and lots of fun all around.
              For The Horde!!
              Current Gil total spent on gear:
              Current Gil Value of gear:
              Laughing when new players complain about prices:


              • #22
                Couple of real quick questions. Ive recenlty switch from my monk to blm and whm for a while.(damn lack of invites at higher levels =)

                Ive noticed theres a TON of +mnd items low level(justice badge, mitts etc) but there seems to be lacking a lot of +INT low levels. Rings, body and wand(garrison feet, but 80K for +1 int and +1 mnd seems too high for me)

                My question is, since im fairly low level 17, should i use my 2 astral rings instead of my 2 INT rings? since int only effects damage, not resists im only losing out on 4 INT. Even though early levels thats a lot more damage per nuke it seems. Then again, 4 INT only leaves me with +5 INT without food.

                Then again, i guess i could use a macro after i use the first 50 MP to switch to my INT rings. But doesnt INT help land enfeebles on the MOB? usually my first spells i cast are enfeebles. decisions decisions.


                • #23
                  Simply put, i love being a BLM =) theres nothing more satisfying the taking chunks of life away from a gob, or completley blowing away lower lvl mobs with fun spells then again, stealing hate away from my statics tank is always good fun too... not that i like to do that or anything~! :sweat: ^ I cant count the number of times ive been told: "Sam, be a taru you stupid fool, you'll be 10x' better!" ......i dont want to be a taru..people dont seem to get that point. If i wanted to be a cute little cuddely thing, with awesome powers, then i would have made one, but instead,. i wanted something that could not only deal damage, but take it as well, heh. Now, dont think that i believe that my abundance in HP in any way makes up for my weak MP, if given the chance, id swap the 2 any day of the week, but since i cant, i just live with it, and work with what i have (which isnt much, 459 MP at lvl 40 >.<) the best i can

                  If i was higher, id be able to say: "Yes, Elvaans do make moderate BLM's! or even better then moderate!" but i dont really have that much experiance to tell. I know i lack both MP and INT, but only time will tell how i do, and what kind of player i am, good, bad, amazing horrible, ect, =) Basically, what im tryin to say is, i enjoy BLM, and i would never change to a taru, BUT i dont encourage people to flock to being elvaan mages, i want people to be what race/job they wanna be, hey, it is a game after all

         rambling like i normally do, (>_<)but one last thing, Faluzure and Atrapos are awesome!

                  Sig is the courtesy of Enishi, Remora Server

                  BLM 75
                  WHM 44
                  SMN 50
                  SAM 54

                  BLM Relic: 4/5 :D (I've been lucky >.>)
                  HQ Staves: 6
                  Zenith Mitts: O :D
                  Ugg. Pendant: X ; ;


                  • #24
                    Atrapos is amazing.

                    I switched to taru because i seen alot of these elvaan blm's whining on how much they would like to become a taru and they wish they were tarus but are too far to turn back now.
                    They said its very tough and stuff like that.
                    And atrapos inspired me to become taru because hes so cool.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Gyserelf
                      Atrapos is amazing.

                      I switched to taru because i seen alot of these elvaan blm's whining on how much they would like to become a taru and they wish they were tarus but are too far to turn back now.
                      They said its very tough and stuff like that.
                      And atrapos inspired me to become taru because hes so cool.

                      I'm flattered

                      Anyways, in lower levels, I'd go for INT. Most times, your party won't have the strength to make it past chain 3 (maybe that was just my luck, but I don't think I saw chain 4 or 5 until the first time I was in a PT with refresh at lv41). Plus, blm's can usually rest during MP is less helpful. Personally, I'd go for Astral rings and regular Eremite's. Swap out the astrals after you use the 50 mp, and the difference between +4 and +6 int isn't that big to justify a 120k+ gil price difference. Oh....I've never rested during battle...once...but people tell me that's what BLM's do, so I believe them ^_^; (I never have less MP than the WHM, and never cause us to miss chains...just figured I'd add that)
                      For The Horde!!
                      Current Gil total spent on gear:
                      Current Gil Value of gear:
                      Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                      • #26
                        Anyways, in lower levels, I'd go for INT. Most times, your party won't have the strength to make it past chain 3 (maybe that was just my luck, but I don't think I saw chain 4 or 5 until the first time I was in a PT with refresh at lv41).
                        Poor Atrapos! The best exp i've had in the game was before refresh! To be precise doing pugils in Valkrum with a Pld,Rng,Blm,Blm,Sam,Whm Party if i remember correctly. We were the only party there at the time which made a huge diference, because we were overkilling (killing too fast for respawn) and getting constant chain 5's and even 6's

                        The other party was in Crawler's nest at lvl 33-34 killing Worker Crawlers in thenutsack room. I believe with a party of Pld/war, Drg/thf, Blm/whm, Blm/whm, War/nin, and Whm/blm (i remember because it was the best party exp i've ever had!). Everyone knew there job and we pulled in CONSTANT chain 6's with NO downtime while double bursting Fragmentation with Thundaga.

                        None of the Blm's were Elvaan though, i can see it being pretty tough to get good chains with a Elvaan before 40 (where you have access to much more +mp gear and also RDM's to refresh you). I'd say that after 51 Elvaan can function basically on par with Taru if you have the elemental staffs as you should have enough mp by that time to handle chain 5 and 6's, assuming you nuke effectively.

                        I think Elvaan can make great blm's, the only thing is getting one up to the level where equipment matters more then Race. But if your cheap on the equipment, you shouldnt even be trying this :sweat:

                        Fuk it, Cut the cord...

