Originally posted by AtraposBLM
As far as the AF body goes...the +16 mp and -3 enmity go a lot further than you might think. I was in your camp, and planned on using jaustacorp until JSE...but I got the coffer in 3 kills (magic number for me. Longest I've ever had to wait for a drop has been 3 kills. First or 3rd o.O), so I tested the thing out in an exp party, and really noticed a difference in how much more I could nuke. The biggest difference you'll notice is that you actually have to WORK to get aggro (at 60, keep in mind...I rip hate off tanks almost effortlessly at 70) when wearing full AF, and the difference in damage gained by the 2 int from jaustacorp is so slim it's basically negligble (sp).
As far as the AF body goes...the +16 mp and -3 enmity go a lot further than you might think. I was in your camp, and planned on using jaustacorp until JSE...but I got the coffer in 3 kills (magic number for me. Longest I've ever had to wait for a drop has been 3 kills. First or 3rd o.O), so I tested the thing out in an exp party, and really noticed a difference in how much more I could nuke. The biggest difference you'll notice is that you actually have to WORK to get aggro (at 60, keep in mind...I rip hate off tanks almost effortlessly at 70) when wearing full AF, and the difference in damage gained by the 2 int from jaustacorp is so slim it's basically negligble (sp).
Originally posted by AtraposBLM
Also, the +15 enfeebling magic helps a boat load with sleeps (read: BCNM60). In all the time I've done BC60 (probably in total I've done around 40-50 bc60 runs), I've had my sleeps resisted exactly 3 times. With the duration of sleepga II...do you have any idea how easy that makes BC60's? lol. The thing that's really fun is taking a bard with you...make them lullaby, and time your sleepga so that RIGHT before lullaby would wear off, you sleepga II (it overwrites lullaby) so that they just stay slept. You could also try using Sleepga I, then timing it again with sleepga II, but that's more dangerous, as if one of them half-resists the spell....your timing gets thrown off.
Final note - when Rag was selling Ice Staff for 600k, Midgard was at 2 million ; ;
Also, the +15 enfeebling magic helps a boat load with sleeps (read: BCNM60). In all the time I've done BC60 (probably in total I've done around 40-50 bc60 runs), I've had my sleeps resisted exactly 3 times. With the duration of sleepga II...do you have any idea how easy that makes BC60's? lol. The thing that's really fun is taking a bard with you...make them lullaby, and time your sleepga so that RIGHT before lullaby would wear off, you sleepga II (it overwrites lullaby) so that they just stay slept. You could also try using Sleepga I, then timing it again with sleepga II, but that's more dangerous, as if one of them half-resists the spell....your timing gets thrown off.
Final note - when Rag was selling Ice Staff for 600k, Midgard was at 2 million ; ;
About that last comment: 2 MILLION GIL? THAT'S THE PRICE OF AQUILO'S!