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Low lvl farming

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  • Low lvl farming

    I'm a lvl 14 Blm around the Windurst area (also at the dunes right now).

    I'm wonder how I can farm, or do I have to wait and get an area effect spell like stonega?

  • #2
    Just take a good pole and go at it. You don't need -ga spells to farm.

    Windurst provides several repeatables that returns resonable awards, togather with valuable drops they should keep you financed nicely.

    hunt these things:

    silk: about 700~800g each
    smooth stone - waters, rarab hotstel pickle quest, 250g
    crawler calculi (x3) - woods, creepy crawlers quest, 600g

    3 leaf bud, coronett, or salfur: walls mandragora mad quest, various price.
    2 leaf bud (+ bird feather): waters, aurastry quest, 250g

    necklaces: 200g each

    Giant bees:
    beehive chip and honey have good value too.

    This route is slower then normal farming due to the frequent trips required to do the quests. (many are ex, or non-stackable) However, you get a nice side effect of increased windy fame as you go. I managed to reach level 9 fame there before lv 20 this way. ^^
    Junior Member?

    Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


    • #3
      You said this route is slower than normal farming, what do you mean by that? I mean what is normal farming. How could I do it?


      • #4
        its slower because the items you're after do not stack. i'd like to make a minor correction, yagudo bead necklaces aren't 200g each but 200g for 4 and is more for tenshodo fame than windurst fame. the necklaces themselves fetch 150-200g at the AH though.


        • #5
          Or you can break the yag necks apart with wind crystals and sell the resulting grass thread on the AH. Grass thread stacks.

          Additionally, if you are in windy you can farm gobs and bats in the Hortohoto ruins. They drop bat wings and wild onions which sell or quest very well. Bat wings you can sell on the Sandy AH when they are more then 1k a stack, or turn them in for 2bw/200gil in North sandy. Wild onions generally sell for 3.5-4k a stack and can also be turned in in bastok if you so desire. You can only turn the wild onions in at a certain game time if you want max profit, and you have to zone inbetween onion turn ins. Good profit if you don't mind running/warping a lot.

          Best thing by far at your level though is to take another job (preferably warrior/thf/mnk) and hit up the newbie areas for crystals/silk drops. If you are worried about outlevling the area just hp close to an exit from town, and kill things till you die, rinse repeat. By far the fastest method below 30 I've found for a mage.



          • #6
            What's the deal with crystal drops? I mean the more I get the harder they are to get or what?


            • #7
              You can't get crystals unless
              1. You or a party member has Signet on them
              2. You gain exp from killing that monster
              There is no knowledge without experience.
              San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
              Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


              • #8
                Nice, so it does sound a good way at the start... i might concider this, or just wait till I get thief to a good lvl and blm a little higher then start nuking lots of small creatures with drops.


                • #9
                  Crawler drop question

                  silk: about 700~800g each
                  smooth stone - waters, rarab hotstel pickle quest, 250g
                  crawler calculi (x3) - woods, creepy crawlers quest, 600g

                  But there has to be more to the Calculi the Crawlers drop. Why else are they selling for 300 each at AH. And people are still buying them. If they are only for the quest, players loose 300 gil for the 3... I need some insight.


                  • #10
                    Running round killing crawlers is fine, but it takes sooooooo long

                    You would need around 15 to get 10k and with things costing me over 20k it is a long process to get the cash. It can take 5 to 8 hours to get 15 silk threads as everyone else is running round killing them.

                    Not fun. :dead:

