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Staff/Club Skilling~

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  • #61
    Congratz on 200. ^^ Full swing is a nice ws in comparison to the crappy stuff we get before. Im at 207, and I gotta say skilling is kinda tough now. >.< Good luck in getting Spirit Taker.
    Kuno's super cool stats!
    Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

    Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
    Lushang's: Ok!


    • #62
      Light elementals (VT at 75) in Tul'ia are much better than beetles and crabs for skillup I capped dagger on them and will probably do sword today. "Skill up" PT's are a waist, I don't do them, it's no better than exp pt for skill up for a mage, same people complaining about heals, refresh and haste. I only get like 7 swings a monster it isn't worth it.
      The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

      My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


      • #63
        What I do, is ignore their requests. Still doesn't work cuz the mobs are never even remotely the right level for me.


        • #64
          Subbing BST, eh?

          I might try this for my WHM club. BST is only at lvl 16, so I'll see how well charm works with my light staff.

          Thanks for the tip!

          Merit Count : 26
          Current Merit Target : Critcal Hit Rate @2 (1/2)


          • #65
            I didnt even bother to level my staff or club until i hit 75. using blink Stoneskin Phalanx and an earth staff it wasnt to hard.

            beetles in Garlaige until around 175-180
            Crabs in Boyahda 175-205ish
            then if you have the balls to try to solo the steelshells. i suggest you go up to the Ramuh zone. Theres always a steelshell on that path and you can smack on him until you run out of mana then zone and rest to full. I now have 231 staff skill after doing that and skillup parties. Retribution = O


            • #66
              i'm trying to cap it at 215 on the robbers in gustav, they con EM to me at 68. here's the weird thing though...i have uncapped evasion, so i was hoping to get it up here. i let the crab beat on me for like 10 minutes...not a single damn evasion skill up. also, 0 staff skill ups .


              • #67
                that's because robber crabs stop giving skill up around 205 or so. Also, they're probably not high enough nor have high enough attack to make you cap your evasion. Try playing with the steelshell that sits near the Ramuh zoneline in the Boyahda tree. He should give you plenty of evasion skill ups. Not like they really help though ; ;
                For The Horde!!
                Current Gil total spent on gear:
                Current Gil Value of gear:
                Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                • #68
                  Originally posted by AtraposBLM
                  that's because robber crabs stop giving skill up around 205 or so. Also, they're probably not high enough nor have high enough attack to make you cap your evasion.
                  Originally posted by riceburner4540
                  i'm trying to cap it at 215 on the robbers in gustav, they con EM to me at 68.
                  doesn't matter what its attack is, even match should give skillups to cap...but yeah, you're right, i should try out that lone steelshell in front of the cloister in boyahda for evasion skill ups. smack up some more evens til i can finally get staff ups...i remember melees complaining about how it took 6 hours to get a measily 3 points to their skill to finally reach 225 when we all dinged to 65.


                  • #69
                    I'm back from the whole subbing BST thing.

                    It doesn't work very well at all. Any worthwhile mobs to charm always checked out as "Very difficult to charm." This makes sense, as a XXX/BST should not be able to charm as well as a BST/XXX, otherwise nobody would have BST as their main except to level it.

                    Merit Count : 26
                    Current Merit Target : Critcal Hit Rate @2 (1/2)

