that would entail getting pld up to the level where their cap would be the same as yours (which equates to ~5-8 levels lower than your main). When skilling...generally you look for ways to DECREASE the amount of time it takes to skill up...not increase o.O
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Originally posted by AtraposBLM
that would entail getting pld up to the level where their cap would be the same as yours (which equates to ~5-8 levels lower than your main). When skilling...generally you look for ways to DECREASE the amount of time it takes to skill up...not increase o.OWar 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3
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its pretty much impossible to cap weapons solo on melee jobs unless you're a ninAll Nations: Rank 10
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Originally posted by UnnamedGalka
Then again, melees don't have to worry about skilling up solo, since they get all the weapon skill ups they need in regular EXP PTs.War 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3
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Originally posted by blueoakleyz
I melee during parties, so my staff is 72 and i'm lvl 25War 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3
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I am lvling my staff as well, its mid 80's and I am at 40th lvl right now. At this lvl, I just get a healer and head to Yhotaor Jungle and solo there with a healer or 2 watching me.
Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
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Windurst Rank 7
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Meleeing as a blm can work out fine if you've done it since the beginning and kept your skill capped every level. There are a few times you won't be able to, due to AoE, but it is conceivable for a blm to melee.
Is it really worth it? No. One, it gives the tank less time to recover from losing hate. Two, it makes the mob do more specials. Three, you may be tempted to not rest on occasions where you have 100%+ tp and the mob is dead.
So yeah, you can melee in parties, it's not *as* bad as people make it out to be. But it is generally pretty stupid.For The Horde!!
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How do things work when you get hit by AOE effects and the like? I'd imagine you're dodging death alot as a blm on the front lines. I've just never risked it is all."
Nope AOE don't hurt me much..
I can honestly say I've never died or been effected by anything that I wouldn't have been effected by had I been in the backlines.
It really isn't a risk at all.
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Originally posted by riceburner4540
i soloed my staff up to 200 for full swing after i hit 62. besides a few points of staff (like 10 or less) while leveling in kuftal and 5 points while in a skill up party, i soloed my staff skill. i raised it on chamber beetles in garlaige up to 175, then robber crabs up to 200 (in kuftal, then boyahda).
since the mobs conned even match and tough, they weren't too hard to hit. grab a life belt, it'll help a lot. when i joined a skill-up party, we went after orcs in monastic cavern past the wall (the area for limit 3 quest). every mob checked as IT high evasion and defense to me. i was lucky to land 2-3 hits on each mob...
if you want to solo skill up, go after chamber beetles til 175-180, then after robbers til 200 or so. if you want to join skill up parties, don't go after beastmen, they're so hard to hit -_-. anyway, good luck. the last point of staff (199 > 200) took me nearly an hour to get but full swing is definitely worth it. with 300% tp, i can do ~1000-1400 damage with a sneak attack + full swing.
edit: i kept my staff skill up to date, so it was always near-cap.
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