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Staff/Club Skilling~

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  • Staff/Club Skilling~


    I need to lvl my weps, but cant find a place to do so..

    Staff is 157 and Club is 125 atm..

    Any one have any suggestions to lvl them?

    Preferably soloable, or just close enough to a zone so i can run out when i run out of mp/hp.

  • #2
    join some coffer key parties. at 125 and 157 i doubt you can solo WS points effectively anymore.

    (i'm a whm)
    coffer key pts have been the easiest way for me to skill up. just join them and tell them not to expect you to help much, rather you'll mostly just whack away. in my experience, people have been happy to let me do this. i heal if necessary but primary focus is skillup. as long as youre helping with some extra dmg theres no problem.
    good luck
    75 White Mage
    75 Ninja


    • #3
      at 125 and 157 i doubt you can solo WS points effectively anymore.
      i soloed my staff up to 200 for full swing after i hit 62. besides a few points of staff (like 10 or less) while leveling in kuftal and 5 points while in a skill up party, i soloed my staff skill. i raised it on chamber beetles in garlaige up to 175, then robber crabs up to 200 (in kuftal, then boyahda).

      since the mobs conned even match and tough, they weren't too hard to hit. grab a life belt, it'll help a lot. when i joined a skill-up party, we went after orcs in monastic cavern past the wall (the area for limit 3 quest). every mob checked as IT high evasion and defense to me. i was lucky to land 2-3 hits on each mob...

      if you want to solo skill up, go after chamber beetles til 175-180, then after robbers til 200 or so. if you want to join skill up parties, don't go after beastmen, they're so hard to hit -_-. anyway, good luck. the last point of staff (199 > 200) took me nearly an hour to get but full swing is definitely worth it. with 300% tp, i can do ~1000-1400 damage with a sneak attack + full swing.

      edit: i kept my staff skill up to date, so it was always near-cap.


      • #4
        No luck for me in Garliage :/

        I got the beetle down to half health, and all i had left was to just sleep 2 it and zone :/

        No skill at all D;


        • #5
          Up to 150 head to beaudicine glacier and xarcabard to skill up on ice elementals. Dark elementals are harder to skill on (since you can't drain/aspir effectively) but killing them nets you more profit.



          • #6
            My skill lvl is 157~9 atm


            • #7
              this is what i do for solo skill-ups...

              protect II, blink, stoneskin, pull mob. sleep, renew buffs (if necessary), enfeeble (paralyze, blind, slow), aspir (for crabs and beetles), pull out staff, melee away. when buffs wear, cast sleep, rebuff, enfeeble (if necessary), aspir, repeat. i can usually last the entire battle on one bar of mp. if somehow the mob is too tough, then i cast sleep, /heal for 3 ticks, cast sleep II, then /heal some more. its a long process, but it seems faster than some skill up parties i've been in


              • #8
                where would be good for 149?
                For The Horde!!
                Current Gil total spent on gear:
                Current Gil Value of gear:
                Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                • #9
                  i'm pretty sure i leveled my staff to 155 or so on rumble crawlers in the nest before i moved to chamber beetles in garlaige.


                  • #10
                    I got my staff to 200 off Robber Crabs in Kuftal or the Tree. Solo.

                    Earth Staff + RDM Sub for Phalanx + Fish Mithkabob

                    Didn't take alot of dmg, could go non-stop without rest (Aspir)

                    I'm at 212 right now. 200+ gets alot harder, and alot slower:mad:


                    • #11
                      Well im lvl 60 atm, so cant use phalax yet..

                      Ive tried Kuftal crabs at about 160ish.. but gained no skill..

                      I think i just have bad luck D;

                      Do you think lvling at 167ish is still to low for there?


                      • #12
                        I tried soloing a DC Robber in Kuftal and got owned after a PT behind me decided to leave me their angry (and Tough) crab to deal with. Chain interupted from both sides with Aquaveil and AF boots + Druids Rope. ><


                        • #13
                          is 167ish skill too low for robbers in kuftal? i think so, yeah. i had relatively quick skill-ups on chamber beetles to 175 or 180. should be ok to skill up on crabs after that.


                          • #14
                            Ill try the beetles again then..


                            • #15
                              This is probably heresay in this section of the forums, but have u considered leveling up your staff and club skills with a Pld? Plds have A ratings with those weapons. Then again, I'm new....
                              War 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3

