im a lvl 26 blm hume male and love my hume but i have really no gil and have bad armor i dun even have drain or aspir also i dun even have some lvl 15-26 spells like shock etc i really need the spells and im currenly farming but i also need to know what armor will i be need around my lvl to maybe 40
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blm armor,spell help
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<hides from bad blm>
Nothing worst than lazy mages or melees. Level 22 white mage and black mage and have all spells except maybe a few -bar and -ga spells. Spent over 15k on armour for level 20. Not hard to do.
I have drain and warp.
Not hard to farm or pick up a craft.
Check AH for next armour set.Nhalaana
Bastok 3
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my armor =+ ~8 INT
2x Erimites rings ~2k each
Justice Badge ~1k or can SoB quest for it
2xOpal errings ~1k? each
San O'rian Tunica 8k Jeuno AH
Yew Wand 1k
Black Slacks 4k
White Mitts 3k
Light Solea 4k?
<coming soon> Black Cape 20k ^^
Total = 46k questd Badge 47k non-quested badge
i am currentlly lvl 24 with all spells
PS my Justice Badge is for /whmEvery dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
up and kill.
DaRk CarNiVal!!!!
<(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)
Bastok Rank 4
Others Rank 1
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It is not mandatory to have all the spells, there are several spells, that if you don't get no one cares. Those being the spikes.
As for drain and aspir both are easy quests. If your from Windy you can do the aspir quest and make a little gil if you get a blm, rdm, whm together. (There is another way to get in, but doubt you can do that one yet.) Then go get the Test Answers and keep one for yourself and sell the others you guys don't need. The skelletons they drop off of, are really weak. Can't remember what lvl they are but most people can solo them as long as they don't link.
As for Drain that is such an easy quest. Just get some good fame in sandy, (Have mission 3 done or working on it.) Go to the Vampire dude in the Jail, and give him a vile of Beastman blood. Which I think sells for 4k on the AH."*IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!*"
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