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need advice from all you blms out there!

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  • need advice from all you blms out there!

    im considering going down the path of the black mage but im not sure about quite a few things.

    first race choices: to be even decent elvaan and galka are completely out of the question. i know that tarus are the best blms out there but i was curious if humes were good blm's even at the higher levels of the game.

    second: magic bursting. ive seen my 54 drk friend party quite a bit and ive seen magic bursts do insane damage. my question is can anyone give me an example of a macro set up used in magic bursting (i.e. freeze?)

    third: how expensive is blm post 51 (the staves)? and how does one go about acquiring a good portion of the spells? (a lot of the III's and ancient magics arent very available)

    fourth: are there any helpful tips for a hume or taru blm? (trying to decide race still >_<)

    thank you for any advice or any answers to these questions.

  • #2
    Hume's make perfectly fine BLM's. Pick whichever you feel like looking at for 75 levels lol. Personally, I picked taru because I saw someone do a /panic on my friends comp...and I fell in love

    For magic depends on what series spell you use. If you use lv1 soon as you see the renkei effect, you cast the spell. You can even wait a second or two if you like. For series II spells, you can cast when the last melee uses his weapon skill (So like Cephius uses Raging Fists - start casting). For III series, start casting when the "Cephius readies Raging Fists" message goes on the log. For IV series...a little before the readies message.

    For Ancient Magic, it's an entirely different beast. My Freeze macro looked like this:
    /p Get ready for <Freeze> -- Weapon Skills on my Mark!
    /ma "Freeze" <t>
    /wait 5
    /p First person GO!

    The wait timer could be anywhere from 4 to 7 seconds, depending on how quickly the melee's reacted.

    The staves are HIGHLY server dependent. Look at my sig for proof - Midgardsormr sucks (although it's getting better). Look to spend anywhere from 300k to 800k to get Ice staff and Dark staff. The other staves are sort of...bonus. Don't really need them, but they should be on your purchase list.

    Helpful hints? Meaning what? lol, look around the forums. There's a topic entitled "Blm Tips" - Read it. Learn to read everything in this get gems every once and a while
    For The Horde!!
    Current Gil total spent on gear:
    Current Gil Value of gear:
    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


    • #3
      i am elvaan... and i am competent (to a level MUHAHAHa...)
      omfgbbq ;3


      • #4
        Elvaan make fine blms. All races can do all jobs well. Maybe not the MAX that job can do... but most dont do that WITH the optimum job. So it doesnt matter. Elvaan and Galkan RSE has some nice +mp on it. So does hume i think.

        I know several 75 elvaan blms. And they do great.

