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blm to 37 (gear)

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  • blm to 37 (gear)

    Ok, right now I am just a lvl 15 blm/rdm (leveling blm as my sub for rdm, of course i will sub nin later for soloing, but blm will be my main subjob).

    Here is my gear:

    Willow Wand +1
    Wing Pendant
    Onyx Earring (2)
    Royal Ftm. Tunic
    Cuffs +1
    Eremite's Ring +1 (2)
    Cape +1
    Friar's Rope ( and Heko Obi +1)
    Slacks +1
    Solea +1

    OK, now here's the question. I'm only taking the blm to 37 (i might have some other fun with it at a later date, but rdm is my main focus right now), and I was wondering if the following would get me to 37:

    @ lvl 20 i'll pick this up before i enter qufim

    - Garisson Boots
    - Garisson Gloves
    - Mage's Slacks
    - Black Silk Neckerchief
    - Magic Belt +1
    - Yew Wand +1
    - Mage's Tunic

    Is there anything else @ that lvl, or any other 'milestone' things i need to get on my way towards 37?

    Keep in mind, money isn't an object, I'm very very well off. I will not have to farm for any of this stuff, so the time it takes to get this stuff shouldn't be a factor. I also would like to know if you think all this stuff would be suitable to keep for rdm? Any alterations I would need to make for rdm?

    my equipment

    I'm done - retired.

  • #2
    you can get to 37 naked for all intents and purposes. really...i've seen it done before. a level 60 blm on my server devoid of anything decent...his best equipment piece was his wand, and it was the AF1...i ran into him a few times, leveling in cape terrigan.

    if you're not going to take blm all the way, don't stress yourself out over the long as you stay updated, thats fine. get spells first and don't bother wasting money on HQ stuff.

    edit: i think he has his AF armor set now, but before that, he had no rings and 2 shell (or was it tourmaline?) earrings. every other slot was empty, other than pyro robe for body armor. even though he has his AF, he is still missing every other piece of equipment...


    • #3
      I'm currently lvl 25 BLM, and saving up for (up to) lvl 37 gear, so I've looked into a few things.

      My main suggestions: Ditch the Wing Pendant and get a Justice Badge (+3 MND). I know a BLM's main job is not to heal, but almost every party I've been in I've done some backup healing, and once I was even asked to be main healer. In my opinion, the stats on the Justice Badge are better than the +1 AGI (I think this is it, right?) the Wing gives.

      Also, according to Allakhazam, Magic Belt +1 (lvl 15) gives +5 MP. Friar's Rope, an easily questable item from San d'Oria, I'd imagine costs a lot less, and gives +5 MP AND +1 MND as well as some elemental bonuses.

      From what I understand, Morion Earrings are nice gear for a BLM to have at lvl 30. +1 INT, they run about 100k each on my server.

      Morion Tathlum is also nice, might be lvl 25? I think it gives +1 INT with an additional effect.

      Hmm. Black Cape +1 is +3 INT, and it's lvl 32.

      The next HQ wand you'll need after Yew +1 is, I think, Solid Wand. Got me confused in the AH because I wasn't seeing a +1 name.

      You also might want to look into your RSE, I think it's pretty nice. Hume M Boots give (I think) +3 INT, +3 AGI, some +MP, lots of nice stats. I think the Hume M Slacks give some +MND and some +MP...the body and glove pieces seem to be more melee-inclined.

      Also, I'd suggest going to:
      And going to Equipment > By Job, it's a very nice list of what you can wear at what levels. ^^

      Hope I helped!
      Server: Asura

      RIP Ailenroc [Kujata]


      • #4
        Why would you want Justice badge for BLM anyways? Get a black neckerchief, +INT works better at those levels.

        Here are the stuff I had at 37:

        Solid Wand
        Erd. Hairband
        Black Neckerchief
        Eremite Ring x 2
        Black Earring x 2
        Black Cape
        Merc Captain's Belt
        Frost Robe
        Wool Slops
        Air Soleas (or Mage's Sandle)
        New Moon Armets (lv 36.. so you might want to skip these and stay with scentless)

        None of these items are really costly... Since you only intend to take BLM to 37 and use as a sub, I guess there is no need to go for the premium stuff such as morion/phantom/astral.
        Junior Member?

        Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


        • #5
          Originally posted by Yuanlung
          Why would you want Justice badge for BLM anyways? Get a black neckerchief, +INT works better at those levels.

          Here are the stuff I had at 37:

          Solid Wand
          Erd. Hairband
          Black Neckerchief
          Eremite Ring x 2
          Black Earring x 2
          Black Cape
          Merc Captain's Belt
          Frost Robe
          Wool Slops
          Air Soleas (or Mage's Sandle)
          New Moon Armets (lv 36.. so you might want to skip these and stay with scentless)

          None of these items are really costly... Since you only intend to take BLM to 37 and use as a sub, I guess there is no need to go for the premium stuff such as morion/phantom/astral.
          I won't buy anything that is @ around 36-37 but I might invest in stuff up to lvl 33-34. I can just sell it once I switch to rdm, if it's not something I can use as rdm.

          my equipment

          I'm done - retired.


          • #6
            I'm still wearing my black silk neckercheif...although I would've upgraded to an elemental torque if I felt the need, or if it were ever in stock (currently going for ~450k or so, but I haven't played in like a week). Basically, the way I figure it, you have to balance having fun (which for me was leveling), having all your spells, and still have gil left over for gear. Without ever really having to sit down and farm, I've managed to keep my gear ahead of the average for my level bracket.

            The main things to have by 30 are:
            HQ Club (I forget what you can get...Yew is at 18, Chestnut is at 32, I forget what the HQ's are, and if there's one inbetween...)
            Royal Footman's Tunic -> Black Tunic (not really any reason to upgrade...but w/e)
            OR you can opt to go with a body peice of your choice + erudite's headband, if you don't like the look of a tunic. They're equivalent up until lv40 (Combat Caster's Cloak gives you the most +int you can get from body/head until lv58 when you can get Jaustacorp + Erudites headband)
            Black Silk Neckercheif - Good for lv20->65 without comparison (Other than a Torque +1, which has never sold on midgardsormr)
            Morion Tathlum - This is good for rdm's to, and you can camp it relatively easily. No reason not to get it.
            Eremite Rings or Eremite Ring +1s - you'll need them for rdm anyways (Unless you plan on being the melee-tastic RDM that sucks). Go for +1's...they'll last you until lv54 for rdm (that's when you can downgrade to zircons - cost less, same +int)
            Mercenary Captain's Belt - there's another +1 int belt that gives some +mp as well, but I liked my merc. capt's belt. It's even better for rdm's. Good until lv66 when you can wear an Arachne Obi.
            Earrings - Anything you may want Morion Earrings for your rdm, so you may as well buy them for your blm.
            Black Cape +1 - Lasts until lv71...or you could spring for a Red Cape +1 (which is what RDM's would want to wear). I don't remember what level Red Cape is though.

            What you wear on your hands, legs, and feet, really don't matter. Had I not been lazy, I would've worn my RSE for the extra safety of some HP. As it was, I just wore the lv20 armor set until AF and didn't look back. You could get the lv50 gloves that give +1 int, but I thought it was fairly stupid to spend 50k on an item I'd replace in 4 levels with something free. There's some HQ slacks that give +1 int as well, but they were never in stock, and I didn't feel the need to spend 80k for +1 int.

            Also, look into using some HQ food, like Apple Pie +1 - the +2 mp recovery is real sweet.
            For The Horde!!
            Current Gil total spent on gear:
            Current Gil Value of gear:
            Laughing when new players complain about prices:


            • #7
              yeah, since i'm hume i might as well wear some of my RSE due to the +MP

              my equipment

              I'm done - retired.


              • #8
                just use RSE, forget about HQ gear really, it's not that big of a change =/ its just a waste of money... once you're done with the equip you find out the prices dropped at AH.... bye bye moola


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kato
                  just use RSE, forget about HQ gear really, it's not that big of a change =/ its just a waste of money... once you're done with the equip you find out the prices dropped at AH.... bye bye moola
                  well, i just went from lvl 15-20 last night and now i need new gear to take me from lvl 20-37. somewhere in there i'll get my RSE to use with blm for the few lvls i'll be using it, then with rdm for the many lvls i'll be using it.

                  my equipment

                  I'm done - retired.


                  • #10
                    I probably should have been more specific: UNTIL you can wear the Black Neckerchief, I would use Justice Badge. But I think Neckerchief is around 20, whereas Justic you can use at 7.
                    Server: Asura

                    RIP Ailenroc [Kujata]

