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Sorcerer's Tonban and Gloves

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  • Sorcerer's Tonban and Gloves

    Anybody have them yet? What exactly do the special effects do?

  • #2
    Seeing as I've seen lots of BLM with the pants now (none spoke English, /cry) I thought I'd bump this up.

    Anybody know what the effects of "Magic Bust Bonus" and "Week:Elemental Magic" are?


    • #3
      My friend has the pants (the ones with the Week: Elemental damage). It seems to exaggerate the effect the day of the week has on spells. He says it's not really noticeable and that it's better to wear errant pants when nuking. He wears them when running around because they look sweet though.

      The magic burst bonus I'm not sure on...I know somebody I know has them, but I forget who. I remember him saying they made a fairly significant difference in bursts, but regular casting did nothing (which is what one would assume to be the case).
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      • #4
        I think ideally you'd want to use zenith mitts normally and then switch to af2 for bursts

        but remember we're talking about two extremely hard to get items


        • #5
          I have the AF2 gloves. Doesn't make enough of a difference to make them worthwhile generally.

          When fighting HNMs and stuff, which is the only time I see renkei anymore, I pretty much only use AF1 gloves.

          The +15 elemental skill is priceless. MB bonus is nice and all, but when it gets resisted, its worthless.

          Its all about the +ele skill.

          The only real worthwhile AF2 pieces are the body and hat.

          +5 and +10 elemental skill respectively.

          That being said, I wouldn't might having the complete set just to complete it ^^


          • #6
            "Conserve MP +5" on the boots also looks really good to me....


            • #7
              Conserve MP +5 doesn't really look that hot to me. Personally, I'd like to wear Zenith Pumps. 50 mp and 2 int is pretty much unbeatable on the shoe slot.

              It depends how "Conserve MP +5" works. If it simply reduces the mp cost by a further 5 sucks. If it adds to the occurence by some arbitrary factor of 5...then it most likely will suck as well.

              It could possibly be good...I just don't see how it could make an already fairly invisible effect any better...
              For The Horde!!
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              Laughing when new players complain about prices:


              • #8
                If it's anything like Cross-Counters Counter +5 which goes off roughly 33-40% of the time then those shoes are gonna be pretty damn good. Of course that's an if. I'm just saying.
                Just do it.

                There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics


                • #9
                  Both Sorcerer's Sabots and Zenith pumps are int+2, zenith+1 is +3 int.

                  In my opinion, if conserve mp +5 saves you 32 mp a battle more than zenith then go with the sabots. (-50 hp, +50 mp vs +18 mp)

                  And the sabots have the enmity -1.
                  Galka Cor 75/Rng 37 Bst 75/Nin 37 Blm 75/Whm 38
                  Taru Rdm 61 / Blm 41 *retired*
                  Mithra - Rdm 53, Pld 45, Blm 38, War 23, whm 36 *retired*


                  • #10
                    That's kind of the problem though. While the Sorceror's Sabots are probably better than the Zenith Pumps (which are still great) you can't just get them. It relies a lot of luck involved to obtain them. With the Zenith Pumps it's just a simple matter of having the item crafted and getting abjuration. (Simple doesn't mean easy though)
                    Just do it.

                    There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics


                    • #11
                      i have the whole zenith set and i must say.... this isn't something for taru
                      my hp can go under 700 if i go extreme as a 75 elvaan ><

                      i believe the pants are +15% damage on the right day...
                      probably the gloves are 15% on mb too, who knows
                      omfgbbq ;3

