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Is this considered good -ga (gil)farming?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by thebizzy

    I'm not a fan of the bombs and much of the zone still aggros me .:sweat:
    just take some powders and oils with you & sub your whm, it should be fine if you're careful, you can get ores worth far more than 50k a piece, it's worth the risk of dieing ^^.

    Originally posted by BloodRedPoet

    Well normally I would take all help and be glad to have it but... to add what you said in your post. It takes more than a month to make 60K per hour in crafting. Chocobo Digging(at least in Midgardsormr) only (unless REALLY LUCKY) gives back what you buy. Fishing... well, with full gear + Comp rod, I got 1 moat every 10-20 mins while it being Watersday in Windy Woods and Windy Waters, bleh.
    yes you're right, of course it takes a decent chunk of time to build up your skills, you cant expect to do nothing or just head out and kill 'too weak' mobs and make 50k/hour or more.
    the higher the time&gil investments, the higher the returns ^^.
    choco digging has brought me some decent profit after leveling it to a certain lvl (which was a pain indeed) and if you want to fish for moats, you should inform yourself better where to catch them, windurst is probably the worst place to fish (i'd recommend rabao, but don't know what your fishing skill is anyway ^^).


    • #17
      gotta love how some people say "50k an hour is horrible" please remember that around 50% of FFXI players dont know how to make good money. i am at Lv 36 blm taru and i still have no clue how to make money. the only way i can is to go to pal mines and have a friend (45 drk) train around 10 quadavs and i -ga them all. in 1 trip (the time it took for our inventorys to fill up) i made around 6 - 8k. that took us mabye 45min - 1 hour. you say "just raise your guild skills and you will get great returns". thats good advice i admit, cept for the fact many of us dont have the money to raise these skills. all my skills are at 0 except for goldsmith which is 8, and clothcraft which is 1. since i am a taru blm i want to level cloth craft up because on gilgamesh server, there are many mages and that is good for $$$. any info on how i should go about leveling clothcraft with around 5k to spend? yes i know that is hardly anything but its all i got right now. waiting for stuff in AH to sell.


      • #18
        yea a gilgameshian!!!!! anyway im a 24blm and i know how u feel. i get maybe 4k an hr farming beehive chips i besided to lvl thf to 15 and boom now im getting 9k an hr ^^ maybe u should that Darkmana also while killing the bees i got 3 goblin masks and armors each 600gil a peice so thats 3.6k right there+ 3 tacks of chips and 2 stacks of Honey and thats 14.6k everyhr and a half ......i think thats pretty good

        oh and Darkmana sent me a /tell if ur around <wickedclown>
        Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
        up and kill.

        DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

        <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

        Bastok Rank 4
        Others Rank 1


        • #19
          You cant make good money on any ONE thing for a long period of time. Gardening and crafting and stuff counts as many things. The key to income is variety.

          Lets say you farm 10 stacks beehive chips. Thats gonna take a while and end up onyl being 40k. Not to mention it will take forever to sell 10 stacks.

          A mule helps ALOT.

          Know what drops what. And know what you can kill. At 30 or so you should have no problems taking on wind elementals in tahrongi or highlands or latheine. Dont try to get more than 3-4 clusters. Its not time efficient. but each one of those you can send to your mule and sell for 2k ( may take a while to sell it high but if close to a weekend it will sell). Fire elementals are also good.

          Then you need other stuff to put up. Try to get lantern shield or the knuckles from the other orcish war machine. Dont camp here. They spawn once an hour. Just pop by when you are close by.

          Sub rng and go ram hunting. Vendor skins ( or drop them for more room for horns). Send horns to a mule in windurst and make your $. Dont stay too long. Kill them for 1-2 hours. Get as many horns as you can and get out.

          Fish for a few stacks of moat carp when you are bored. Dont use little worms. Only use insect paste. Should take ~30 min to get a stack.

          None of this is REALLY good money, but its what a blm can do at 30. And always garden. Its cheap and happens at the same time you farm.


          • #20
            im at 25 now and i started killing the elementals in Konschtat Highlands <thunder & wind> and i get at least 2 clusters an elemental
            Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
            up and kill.

            DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

            <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

            Bastok Rank 4
            Others Rank 1

