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65+ Party Invite

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  • #31
    Heya Plastique, nice to see you spreading the word of the joys of the blm-heavy party

    Remember the times in Qufim where you could have 2 whm's, 2 blm's, a tank, and something else, and exp just flowed in? that again, only better

    The best BLM party I had was with a pld/drk/blm/blm/rdm/whm. All 4 mages had dark staves, and the drk was this pimped out JP kid who knew what he was doing. Our tank was geared for bear, and we were doing swift blade - spinning slash for darkness with a double burst. In den of rancor, we managed to get about 4.2k exp/hour until another party showed up, and even then we pulled about 3.8 or so (they didn't get a chance at very many lizards).

    3 BLM parties are ridiculously fast. Typically, you don't see how fast you can get exp in with this setup unless nobody else is at your camp spot. Even with one party, you'll quickly empty out the entire place. In Kuftal, my 3 blm party managed to clear everything but the Ladon's in the time it took another party to kill 3 ovviniks (we killed all the cockatrice and all the other tigers from a dead spawn).
    For The Horde!!
    Current Gil total spent on gear:
    Current Gil Value of gear:
    Laughing when new players complain about prices:

