I have a nice question, I would like to ask that if you don't know the answer don't half ass it, just don't say anything.
At lvl65+ or 70+ whichever both work. Are blm really needed anymore. I have been talking to a couple 70+ friends and they say they still invite blm's. But I have seen some skillchains that they do and the damage is fucking crazy. I saw a skillchain that took out the yagudo that you need to fight to get the Coffer key in Castle Oztroja, it took the damn thing down in 1 SC. My jaw was on the floor in aw. Now I understand that a lot of the blm's spells can be helpful to a party like escape and D2 etc... But are blm's really needed anymore. Do I have to start earning gil even sooner so I can go lvl a rng? I love my blm, but the reason I play it is because I love out damaging everyone.
(As a side note, around what time do rng's start to out damage blm. I haven't had it happen to me yet and I am 61. I have played with plenty of rng's.)
I would just like to know this because I am wondering just how much longer will I keep getting invites when I have /anon on, or when I just log on.
For those of you wondering how I get invites when I have /anon on I will run through Jeuno with it on and get checked and people will ask me if I want to join there party. Rather interesting.
At lvl65+ or 70+ whichever both work. Are blm really needed anymore. I have been talking to a couple 70+ friends and they say they still invite blm's. But I have seen some skillchains that they do and the damage is fucking crazy. I saw a skillchain that took out the yagudo that you need to fight to get the Coffer key in Castle Oztroja, it took the damn thing down in 1 SC. My jaw was on the floor in aw. Now I understand that a lot of the blm's spells can be helpful to a party like escape and D2 etc... But are blm's really needed anymore. Do I have to start earning gil even sooner so I can go lvl a rng? I love my blm, but the reason I play it is because I love out damaging everyone.
(As a side note, around what time do rng's start to out damage blm. I haven't had it happen to me yet and I am 61. I have played with plenty of rng's.)
I would just like to know this because I am wondering just how much longer will I keep getting invites when I have /anon on, or when I just log on.
For those of you wondering how I get invites when I have /anon on I will run through Jeuno with it on and get checked and people will ask me if I want to join there party. Rather interesting.