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65+ Party Invite

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  • 65+ Party Invite

    I have a nice question, I would like to ask that if you don't know the answer don't half ass it, just don't say anything.

    At lvl65+ or 70+ whichever both work. Are blm really needed anymore. I have been talking to a couple 70+ friends and they say they still invite blm's. But I have seen some skillchains that they do and the damage is fucking crazy. I saw a skillchain that took out the yagudo that you need to fight to get the Coffer key in Castle Oztroja, it took the damn thing down in 1 SC. My jaw was on the floor in aw. Now I understand that a lot of the blm's spells can be helpful to a party like escape and D2 etc... But are blm's really needed anymore. Do I have to start earning gil even sooner so I can go lvl a rng? I love my blm, but the reason I play it is because I love out damaging everyone.
    (As a side note, around what time do rng's start to out damage blm. I haven't had it happen to me yet and I am 61. I have played with plenty of rng's.)

    I would just like to know this because I am wondering just how much longer will I keep getting invites when I have /anon on, or when I just log on.

    For those of you wondering how I get invites when I have /anon on I will run through Jeuno with it on and get checked and people will ask me if I want to join there party. Rather interesting.
    "*IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!*"

  • #2
    Needed? Not really, but a great damage dealer if you have meelee that can rip off lvl3 skillchains with two people.


    • #3
      Alot of people have been telling me lately that on skeletons in King Ranperre's Tomb, Monks outdamage blm's easily. I went there today with a lv71 monk (I'm lv69) and I EASILY out aggro'd him, even wearing -11 enmity. His dragon kick hit for burst hit for 1,040+. He hit for 58 per fist...I did 450+ per spell (keep in mind I was getting heavy resists...and still landing near 500 damage spells). My burst alone was responsible for well over 50% of the mobs HP. So there goes that.

      People say that with cross reaper / spinning slash, a dark can out damage a blm. I've only partied with one who's ever kept up damage wise with me (I use a parser), and that was a JP named Keen who was very good, pulled well, and utilized his abilities to the max. He's the only dark that I've ever seen land a ws for over 800 more than once. Even then, my bursts usually made the mob turn towards me.

      People also say that at lv70, smn's > Blm's. I've heard it a thousand times. However, I've yet to party with a I can't say yay or nay.

      What I can say is this. Even if melee's are telling you you're useless, you do more damage than any of them would ever dream of. Not only that, you can make MELEE-less parties and still get 4.5-5k exp/hour. I've made one that was even capable of chain 6's (have a screenie to prove it). The best partys I've been of late (62->69) have been Pld/Blmx3/Whm/Rdm. Sub the whm or rdm with a brd depending on what was available. These parties are less reliant on players ability to MB consistently, skillchain correctly, and all the other sources of possible slowing down for groups. Just nuke away, and hope the paladin knows what he/she is doing. And with black cloak + dark staff + apple pie can pull basically when the thing dies and I'm ready and raring to go. Not only that...the blm super parties usually kill 2.5 mobs for every single mob other parties kill. I'm not kidding nor exaggerating...try it some time and you'll see what I mean.
      For The Horde!!
      Current Gil total spent on gear:
      Current Gil Value of gear:
      Laughing when new players complain about prices:


      • #4
        Black mages do incredible damage with magic bursts, I've seen a pic of a seven Magic Burst Skill Chain (�_�)’’’ that Asplicedon (however that's spelled) took about 5k damage from the whole thing.
        Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
        90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

        Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


        • #5
          It's all relative I suppose. Meelee damage is sporadic while blm dmg is consistantly at a high level, ie consistant dps with the ability to burst if necessary.

          To take your scenario, since we xp there all the time ;p I pt with a mnk in good gear while I think I have decent gear for a 71. I can consistantly nuke for 440-600 and burst for 1015-1200 on light chains. Our mnk Cephius hits regularly for 55-105, 1-4 times a round and kicks for 250-1000. Small kick means small light but when he gets a 750+1400 light his overall dps takes a considerable hike. I would be very surprised if I outdamaged him for a total every night on a consistant basis.

          In terms of skillchain damage > blm that's not very accurate unless that one meelee is chaining light twice per mob in addition to his/her meelee damage.

          Just point to prove, a pt will want a blm. Big damage, consistant dps, and a little utility thrown in...nothing negative to turn down ^^. (Meelee hate to walk home ;p)


          • #6
            I'm having a hell of a time at level 61. Each night I log in at 9 PM, fill in my comment and put up my flag. At 2 AM I log out without an invite. Went ten hours LFP last Sunday before getting an invite to fight Torama in Onzozo... at the time I was level 60. Well, with the Ice Staff and AF gloves my earth spells got resisted more than 50% of the time there, so I didn't exactly make a great impression, not likely that group will seek me out again.


            • #7
              I fell asleep in my JP party last night. Had been over 20 levels since my last invite to a JP party...and I fall asleep. Awesome...what a great impression I made with them. ; ;
              For The Horde!!
              Current Gil total spent on gear:
              Current Gil Value of gear:
              Laughing when new players complain about prices:


              • #8
                Don't worry. We all have our good days and bad days. If you noticed you are waiting for hours for a party invitation, then just start forming one. That's what I do. If after 2 hours of farming and crafting I haven't gotten an invitation, then I will form.


                • #9
                  In the last month, I've gotten exactly 4 invites ; ;

                  Hence, I usually form parties :spin:
                  For The Horde!!
                  Current Gil total spent on gear:
                  Current Gil Value of gear:
                  Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rodin
                    Black mages do incredible damage with magic bursts, I've seen a pic of a seven Magic Burst Skill Chain (�_�)’’’ that Asplicedon (however that's spelled) took about 5k damage from the whole thing.

                    hehe maybe this was the pic you saw, or maybe not



                    • #11
                      behold the MP drain that is FREEZE!

                      at least yer 74 now no more useless casting 4 u.
                      Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
                      BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
                      RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

                      Currently Playing: WOW Beta
                      Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


                      • #12
                        His dragon kick hit for burst hit for 1,040+. He hit for 58 per fist...I did 450+ per spell
                        keep in mind that i'm not lvl 70ish yet, only lvl 50. . . but it sounds to me like this monk was rather sub par.

                        At level 50, my weapons skills do 200-500 on IT that *aren't* bones, so if his Dragon kick was doing 500 max, that just doesn't sound right.

                        Also, keep in mind that in the time it takes you to cast a spell, a monk has thrown 4-6 fists, if not more. (at lvl 50, i do around 40-50 per hand on non-bone IT's)

                        I did mission 5.1 recently, where the boss is a bones type, and my raging fists hit for 899, for example. That was definately on the high end of my damage scale for my level, but still. . .

                        That being said, I wouldn't doubt that BLM still outdamage monks at that level. But it sounds like you picked a lousy monk to compare yourself to is my only point.


                        Rank 10 San d'Orian.


                        • #13
                          level 3 skillchains used the right way can get a 1000+renkai.

                          however blm can burst of any renkai for 1000+ again.

                          Fastest exp pt i ever had post 60 was nin +3xmonk +myself+blm.

                          Silly silly silly.
                          55% Skill
                          35% Equipment
                          10% Race

                          White Mage - 75 - Completed
                          Ninja - 75 - Completed
                          Summoner - 75 - Completed
                          My Livejournal


                          • #14
                            we're not needed anymore? hah! that's a laugh. if a party wants exp chain 4 or, dare i say, chain 5, they will need us.

                            i've been in two types of parties going from 70-75. the standard balance set up (tank/thf type/melee/blm/whm/refresh dispel type) and a nuker party (tank/blm/blm/blm (or insert smn where blm)/brd/rdm) and for these two types of parties, to get exp chain 4, you need the massive damage that blms are capable of dishing out.

                            with the balance type set up, the melee does light skillchain and i burst with firaga 3 or aeroga 3 for over 1000 damage and aero 4 for about 800. if tp gain is fast, a party can get exp chain 5.

                            with the nuker set up, the blms work up from their weakest spell to their strongest spell. the blms simultaneously cast their strongest spell at the mob and it dies rather quickly. i've gotten most of my exp with this type of set up and even at 75, a good nuker party can get 4k exp an hour.

                            invite wise, ever since i hit 70, i get 4 or so invites a night when i'm asleep. even when i'm flagging yellow with [Away] in my search comments, people (japanese players) will still send me a tell asking if i'm there and if i would like to party despite the fact that i have built a reputation for seeking while afk because i fall asleep while seeking. even with my negative reputation, i still get invites from the same people i've partied with before despite there being like a five other blms at my level around jeuno seeking.
                            observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Brennon
                              keep in mind that i'm not lvl 70ish yet, only lvl 50. . . but it sounds to me like this monk was rather sub par.

                              At level 50, my weapons skills do 200-500 on IT that *aren't* bones, so if his Dragon kick was doing 500 max, that just doesn't sound right.

                              Also, keep in mind that in the time it takes you to cast a spell, a monk has thrown 4-6 fists, if not more. (at lvl 50, i do around 40-50 per hand on non-bone IT's)

                              I did mission 5.1 recently, where the boss is a bones type, and my raging fists hit for 899, for example. That was definately on the high end of my damage scale for my level, but still. . .

                              That being said, I wouldn't doubt that BLM still outdamage monks at that level. But it sounds like you picked a lousy monk to compare yourself to is my only point.
                              He had top notch gear, fully updated sub, and the main part - he was 2 levels higher than me. I watched very closely, as I wanted to see how much monks owned. I was looking forward to a party where I didn't have to do all the damage...but I did, yet again. Perhaps it's because he subbed warrior, not thf, but I've not seen very many monks at my level seeking with /thf. Perhaps that's just my luck though.
                              For The Horde!!
                              Current Gil total spent on gear:
                              Current Gil Value of gear:
                              Laughing when new players complain about prices:

