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  • Moldative

    Ok I have a question I want to go after the Earring. I think it is a good add on for my blm. My question is which I pretty much know the answer to is, can I solo the mob at 60. (I have a feeling the answer is no.) Second part is which mob drops it? I don't have a clue in the world which one drops the damn earring.
    "*IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!*"

  • #2
    The name of the mob is Mysticmaker Profblix (I-9) in Labyrinth of Onzozo. He is a gobby that pops about every 2 hours after death.

    No, at 60 you could not solo it. I had a level 60 Rdm come with me and it was VERY easy, she could have taken it herself though. I recommend having a close tank friend come with you if a Rdm cannot.

    One more thing... don't waste your time trying to silence it

    Clothcraft - 88.1+1


    • #3
      You also have to watch out for links in the area and Cockatrice as well, both can make the fight a little more touch having to toss out sleepga all the time. Make sure you stun during bomb toss or you can take upwards of 700 dmg, seems all the NM Goblins above level 50 can use pretty nasty bombs.


      • #4
        Additional tip

        Make sure you bring some form of TH or lucky charm with you... I went 0/3 on this #$£$£#¤#!!¤?! Profblix before I got the drop.

        And we had a /thf those 3 times, but the last time we got my LS "lucky charm" Drg/Thf with all the superstition stuff like 3leaf mandra bud and happy egg ^^

        We even did the highly dubious /thf killing blow thingy, AND it dropped, so I see where myths start ^^

        So I'm 1/4 on Profblix, it's not rare like Keeper of Halidom > Daihannya rare. (1/10).

        Anyways, if you bring 2 friends and it's empty, you can farm all the cockatrice around there, which we did for skillups, shits and giggles and cockatrice meat.

        Got around 20 C.Meat total... Some C.Skins, a few crystals, some stray gil from goblins. Mysticmaker himself drops 8kgil, divided among the members... Along with thunderIII (8k) or thundagaIII (3k) most of the time.

        Good luck! It's well worth it!


        • #5
          if it makes you feel any better i'm 0/6 and still don't have an earring


          • #6
            i got it on my 14th try... i soloed it, mostly when camping for lord of onzozo, really easy for any level 75
            there is no better earring for blm than that one
            omfgbbq ;3


            • #7
              its not easily soloable for a blm at 65...but it can be done. I solo'd him (with 2 hour) at 64 for a friend (he wasn't in zone yet and people were camping the earring). It's definately a challenging fight, comes down to were you pre-buffed, and how well you time your spells. Also, save stun for the big spells (Tornado, Aeroga III (not sure if he casts this), etc.). Don't waste MP on silence. You can try sleeping him, but when I solo'd him, my enfeebling was fairly gimp (~150ish) and he resisted the shit out of my sleep II. Just try to time your quickest high damaging spells (Blizzard II and Thunder II mainly), and cure yourself as needed. Liberal use of drain and aspir go a long way as well. If you have aquaveil on you when you start, you can usually stun profblix, get blink up, and get lucky and have all the attacks he launches on you either miss or get absorbed while you're casting stoneskin. That tends to let you get a bigger damage spell off, as I find I don't really get resisted from damage absorbed through stoneskin (I've had it happen to me only once).
              For The Horde!!
              Current Gil total spent on gear:
              Current Gil Value of gear:
              Laughing when new players complain about prices:


              • #8
                14 times >< worst I had heard it takin was 10 from one my the people in my LS who camped it.

                CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


                • #9
                  well, thanks to some truly heroic efforts and much help by faluzure, especially his mad quick stunning skills, we killed profblix another 4 times yesterday and I'm now 0/11

                  oh how I hate you mr profblix.

                  As I'm quickly approaching the known record of #kills without a drop I think we should celebrate. If anyone wants to make pary arangements I'll be under my desk crying.


                  • #10
                    rofl, I'm sorry to hear that ; ;

                    Ask the Man (aka Faluzure) to have one of his pimped out thf friends to come along next time (he probably knows a few with the Treasure Hunter knife...), and you'll be sure to get it
                    For The Horde!!
                    Current Gil total spent on gear:
                    Current Gil Value of gear:
                    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                    • #11
                      omg, I almost get sick hearing that, I feel for you guys.

                      guess I was extremly lucky, I got it on the second kill...

                      good luck.... I am sure 12 is your lucky number


                      • #12
                        actually 13 was the lucky number!

                        so relieved. We had a pretty rough time in that zone and if I never go back I'm ok with that.

                        I showed up after work to see what was going on, how many campers and maybe get a pull or at least get the time. Profblix spawned right as I walked in and I was in the wrong macro set and missed him

                        A 72blm was fighting him and having a rough time, in a moment of weakness I tossed him a heal when he was definitely about to die. Of course he got the earring but he was grateful and offered to stay and help me get mine.

                        I wandered around for a bit looking for a treasure chest and found Ose. There were 2 parties xp'n but neither was up to killing it with us unfortunately. So we're kicking around, like 90mins til spawn and I ask fal if he's bored an wants to come tank ose. He subs rdm for phalanx and gets a teleport down!

                        We figure we'll kite it around as much as possible, sleep it if we need to get buffs back, and generally just nuke the hell out of it. 3 man pt of blm ose here we come! Starts out pretty well, nukes are flying with fal doing slightly more so he can hold hate. His buffs wear off so he gravity's and runs to recast, I throw an extra nuke out to give him a few seconds....and everything goes horribly wrong.

                        One party has been spamming me to alliance because as ose is at 50% health and we're laying down some serious they're interested in the rewards. THe other party sees this and thinks pt A is talking to them. They alliance up and in a brief second ose turns yellow. One of their pt members provokes it and now I have a claimed ose pounding on me. I can't sleep stun or bind....good times.

                        So I die and they kill ose, we all had spells up and almost 2/3 mp left when it was at 50% and was stolen. Don't worry they say, the only thing that dropped was whisker, no jerkin. I hope they enjoy their 80k or whatever it is now...and they never need my help for anything.

                        Ended up killing profblix twice more before the drop, I hope it was all worth it

                        honestly can't thank fal enough for all his help, though I'm sure he'll think of some way for me to make it up to him 8O)


                        • #13
                          well, thanks to some truly heroic efforts and much help by faluzure, especially his mad quick stunning skills, we killed profblix another 4 times yesterday and I'm now 0/11
                          this is seriously making me question the "rumour" about lucky eggs and their treasure hunter assistance...

                          We killed him 4 times, party was:

                          55DRK/WAR, 55BLM/WHM, 58BLM/THF, 58WHM/THF

                          Both of the Lv.58 people had Lucky Eggs, so essentially Treasure Hunter II, if you believe the myths...

                          We got:
                          3 Scrolls of Thunder III
                          1 Scroll of Thundaga III
                          1 Scroll of Burst
                          4 Goblin Masks
                          4 Golbin Armors
                          3 Moldavite Earrings


                          Dunno if we were just lucky, or if the happy eggs helped.


                          • #14
                            i don't believe any myths :p
                            drop rate for people that aren't me seems to be around 30%

                            At first we didn't think TH would help, because it always seems to drop 3 items, so its not like you're either getting an item or not. But when I got moldavite it dropped bring a thief.


                            • #15

                              One party has been spamming me to alliance because as ose is at 50% health and we're laying down some serious they're interested in the rewards. THe other party sees this and thinks pt A is talking to them. They alliance up and in a brief second ose turns yellow. One of their pt members provokes it and now I have a claimed ose pounding on me. I can't sleep stun or bind....good times.

                              So I die and they kill ose, we all had spells up and almost 2/3 mp left when it was at 50% and was stolen. Don't worry they say, the only thing that dropped was whisker, no jerkin. I hope they enjoy their 80k or whatever it is now...and they never need my help for anything.

                              Ended up killing profblix twice more before the drop, I hope it was all worth it

                              honestly can't thank fal enough for all his help, though I'm sure he'll think of some way for me to make it up to him 8O)

                              Dude I feel for you. That is by far the biggest BS I have heard in a long time. I think I would of lost it, and turned it into one of those accidental deaths to the entire group. I have a really shitty attitude when it comes to things like that.

                              That is just BS, you and your group did all the work and they get the reward. That is an definate blist for everyone in those Alliances, and I would ask everyone in all my LSes to do the same.

                              I am just the kind of person that believes you don't fuck over people like that. I would even go as far as to have them take it, and there whm keep you alive, but shit, they even let you die. They got a reward off of your hard work.

                              I don't think I would of done very well in that situation. Oh well, think about it like this 12 less people you have to worry about asking you to help them.
                              "*IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!*"

