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  • #16
    At L71, I still didn't have this earring. So today I decied to camp him. (solo)

    After about 1h 45m he spawned. I ended up getting 2 other goblins linked with him

    Fight was hard, he didn't melee, we just stood there and nuked eachother. The hard part is the fact that he has 5000 hps and once a BLM is out of MP we can't really deal anymore dmg. I had to use 2hr to finish off the last 1/3.

    Drops :

    6000 gil
    a Goblin mask
    a suit of Goblin armor
    a scroll of Burst

    .. and ..
    a moldavite earring.

    Got lucky on the first kill, which is good, cause I wouldn't want to sit there for 2 hours and do that fight over. lol


    • #17
      congratulations spork

      I'm sure you're a very nice person, but you know... I have to hate you anyway haha 8O)

      really though its good to hear not everyone has to go through what I did


      • #18
        I think I've killed him about 20 times now, I used him and the local cockatrice to buy phalnax at level 68. I always thought the earring was a 100% drop, I guess not. Can't wait til I finally hit 47 with blm 2000 more exp ^^.
        The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

        My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


        • #19
          I got it on my first kill!, I hadnt even been camping him the zone was just empty and a few of us were skilling up on Torama.

          CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


          • #20
            Got the thing on my 3rd try, which incidently was the try i went as whm and died ^^ But my friend passed it right into the final slot in my inventory as he Instant Warped out. YaY.
            Black Mage 73


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tsama
              Dude I feel for you. That is by far the biggest BS I have heard in a long time. I think I would of lost it, and turned it into one of those accidental deaths to the entire group. I have a really shitty attitude when it comes to things like that.

              That is just BS, you and your group did all the work and they get the reward. That is an definate blist for everyone in those Alliances, and I would ask everyone in all my LSes to do the same.

              I am just the kind of person that believes you don't fuck over people like that. I would even go as far as to have them take it, and there whm keep you alive, but shit, they even let you die. They got a reward off of your hard work.

              I don't think I would of done very well in that situation. Oh well, think about it like this 12 less people you have to worry about asking you to help them.
              We had Ose in the bag. Halfway & the other BLM were only at about half mana (Tarutaru). I was at 2/3rd mana (Elvaan). So yes, I was very mad so I asked them about it. I kept my cool, because bitching at people in an improper manner is not the way to handle things.

              So I ask them why they stole it. Their excuse? "It turned yellow and you would've done the same if it happened to us." Total bullshit. I'm a part of one of the most popular JP HNM LS on our server. We have a deep sense of honor & respect, even if we don't like the LS that won the pull.

              So I tell them that its crap and that I can't believe how greedy they were. It's true, most players on nearly every server would screw someone over for easy gil or treasure. So what does the Paladin who pulled it say? Quote: "Get a tissue and go to the ladies room." I blacklisted everyone one of those people, did a /disgust emote and walked away.

              The nerve of some people...
              Character: Faluzure
              Server: Quetzalcoatl
              Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
              Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
              Black Mage Profile
              Red Mage Profile
              Summoner Profile


              • #22
                I would've trained mass toramas and manticores and 2hr escape/warped on them. Then feign innocence to all their hostile /tells.


                • #23
                  I've been somewhat lucky with it. First time killed it easily with a 61ish level party. Sadly I lotted a 5 and the BLM in the party got it.

                  Second time I did it solo as a 63 RDM. Just barely succeeded but I was a bit sloppy in the beginning. I was helped out because a DRG was in there farming Cockratices so I didn't have links to worry about.

                  So I'm been 2/2 for drops on it without a THF around either time.


                  • #24
                    I did a /sea on Onzozo tonight and nobody was there hunting Mysticmaker Profblix, but by the time my three-man crew of 57-58 got there, a lone 68BLM was camping him. He got Profblix before us because he didn't have to worry about aggro or links. However, his strategy was horrible.

                    He ran up to Mysticmaker and started trading DOTs with him and buffing himself. Then he hit Mysticmaker with a Blizzard III, which knocked off about 1/6 of his HP.

                    He did this again until Profblix had about 2/3HP. Throughout this time the BLM had dropped below 1/2HP twice and used items to cure himself.

                    Mysticmaker started charging up for an ancient magic, at which point it was too late for the BLM. He had just casted Stoneskin on himself and then tried to use Stun, but of course it was resisted and he was one-shotted by Freeze.

                    Anyhow, based on the way Mysticmaker was fighting him at first and the fight we had with him following that, the BLM would have been fine if he had just continually nuked the goblin, using Manafont when he was running low on MP. Were I in his shoes, I woudn't have bothered buffing myself with Blink and Blaze Spikes, etc. and instead would have just been hitting Profblix with everything I had.

                    As a sidenote, he used Freeze on my well-equipped 58WAR friend also, hitting him for 975dmg, but otherwise really wasn't a threat in the least. Unfortunately he was already damaged enough by the time we got to him that we hadn't built up the TP to stun him during his ancient magic casting, but he went down all the same.
                    There will be cake.


                    • #25
                      Patch! Did Mysticmaker Profblix drop a Moldative Earring?
                      Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


                      • #26
                        Hey Kazu~!


                        (We'll have to get you one of these when you get back^^)
                        Attached Files
                        There will be cake.


                        • #27
                          Good YET bad luck

                          I had some really good, yet bad luck with this NM.

                          Bout a week ago, I was lvl 50-ish and decided I really needed this earring, so I asked some friends to come on down and help me out if they could. We had a lvl 60-ish BLM, a lvl 60 PLD, me (lvl 51 BLM), and headed on down to the Labyrinth. We waited for about 30 minutes before another friend decided to come along (lvl 53 WAR/NIN) and then waited until the NM popped.

                          When mysticmaker showed up, the other people in the room got it instead. I was angry because the place where the NM popped was right in front of the PLD and WAR and they musta not been paying attention, but I couldn't complain, since they were helping me out. It wouldn't be right, and it was WRONG to be angry. Hell, they were helping me, and that's good enough.

                          So, I get over it, and the lvl 60ish BLM says he can't wait another two hours and leaves. I had no problem with that, I thanked him for his help, and so he warps. Soon thereafter, another friend of mine logs on, who by lucky chance, is a lvl 46 THF. I ask (beg) him to come along, and he agrees, and we wait another couple hours for the spawn, competing with a lvl 75 PLD and an /anon RDM in AF armor.

                          Heres the thing. The PLD, whilst a friend of mine, has a very odd habit of falling asleep. It gets reallly annoying sometimes, but it came at the worst possible time. The NM spawns, the THF claims it, and it all goes to hell.

                          A BST has JUST released a scorpian next to the place where mysticmaker spawned, totally unintentional and it was BEFORE the NM spawned, but the damage was done. the Scorpian aggroes the THF, and attacks him, and the THF dies and goes down. The WAR is being forced to tank mysticmaker cause the PLD fell asleep. So we're <call> ing like nuts, and by the time I've put the scorpian to sleep and the NM is at half health, the PLD wakes up and grabs the aggro from the gobbie. At this point, the WAR is in the red, and I'm in the yellow, with a sleeping scorpian staring me in the face.

                          The battle didn't go TOO bad, and I was forced to use my two hour to kill mysticmaker, but I was ecstatic: he dropped the earring. But....the scorpian wakes up, at the worst possible time. He smacks me, and no one does anything as it kills me, so I was unable to lot on the earring. The PLD, finally aware that the scorpian is kicking our asses, grabs the aggro and runs...the wrong way. He heads deeper INTO the maze, with the scorpian on his butt, and the WAR is the only one left alive with health in the red.

                          Eventually, I see the PLD's health, drop, and then empty, and he dies. I'm torn, because while I don't want to see my friends HP and it being a very selfish thing to request that they do so for the earring, I don't want all that work to be wasted. However, the PLD starts whining that he "cannot HP" and that he "NEEDS a raise" Neither me nor the THF complain about this, but then I remember the PLD and the RDM. I ask them both for a raise, the RDM acts like an ass and doesn't respond (he asked earlier, in english, if we got the drop) and the PLD says he doesn't have enough MP to raise (he said like 143 or so)

                          So....the treasure ends...and the THF gets the earring. I HP, and so does the THF and we are both unbelievably mad at the PLD, because he almost let the WAR die, because he was asleep and didn't get the scorpian offa me or the THF, and also because he whines about a raise because he needs this EXP. I may be bitter, and maybe it isn't really his fault...I don't know. But neither me or the THF were happy with the outcome. It was four hours wasted, and I was beyond angry...Sooooo frustrated. /sigh...


                          • #28
                            That's why when you're camping something that's rare/ex, always give quartermaster control to the person that needs the item. Then, worse comes to worse, that person dies, and you can't get the item to them...they'll still get it. Just remember to divy up the rest of the loot and noone will mind.
                            For The Horde!!
                            Current Gil total spent on gear:
                            Current Gil Value of gear:
                            Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                            • #29
                              >.< I got the earring on my first try. Profibix used freeze on me, and I received 0 damage... wtf rofl

                              Btw I am lvl 66 and had stoneskin and phalanx on.


                              • #30
                                The Goblin that came straight from Hell that is!!!!

                                I never could really get any help @47, since when i was 47 everyone was too lol!

                                First day: 63BLM/WHM + 63DRG/RDM
                                #1: Easy prey! but no Earring

                                #2: Again, no earring....

                                Second Day: 63BLM/WHM + 63PLD/WAR
                                #1: I had 1/2 mana, and pld had no mana when it poped, on the moment I just stuned it, when I saw someone comming.. we died, 75SMN shows up Raise1 we both and kill the Gob for us.. No Earring

                                3Days later: 64Blm + 64drg
                                #1: Again.. no earring
                                #2-3: Some dudes beat us to it.. we gave up for today

                                2Days Later: 64BLM +64DRG +64PLD + 64 THF + 64 WHM
                                #1 We were going to hunt toramas for XP, but it was there walking.. i stuned everything around agroed! 4Cockatrices +3 gobs, i Slept everything we killed the gob! IT DROPED... but wait!
                                DRG,PLD,WHM pass on the earring, i lot for 200... then the super bright THF... LOTS!! and guess who won..

                                Next day: DRG was pissed cuz of yesterday, but told me wouldn't leave w/o the earring
                                #1: someone beat us to stun..
                                #2: again..
                                #3: again.. god damn thing poping right next to them ( same person no earring 3x)

                                DRG had to leave, I were screw IT, I'm soloing now!..
                                #4: A whm came by and beat me to it.. I was leaving saw the whm there... the monster 50% and YELLOW.. i gave a couple seconds 10seconds.. then I start to cast Blizzard3 It takes another 7-9 seconds, she didn't moved or anything or Re-Claimed I claimed from her, I try to kill as fast i can, and get some agro by Throwing Divine seal + C3 on her.. killed and got my earring

                                I feel bad for doing that.. And the price I pay for it, is everyday look at my Equipments and remember I stole the earring from a 72WHM:sweat:

