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party woes

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  • party woes

    well... i've hit quite the lull as far as parties are concerned... and i was wondering what, if anything, i can do to help.

    I am currently a lvl 48 Taru blm/whm, I have pretty good gear for my level, and i have every spell but 1 (stonega2).

    I have +19 INT (+20 on new moon), i have well over 600 mp, and i like to think that i'm pretty good with hate control, as well as magic bursts. I always eat melon pie (for an extra +4 INT). I have every teleport crystal, as well as a Airship pass.....

    But yet... Some days i can be LFP for the entire day, as well as telling almost every party leader in my level range... It's just really getting frustrating.... Especially when i come and read this forum, and everyone talks about how easy it is for mages in general to get parties, all the way to 75. (albiet it's melee's that usually say such things)

    currently my search comment reads:

    @<XP> (| I want experience points |)
    +19 INT (+23 after (| Melon Pie |)

    and for the last line i usually say that altep and vahlz teleports are ok... with the translator of course. although i've been saying "Genkai 1: OK" lately....

    I am ahead of the majority of my LS, so unfortunately i cannot look there for parties as of yet. I tried to level my sub a bit... but kazham was so horrible, I ended up getting about 1k xp total, from THREE parties, which by my standards is far from enjoyable.

    anyhow.... Any helpfull advice would be much appreciated... whether i should change my search comment, or spam shout, or whatever... it's really starting to frustrate me.
    Duffy - Taru Blm/Whm - Phoenix server

  • #2

    Dont think your the only BLM out there.

    Your equip and int mean nothing when people are just looking for PTs.

    When people consider people in PTs, the look at rank, tnl, subjob and sometimes race.

    If someone is rank5 and someone is rank3, theyll most likely go for the rank5 guy. if someone subs /war for a whm, ofcourse there look for another (in your case a blm, if you sub rdm, some people hate when blm sub rdm, so that may be a prob) and if theres a galka and a taru seeking, there gonna go for the taru.

    When i lfg (i usually just get invited out of the blue) I put in my search:

    @5k -> 46
    Can PT For Many Hours

    Longest ive ever sat looking for a pt was 2 hours.

    And im prob the gimpiest BLM on Rag.

    Its amazing people will blow millions on equip just to gain an extra 50mp or an extra 20dmg per spell.

    Having all spells > equip


    • #3
      awww sorry to hear that. I've always just amused myself on various farming things or lv up weapon skills or enfeebling or smn skill or some other mindless task when lfg.

      I generally change back my job to the one I'm lfg'ing every 10 min or so to check who's around

      or simply type /sea all 47-49 and see if there are enough peeps with flag up to make a pt. (spam this every 2 min or less) (even have it macroed on a spare page)

      If all else fails, go lv a sub job or do some quests or fish or err, just ride the airship around for that 500 gil identify person quest.

      At least it cuts down on the monotony of lfg'ing

      Also, I've noticed that I get significantly more pt invites when

      1) I'm in the area of where my lv range people usually hang out at. (for my thf wich has the most lfg time of all my jobs, I either sit in CN or in rolandberry hills stealing from gobs or throwing boomerangs at them for skill up near the CN entrance)

      2) I am in lower jeuno. Other jeuno sights aren't searched as often I think.

      3) I rarely get an invite when I'm in some wierd place farming but it has happened occassionally.
      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


      • #4
        on a trivial side note:

        if you do that identify the person airship quest enough times. I dunno, maybe a hundred times or so. Your title changes from "Discerning Individual" to "Very Discerning Individual"

        hehehe it's good money damn it!
        75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


        • #5
          reputation counts also. if you're known to be a good blm, you'll end up partying with the same few people over and over. piss people off and well...
          its also difficult for me to get into pickup groups when i die too much and fall drastically behind my static. in my static, we level pretty slow compared to everyone else, not because of low xp gain (we usually avg about 4k/hour) but because we don't level very many days each week. the result is that everyone else i know is far higher than i then i'm relatively unknown to the people around my level when i take /anon off after having it on for 2 months. of course, these people would choose more familiar black mages to party with before going with a strange one like myself, even though i have my equipment listed in my search comments.


          • #6
            even with the following:
            @<exp> <Apple Pie +1>
            <Dark Staff><Ice Staff><Sleepga>II </nod>
            JP/EN ok^^ EXP/BC/Avatar

            as my comment, I can still go hours or days without an exp invite. Other times, however, I get tells as soon as I log on. Most frequently, I get tells as I'm about to log. Really frustrating.

            Its just pretty much random. It depends on what jobs are on, what jobs are looking, and what jobs are lacking. Sometimes there will be 5 blms in your level bracket lfp...those times I take to farm or level subjob. Other times, you'll be the only blm within 10 levels lfp...and you get instant invites. Just find some other way to amuse yourself rather than simply sitting around LFP. Otherwise you'll go insane.

            And yes, melee think it's so much easier for us to level, but the only ones getting a free ride after lv55 are bards.
            For The Horde!!
            Current Gil total spent on gear:
            Current Gil Value of gear:
            Laughing when new players complain about prices:


            • #7
              well, things have changed for the better recently.

              After breaking the first level cap, i've been trying to farm lately, without my seek flag up, and without a search comment. Yet, i have been getting invites out of the blue, some are even JP invites. I'm just about lvl 53 now, and soon i will be forced to level my sub again, but it's has been nice recently, not seeking for hours on end and being frustrated.

              Perhaps my invites have not been coming faster though, and i'm just not realizing how long i farm for ^^'

              Anyhow... just thought i'd give some hope to people in that XP bracket. For me at least, things have been getting better.
              Duffy - Taru Blm/Whm - Phoenix server


              • #8
                I'm having the same problem lately, in fact at one point I almost considered changing my main to BST after not being able to get a decent invite for over 3-4 days.
                But last night i got REALLY lucky and decided as i came home from work at about 11 that i was going to go lvl as long as possible tonight. I logged on and immediately (before i could even leave my mog house) i received an invite from a jp player in japanese asking me if i wanted to join their leveling party. I dont speak japanese, so i used translator to make sure they were aware of this, and they didnt mind

                So we head out to crawler's nest pulling in 4-4.5k per hour in an entirely japanese party except for myself and it lasted untill 6 am netting me 3 lvls in the process (43-46)

                The motto of this story? Invites seem to be all about luck. I had no search comment when i got on, i wasnt even seeking at the time, and yet i got into a entirely japanese party with 2 rank 10 members and i couldve just as easily ended up seeking all night.

                OT: I also learnt that jp players are much nicer then many make them out to be these days, and i hope i get to party with more people like them.

                Fuk it, Cut the cord...

