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Is it all really worth it?

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  • #61
    I got chain #54 with 8 exp or so once <.<" Not even kidding. No chain messages while we were raping yagudos and suddenly a chain #54 while fighting a gold tier one w.

    Anyway the starves are definately worth it, especially Dark Staff (like everyone is saying w)
    Black Mage 73


    • #62
      AtraposBLM. I think you rock. I am pretty sure any (slightly unequiped) Black Mage lvl 50~ or under thinks so too. For that reason, I think it is all really worth it. Also you kickass with the gear, even if it is a little bit.

      (/slap <me>, I started a thread about my goal gear and how long it would take to get it... and it's name is just like this thread. Dumb me should have looked around the forum first ><)


      • #63
        Originally posted by BloodRedPoet
        AtraposBLM. I think you rock. I am pretty sure any (slightly unequiped) Black Mage lvl 50~ or under thinks so too. For that reason, I think it is all really worth it. Also you kickass with the gear, even if it is a little bit.

        (/slap <me>, I started a thread about my goal gear and how long it would take to get it... and it's name is just like this thread. Dumb me should have looked around the forum first ><)

        never thought people would be looking up to me

        I mostly have the stuff in my sig so people can understand how much the economy of midgardsormr sucks lol.
        For The Horde!!
        Current Gil total spent on gear:
        Current Gil Value of gear:
        Laughing when new players complain about prices:


        • #64
          I paid more for Sleepga 2 and less for all that other stuff. It was up past 200k for a while. Funny, the differences between servers....


          • #65
            Its kinda weird hearing about you being the only blm with ice and dark staff. On Bahamut, all blm have them, and you wont get pt invites if you dont. We have tons and tons of blm, and theres always 2-4 seeking in my level range at any time. I guess thats why some of that stuff is cheaper. o.O
            Kuno's super cool stats!
            Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

            Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
            Lushang's: Ok!


            • #66
              Midgard is pretty ghetto. Being ahead of the levelling curve meant that spells were cheaper but gear was overly inflated. Bought sleepga2 for 70k and black cloak for they're 180k and 100k respectively.

              Now that prices of gear have come down I think blm are better equipped these days.


              • #67
                yeah...lately, a LOT of blm's have at least one staff...and if they don't have both, well they're just damn lazy at this point

                Sleepga II is back up at 200k atm...I just managed to buy it when it dropped a little. It'll most likely plummet shortly, as I know of about 12-24 people that'll be completing the sleepga II quest relatively yeah, we'll go from having 1-2 in stock to having 20 and the price'll plummet accordingly.
                For The Horde!!
                Current Gil total spent on gear:
                Current Gil Value of gear:
                Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                • #68
                  Pssh, lazy nothing. I just suck at farming.

                  ~90k and slowly climbing. :p


                  • #69
                    I'm not talking about blm's that don't have both staves at 51. I'm talking about the ones that are in my level bracket (65-75) and STILL don't have at least one staff. Especially now, given the recent price drop in dark staff, you should at least have that. If you don't, you're either misinformed (one blm actually told me that the staves were a waste of money...this blm had a ton of +int, and I still outdamaged him spell by spell, got less resists, and had more mp. He now has an ice staff, and possibly a dark staff.), or lazy. That, or extremely unlucky...
                    For The Horde!!
                    Current Gil total spent on gear:
                    Current Gil Value of gear:
                    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                    • #70
                      I just realized that my level 40 taru blm, with +19 int and another +4 or something with Melon pies only dealt around 10-20 damage than a human blm one the same level, which I'm sure had inferior equipment. wtf. I couldn't tell about the resist rates because I was getting resisted maybe 35% of the time while using the opposite element while he got resisted like 80% of the time coz he kept getting resisted. Is all that crap worth 10-20 extra damage only~?!

                      Also I'm of the theory that int doesn't affect resist rates that much after levelling my blm madly. Having lilke +20 something int and still getting resisted (using blizzard and blizzaga vs crawlers) doesn't give a lot of hope. . .
                      Black Mage 73


                      • #71
                        INT has little to no effect on the amount of resists you get. It deals solely with increasing the maximum amount of damage you do, as well as the damage you do on resisted spells. The only thing that determines how many resist you get is your elemental magic skill. There are only a few items that increase it. I'll list them:

                        1) Black Mage AF4 - Gloves -- They give +15 elemental magic skill. If you aren't always wearing these, you're cheating yourself. That, and they're free. lv54

                        2) Black Mage JSE - Black Cloak -- These grant +8 elemental magic skill, as well as "Refresh Effect", which gives 1 mp / 3 secs. I always wear it while casting nukes, unless I'm fighting something significantly lower than me. Fairly sweet ^^ lv68

                        3) HQ BLM JSE - Demon Cloak - give +10 elemental magic skill. Fairly rare on midgardsormr...I don't know many blm's with it, and I don't think any NA blm's have it.

                        4) Ice Staff - gives +10 elemental magic skill, and a 10% bonus to the damage of all the Blizzard line of spells. Also gives resistance to wind. Very sweet, and on most servers, it's less than 300k. lv51

                        5) Aquilos's Staff - HQ Ice Staff - Same as ice staff, only gives 15% damage to ice spells, and I think +5 int instead of +4.

                        That's it, as far as I know (that blm's can wear anyways). There might be some peice of AF2 that adds to EMS, but I don't know the stats off hand.
                        For The Horde!!
                        Current Gil total spent on gear:
                        Current Gil Value of gear:
                        Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                        • #72
                          Moldavite Earring, also, of course.

                          Interesting comparison. I've been a little dismayed with the exceptional number of poorly equipped higher level RDMs running around... or to contrast, the few really well equipped ones that are still really bad players.

                          Sufficed to say, if you can have the best equipment and be a great player, you can at least be that much more satisfied with yourself~
                          There will be cake.


                          • #73
                            you forgot elemental torque, lvl 65, +7 elemental skill.


                            • #74
                              Ok sorry I was lazy and kind of skimmed the post. So sorry if I repeat something. At the start of this post there are 3 BLMs a 68 with bad gear and 2 66's with good-great gear. And the 2 66's put up numbers that compared to or surpassed a 68's. Money well spent.

                              Equipment does make a differance, but lvl makes a bigger differance.


                              • #75
                                ah yeah, sorry about forgetting the torque. That's the last bit of equips I need before I start getting what I call "polish gear" (like omniscient rings, phantom tathlum, extra staves, etc.).

                                Also, Moldavite Earring gives something called "Magic Attack Bonus", which is a different thing entirely than elemental magic skill. The way I see it, the Magic Attack Bonus on the moldavite adds approximately 17 damage. The difference between a blm with 2 more int than me, but no moldavite, was about 17-25 damage per nuke (in my favor). With the same int, it probably would've been around 22-30 damage difference.
                                For The Horde!!
                                Current Gil total spent on gear:
                                Current Gil Value of gear:
                                Laughing when new players complain about prices:

