I had a group today that really threw my understanding of the gears in this game out of whack. First off, the rundown:
1 pld/war
1 whm/brd
1 rdm/blm
3x blm/whm (68/34, 66/32 (me), 66/33)
We pulled darters in the Boyahda Tree, got Chain #5 every time (could've attempted 6 but paladin was too low on mp), and averaged 4,500 exp per hour (with 2 escapes, 1 for too many links and 1 for aquarious).
The thing that threw me was the setup of each blm. As follows:
The 68/34 blm had what to me seemed like pretty shitty gear. He didn't have a black cloak yet, nor did he have any staves, torques, or otherwise. He had slightly more +int than I did (wore mythic wand and astral aspis), but he only used melon pie.
The 66/32 (me) blm had what I consider fairly good gear. While casting nukes, I have +23 int (74+23), and I have ice and dark staves, but no torques.
Here comes the kicker. The other lv66 had:
Vermillion Cloak
Full AF
Shaman's Cloak
Phantom Tathlum
Arachne Obi+1
Eremite Rings+1
Pluto's Staff
ALL ELEMENTAL STAVES (only HQ one was dark staff)
Serket Ring
Astral Ring
Elemental, Dark, and Enfeebling Torques
Now, from what I noticed, the damage output was as follows, from highest to lowest:
Uber blm > Me > lv68 blm
However, by the end of chain 5, I had about 200 mp left, the uber blm had about 240 mp left, and the 68 had about 150 mp left. So we weren't exactly *squeezing* out the chain 5's.
So my question is...why bother? The lv68 with poor gear was able to contribute just as much (maybe not as much based purely on the numbers, but in terms of how much exp/hour we gained) as the lv66 with ridiculous gear. Yeah, it was sweet seeing the uber blm hit a 601 damage thunder III (mine is 550-560), and it was ridiculous how he could pull hate off who I consider the best pld on midgardsormr in my level range (Helpme, no offense to the others...I've pulled aggro off helpme exactly twice...and neither was particularly easy. No other paladin makes me work for my aggro
) without trying much, but I didn't feel like if we replaced him with a different blm anything would've changed.
So wtf? Why should I bother spending hours of my time getting gil for this crap instead of just leveling to 75? I don't get it. It certainly hasn't helped me get any invites, as today I got more invites than I've gotten in the past week (4) and I had exactly zero in my search comment. Not even a TNL announcement. Meanwhile, since buying my dark staff, I had Apple Pie +1, Dark Staff, Ice Staff, and Sleepga II (all auto-translated) all in my comment, as well as my current exp (as in @20,000/34,000) and an obligatory JP/EN oK^^ as well. I didn't notice anything significant about the invite differences.
Maybe somehow word spread that I'm a good blm. Somehow I doubt it. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that doing what a blm does is so hard that finding someone who isn't an idiot is so difficult that I stand out that much. Maybe I'm just that wrong...
Anyways, I'll continue to farm my ass off and get all this crap, if only for the fact that I don't want to stand out as a BAD blm. That, and if melee's are forced to do all that crap for their gear...its only fair that I show the same dedication.
1 pld/war
1 whm/brd
1 rdm/blm
3x blm/whm (68/34, 66/32 (me), 66/33)
We pulled darters in the Boyahda Tree, got Chain #5 every time (could've attempted 6 but paladin was too low on mp), and averaged 4,500 exp per hour (with 2 escapes, 1 for too many links and 1 for aquarious).
The thing that threw me was the setup of each blm. As follows:
The 68/34 blm had what to me seemed like pretty shitty gear. He didn't have a black cloak yet, nor did he have any staves, torques, or otherwise. He had slightly more +int than I did (wore mythic wand and astral aspis), but he only used melon pie.
The 66/32 (me) blm had what I consider fairly good gear. While casting nukes, I have +23 int (74+23), and I have ice and dark staves, but no torques.
Here comes the kicker. The other lv66 had:
Vermillion Cloak
Full AF
Shaman's Cloak
Phantom Tathlum
Arachne Obi+1
Eremite Rings+1
Pluto's Staff
ALL ELEMENTAL STAVES (only HQ one was dark staff)
Serket Ring
Astral Ring
Elemental, Dark, and Enfeebling Torques
Now, from what I noticed, the damage output was as follows, from highest to lowest:
Uber blm > Me > lv68 blm
However, by the end of chain 5, I had about 200 mp left, the uber blm had about 240 mp left, and the 68 had about 150 mp left. So we weren't exactly *squeezing* out the chain 5's.
So my question is...why bother? The lv68 with poor gear was able to contribute just as much (maybe not as much based purely on the numbers, but in terms of how much exp/hour we gained) as the lv66 with ridiculous gear. Yeah, it was sweet seeing the uber blm hit a 601 damage thunder III (mine is 550-560), and it was ridiculous how he could pull hate off who I consider the best pld on midgardsormr in my level range (Helpme, no offense to the others...I've pulled aggro off helpme exactly twice...and neither was particularly easy. No other paladin makes me work for my aggro

So wtf? Why should I bother spending hours of my time getting gil for this crap instead of just leveling to 75? I don't get it. It certainly hasn't helped me get any invites, as today I got more invites than I've gotten in the past week (4) and I had exactly zero in my search comment. Not even a TNL announcement. Meanwhile, since buying my dark staff, I had Apple Pie +1, Dark Staff, Ice Staff, and Sleepga II (all auto-translated) all in my comment, as well as my current exp (as in @20,000/34,000) and an obligatory JP/EN oK^^ as well. I didn't notice anything significant about the invite differences.
Maybe somehow word spread that I'm a good blm. Somehow I doubt it. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that doing what a blm does is so hard that finding someone who isn't an idiot is so difficult that I stand out that much. Maybe I'm just that wrong...
Anyways, I'll continue to farm my ass off and get all this crap, if only for the fact that I don't want to stand out as a BAD blm. That, and if melee's are forced to do all that crap for their gear...its only fair that I show the same dedication.