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Drain??? and Aspir???

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  • Drain??? and Aspir???

    is it a good idea to get drain and aspir for as much as they are and not have a high dark magic lv?

    my friend wants 2 know because my dark magic lv is capped and i love drain for my heals
    Destined Co. Logs and furniture Lv 19 carpenter also look for tankbot in windurst rayco and killerhume in bastok and taruthug in sandoria LS RubyWeapon&DeepEyes&TaruStarsOfDestiny(all taru)

  • #2
    i havn't really used them all the way to 40*, but now that im 40. i can do the quest easily. so its best to wait and do the quest in my opinion. they arent difficult

    *i have used them, but never saved me or antying


    • #3
      Drain and Aspir doesn't really seem to become of any real usefullness till you get in the 65+ So you can definatly wait on it.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        I'd say get them as soon as you can. Do the quests (yes, they are quest reqards) if you can't stomache the price tag. They are worth every gil.

        Your dark magic will rise much faster with drain and aspir then just bio alone. Once you cap your dark magic, you can drain a good chunk of HP/MP from monsters you fight.

        Drain is also a very MP efficient damage spell. for a mere 21 MP cost, I can deal about 160 damage while topping my HP.

        PS: this is from someone who got Drain at lv 12, and Aspir at 20 (I got the scroll early, had to wait for 5 long levels to learn it :sweat: )
        Junior Member?

        Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


        • #5
          Once you have the fame (also need rank for drain) you can buy the quest items off the AH pretty cheap. They are one time quests though, which is what drives up the price of the scroll itself.

          I use aspir all the time on things that have mana. Nice way to work up dark skill, since even when I get a crappy aspir I usually get at least the mana for the spell back.
          58 RDM, 31 BLM, 20 DRG, 15 THF, 12PLD, 12 MNK, 11 WAR, 10 RNG, 10 NIN, 9 DRK, 9 BST, 8 WHM, 7 SAM, 1 SMN, 1 BRD
          Rank 5 - San d'Oria


          • #6
            wait til lvl 65 to get drain or aspir? macht we have agreed on alot of things. but this time you have lost your mind. those quests are not hard to do at there gained lvl. you can buy what ever you need at a.h to complete the quest.. plus cheap an easy repeatsable quests. there is really no time lost.

            you ask any dark knight an they will all tell you the same thing. they are a must when you hit there level. either A. buy them. or B. quest them. it is just that simple. and as for low lvl dark magic. nothing raises it more then casting aspir, or drain. from what i noticed.

            saying that there is no real usefulness, has never used them properly. i can basically solo farm for a long time, til my magic is drained before i have to stop an rest, til it gets back up there. but sometimes i will find a magic mob, an cast aspir an gain back a good chunk of what i lost..

            at capped lvl of 163 i drained i mob for 190 hp, an aspir for 90. its also great for when you are puller. drain a mob for alot of mp means i dont have to rest. sc can keep going. more exp. so on an so on...

            speaking from drk point of veiw............... GET THEM!!!



            • #7
              Drain is really nice the moment you get it. Even soloing worms at level 13+ as a BLM, Drain become enormously useful to counteract things like Stonega, and in parties, you can Drain back damage that was dealt to you more often than not, and give your tank a bit more time to get control of aggro before you get KO'd if you accidentally overnuke (you ARE only pulling aggro by accident right? Good. ).

              Aspir is a trickier thing at 25. If you're still in Qufim at 25, you can use it on the crabs for a level or two. I'd say definitely get it by level 30 if you are headed towards Eastern Altepa Desert for levelling - being able to Aspir vs. Beetles is a great way to keep up your MP, as well as raise your Dark Magic to make Bio stick longer, but until then it really isn't that useful. There are some levels where you won't have any use for Aspir, but when you face enemies that have MP, it makes your life much, much easier.



              • #8
                Most people know this, but Drain is by far the most cost worthy spell. When not resisted you can take out from 100-150 life (level 30) for 20 mp was it ? It's more effecient than any other spells (including cure at later levels w), and works even at full life.

                I'm sure in kazham parties with inexperienced tanks, you will pull aggro with one spell (Sometimes I have to nuke once or twice a battle after debuffs since one strong spelll will draw all the hate, especially if you can get out a Firaga). In such cases you draining will help get mp back. However I use it whenever it recharges, you see a decent chunk of hp reduced if not resisted.

                Later levels you will be levelling on Crabs, Beetles, certain Beastmen (Antican, Goblins) that have mp etc. Aspir is a great way to save down time, but does not have any other real value as it probably doesn't work on more ethan half the monsters you fight. (They have so much mp you can't possibly drain it all out anyway).
                Black Mage 73


                • #9
                  Just a quick note about Aspir... monsters that I've found to have MP:

                  All spellcasting beastmen
                  All worms
                  All beetles
                  All crabs
                  SOME cockatrices (Sand cockatrices in Cape Terrigan have MP... regular Cockatrices in Labyrinth of Onzozo do not. I have no idea why...)
                  Perytons (not sure about their weaker cousins, Diatyrama in Altepa)
                  All elementals
                  All magic pots
                  All ahrimans
                  All evil weapons

                  Note: a number of enemies that have MP also possess significant resistance to Dark magic or magic in general:

                  Anticans are resistant to Dark magic.
                  Demons are resistant to Dark magic.
                  Magic pots are resistant to all magic.
                  Ahriman are resistant to all magic.



                  • #10
                    Drain and Aspir are two of the most useful spells a BLM (and DRK) can use. Get them as soon as you can. If you don't feel like doing the quests now, you can just buy them now, do the quests later, and sell the scrolls then.
                    DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

                    Which FF Character Are You?


                    • #11
                      Drain and Aspir rock so much. Once you get a Dark Staff and the AF pants they are so great. @.@; My record for Drain is 220, and aspir 101. That means for 21 MP I not only did 220 damage, I healed that much as well. Thats like using a Cure III for half the MP, but also doing that much damage on the mob. @.@; And 101 MP with aspir... that's just amazing. Level 50+ you'll be only fighting crabs anyway, and they are fun to Aspir.
                      Kuno's super cool stats!
                      Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

                      Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
                      Lushang's: Ok!


                      • #12
                        My personal record with drain was set on darksday when I drained for 301 hp. That was ridiculous...that's what my Blizzard II (for 77 mp) usually hits not only did I do 301 damage, I cured myself worth almost 2 Cure III's. Talk about efficent O.o

                        My current record for aspir is 110 mp. I hit it consistently on Steelshells in boyahda...I just wish I could level on crabs/beetles all the way to 75 ; ;
                        For The Horde!!
                        Current Gil total spent on gear:
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                        Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                        • #13
                          try bursting it on darkness.. can aspir 150+ and drain 350+


                          • #14
                            but...then I couldn't burst waterga III for 1028 damage m(_ _)m
                            For The Horde!!
                            Current Gil total spent on gear:
                            Current Gil Value of gear:
                            Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                            • #15
                              current drain and aspir record for level 58.. 264 drain, 104 aspir.

                              it also seems like some scorpions have mp. i've fought a couple that didn't, but while doing blm AF3, i'm about 90% sure i aspir-ed some mp from a girtab.

