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Trying Maat at lv66

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  • Trying Maat at lv66

    Well...I'm a lv65/31 taru blm/whm. I have icestaff and darkstaff. I can attempt to get enfeebling torque as well.

    What do you think my chances are on beating Maat? (I'm less than 4k tnl, so sometime tomorrow or something I'll ding and try out the old fart)

    Do you lose exp when you die in these? I'm fairly sure you don't...but I just want to make sure.

    What should I look out for? What other gear would I need? How important is it to have capped enfeebling magic (I'm @190 atm...few more amemit camping sprees and I should be capped)?

    I know the general plan is enter:
    Sleep II (if resisted, sleep I, then sleepga II or sleepga)
    Sleep II
    ele-seal sleep II
    manafont Freeze
    sleep II
    waterga III

    or something along those lines (I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow ^^)

    Anyways, what else can you add? Also, I don't remember where in god's name I got my black mage testimony...what mobs do I have to kill for it? One of my friends said Beaduex (sp) had mobs that dropped it...but I've never really gone there, so I know mine didn't come from there...and I know I got it before going to Monastic Cavern, so I know that's out as well....

    Thanks for your advice
    For The Horde!!
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  • #2
    you don't need to sleep him first, you get a free shot just don't get too close

    it mostly on luck what he casts, sometimes he casts firaga3 first which will pretty much kill you with one hit. just hope you can last 3 spells, if you do it home free.
    Need Yin Yang Rob!


    • #3
      If all goes as planned he won't get a decent spell off since you can always run away from an ancient spell. Like Hex said if you don't get too close you can shoot him without him seeing you to lead it off. I got a log of my loss and my win in my blog ^^

      Easiest place to get a testimony is off of Yagudo Prelates in Oztroja I least that's where I got mine. You know you can always shoot me a tell if you have any questions =)


      • #4
        Ele seal
        Sleep 2
        Stonega 3

        Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
        BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
        RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

        Currently Playing: WOW Beta
        Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


        • #5
          Don't stand too far away though, because u'll be out of range if u need to use Stun to stop his deadly spell.


          • #6
            It was tough for me at 66. I'm a hume and my stats were as follows:
            INT: 65 + 23 INT + Melon Pie
            Elemental skill :257
            Enfeeb: 205

            What I did was start w/ Freeze: and it did like 200 damage, then he began casting flood. So I began sleep2 + elemental seal and prayed it would hold and it did. So next I loaded up Burst and it only did 60 damage... and he came running at me. I tried casting sleep1 and sleepga , but neither would hold. He thundaga3'd me for 600 then melee'd for 150 and i began running as he casted Bio3, which killed me. This was all on lightningsday too, anyone have any clue what I did wrong? I'm gonna try it again once I hit 70.


            • #7
              Level means a lot in terms of resist rate; you can clearly see how much when you're xping. Closer you are to 70 the less chance you'll have on resists...gear can only help so much.


              • #8
                oh i see that makes sense, but isn't elemental skill what makes a level less resist?
                Isn't it true that as soon as you level you hit as often as you did last level, up until you get elemental skill higher.


                • #9
                  I think your level vs mob level is factored in before anything else, even elemental skill, but I could be wrong, it's just a theory hehe. It seems when I level my resist rate goes down before I even get any points in skill, just like meelees hit better and for more every level and take less damage.


                  • #10
           be honest shwiggy, I think that elemental skill is factored *before* level. I don't even know that *level* (edit: brain fart ; is factored in at all...

                    I had a 3 blm party when I was lv63, almost 64. Both of the other blm's were lv66. One was decked out in +int gear (2 morion's, 2 zircons, mythic wand, astral aspis, etc.), the other had about average gear. With an ice staff, I had 247 elemental magic skill. They had 245. Casting resists on Steelshells were virtually identical between myself and the other blm's. Only...I did 559 damage on blizzard III, and they did ~500 (ice staff ). Anyways, I'm *fairly* sure that it's more important to have high elemental magic skill, rather than high level...but having higher level MEANS having higher elemental magic skill. Hopefully having the ice staff will make my spells get resisted at about the same rate as a lv68 or lv69...

                    I don't think I'll win the maat fight at 66, but I don't want to dread it until I'm lv70. And hey, if I more genkei
                    For The Horde!!
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                    • #11
                      imo lvl 70 makes a huge difference with resists on Maat...

                      It took my 3 times to beat him...tried once at 68, 69 and 70 lol. My downfall in each of the frist two fights was a resist (or two in the case of the lvl 69 fight). I had no resists at lvl 70 and won easily. I also had max elemental skill for each lvl + Ice staff, Elemental Torque, AF gloves and Black Cloak.


                      • #12

                        Maat @ 66 = suicide!

                        thats all.. hes going to resist everysingle spell you cast.. and since you have only one elemental seal thats going on sleep..

                        I tried at 66, with elemental capped.. +icestaff and af gloves, giving me near 260~ elemental skill...

                        Freeze.. 80damage... Flare 110 damage (since i did some fire debuffing) Then Thunder3 did 82

                        Conclusion... Testimony waisted!

                        1 only goes there at 70
                        2 bring the maximum elemental skill equip you can get..
                        Elemental torque, Jse, Ice staff, Af gloves.
                        that should help out alot.. good luck if u do it right you can beat the record!


                        • #13
                          blegh...I guess I'll wait for lv68 and try with a black cloak ; ;
                          For The Horde!!
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                          • #14
                            i had him to 5% HP on the first try at 66 and then I tried to sleep instead of stun the aeroga 3 which hit for 700 dmg and killed me.

                            used flood burst and waterga III.. 1 more tier 2 spell and I would have won... i just played it wrong

                            so yes he is beatable


                            • #15
                              should I bother getting Shiva's ring?

                              In case you aren't familiar with it:
                              -15% HP
                              On Iceday: +15 elemental magic skill

                              Combined with my existing +25 (soon to be +30 when I can get shaman's cloak), that will put me up to +40 (+45) if I take maat on iceday. With my skill currently capped at I believe 257, that'll put me up to 277...which is about on par with a lv68 or 69 with just AF gloves and Black Cloak (I think...)

                              I dinged 66 today...I'm really debating whether I want to try now, or after getting shiva's ring...
                              For The Horde!!
                              Current Gil total spent on gear:
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                              Laughing when new players complain about prices:

