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Subjob compliments

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  • Subjob compliments

    I have been wondering for the longest time......

    I have had the game for three weeks now and I have a question that might stirr a debate (ohhh fun)

    What would be the best main job for a BLM subjob ie ?/BLM

    Also, I know that RDM and WHM are awseome combos that could work with BLM. But I was wondering, what would bve other combos that I could consider?:confused:


  • #2
    the only thing this will stir, is flames and argments. consider people have already told u about this in the summoner forum. and u seem to have ignored it. so the short answer.


    and to further add to it, there is a post about this several threads down (maybe 5?) read before you post, it saves us all time, and u some respect

    (also a few ppl will come in and say it works for them. but the general idea is that /whm is infinatally better)
    March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
    Use search, or deal with assholes like me


    • #3
      RDM/BLM gets the most out of a BLM subjob, as RDM can use both the spells and the traits effectively.

      WHM/BLM gets good use out of BLM subjob traits, but has less use for the spells.

      Any other job: /BLM just doesn't offer anything useful. Magic Attack traits don't help anyone except BLM (they'd help RDM, but RDM already get the same traits, and they don't stack). MP Conserve isn't an issue for non-spellcasters, and doesn't work for Summoners at all. Magic won't give you the ability to hurt anything, as your skill will be at half level due to the fact that most jobs have no base skill it in.



      • #4
        Maybe just maybe it would help Dark Knight but almost any melee sub would blow it away.


        whm/blm for tractor, warp, escape

        brd/blm for the scared
        Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
        RDM75 / PLD73


        • #5
          Anything / 17 BLM for warping back to jeuno before you change to a useful SJ (unless yer a RDM or WHM)
          Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
          BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
          RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

          Currently Playing: WOW Beta
          Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


          • #6
            thanx guys


            If I tried BRD/BLM would that work?



            • #7

              RDM/BLM, WHM/BLM. That's it, as far as XP parties go.

              For any other job, there are much better choices unless all you're looking to do is Warp yourself to your home point (i.e. THF/BLM while farming)



              • #8
                The brd/blms I see arn't very effective and if they are subbing blm they can't help backup heal and they will probably ditch you seconds after something bad happens to the team. That person doesn't get an invite from me again.
                Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
                RDM75 / PLD73


                • #9
                  what would a BLM sub give a brd?




                  oh yah nothing.
                  Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
                  BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
                  RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

                  Currently Playing: WOW Beta
                  Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


                  • #10
                    well, they'd get conserve mp for all those cures they'd be doing....oh wait.

                    But they'd get elemental seal for sleeping and half skill...oh wait...

                    But they'd get escape!!! At lv58! YES!

                    They'd get nukes that would always be resisted and would do 1/4 the damage of a RDM (let alone a blm)...

                    Weeeeeee I love stupid job combo's ; ;

                    I think BRD/BLM is one of those times that you manage to take the most popular job in the game and make it almost not even worth having. Sadly though, I think with the current lack of brds...even a brd/blm would get a party. I wouldn't invite him though.
                    For The Horde!!
                    Current Gil total spent on gear:
                    Current Gil Value of gear:
                    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                    • #11

                      I think that I am going to solo BLM untill I get about lvl 60 or so...

                      and by the way, Astrapos how did u get soooooo much gil? I have trouble getting 2 000G rather that 600 000G!!!

                      :mad: :mad: :mad:

                      :angel: :angel: :angel:



                      • #12
                        Yeah is a little weird, kinda like the oh so awesome rdm/nin that brings nothing but less casting and less than thief dagger melee to the table but get invites anyway.
                        Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
                        RDM75 / PLD73


                        • #13
                          This is gonna sound a little weird...

                          I originally leveled up blm solly for the warp capabilties, intent on becomeing the fabled DRG/WAR. My friend wanted me ta go on a mission with him and i switched to blm sub so i could warp back and log after we finished. we got pulled into a couple fights and well now i can't get myself to switch my subjob back. as a Drg/blm my accuracy seems improved, i enffelbe the mobs (elemeta spells don't work too well, but my enfeebiling seems to be fine) I can bind and my wyvern seems to help more with his breaths. I did lose provoke but it seemed to just get me killed alot as i usually deal a little more dmg than the war and plds so one or two provokes and i was stuck with the mob until i could jump. i don't know why this cmbo works, and though it kinda goes against the sterytypical drg it works well. Most people don't seem too trusting though i hardly every get invites from people i don't know, but whenever someone who has pt'd with my rare combo sees me seeking the practically beg me to join em.
                          - just my story, and i am already kinda used to doing really well with really odd combos, so yeah it might not work for you.
                          Dance Puppets Dance!


                          • #14
                            i had never ever thought of putting a combo together of a DRG/BLM before and accually having it work. That would be fairly cool if you ask me! DRG is a hard job to aquire tho. Dunno if I will do it anytime soon, but I guess I'll try



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Eropiro

                              I think that I am going to solo BLM untill I get about lvl 60 or so...

                              good luck with that... :sweat:
                              Junior Member?

                              Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-

