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Is the diffrence minimal between mithra and hume mages?

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  • Is the diffrence minimal between mithra and hume mages?

    I was looking at the stats of them at higher levels, and humes have a bit more mind than mithras, and morre VIT.

    Does it really make that much of a difference?

  • #2
    Nope, both have same hp and mp. The tiny difference in mnd and vit wouldn't be noticeble. So if you are simply deciding between those two, choose based on looks.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #3
      The difference isnt noticable. Some say the extra Agi helps.. but against an IT it is useless. They are both pretty much the same.
      Kuno's super cool stats!
      Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

      Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
      Lushang's: Ok!


      • #4
        You won't notice the tiny difference in Vit because mages have crummy def/vit anyways, and shouldn't be taking hits from anything remotley close to their level. Mage Evasion skill is low too, so the tiny Agi advantage of Mithra isn't too helpful.

        The Mnd difference is something like 3 points at 75. Three points you can't really make up, so advantage: Hume, I guess. Mnd is only really put to use by Paralyze and Slow though.

        Hume RSE is a better than Mithra's for casting. The boots are awesome for BLM and RDM (+12 MP and +3 Int = /drool), and their pants are simply better than the Mithra pants. Really that only matters if you like to push your character's stats up as far as they'll go.

