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Do RNG outdamage BLMs consistently?

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  • #46
    Take a wild guess : Why Sleepga II cost go up to 100K? (I heard that 200K or higher in some server)

    Yesterday I was leveling at the Boyahda Tree, my teamate accidentally pull 4 Processionaire on the way back. I slept them all with my Sleepga II, while we take down 1 by 1 crawler.... just like I did on my BCNM60. Oh....I forgot to tell ya... I'm 12-0 undefeated on BCNM60 ......

    Sleepga II is the best spell that I ever bought. My enfee. skill is max out...., I can't wait to read 65 to wear my Elemental Torque that I won in the BCNM....


    • #47
      what happenned to the good ol blms..


      • #48
        Originally posted by conaim
        Oh....I forgot to tell ya... I'm 12-0 undefeated on BCNM60 ......
        26-1 because our WHM went AFK

        lol BCNM 60 are very simple. You can win all of them with four people.


        • #49
          the above post makes no sense...

          And I mentioned that Sleepga II lasts much longer than horde lullaby anyways ; ;

          And about buying all spells - no shit. However, I haven't bothered to buy Poison II or Bio II. 95% of the time I party with a rdm friend of mine who has both of those spells and he also has Dia II. I'd rather just let him enfeeble, and save that 40k on others. I'll end up buying them anyways, but I haven't seen a real need to. I might just buy Poison II because it stacks with Dia II whereas Bio II does not.
          For The Horde!!
          Current Gil total spent on gear:
          Current Gil Value of gear:
          Laughing when new players complain about prices:

