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Gil from level 8-60?

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  • Gil from level 8-60?

    i was just wondering, how much gil would it cost around to get from levels 8-60? i plan on getting astral rings (cal afford atm but might not depending on what people say). I mean, for all the spells, best equip, the whole "SHABANG" lol, any ideas?

    thnx in advanced

  • #2
    just go for a million gil, anything not spent, well a gil saved is a gil earned?
    March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
    Use search, or deal with assholes like me


    • #3
      I've spent around 2 million and I have everything I need so far. (spells, phantom earring, zircon rings, ice staff, elemental torque etc.)

      If you want to go all out it will probably be more like 5 million (vermillion cloak)


      • #4
        Getting all the ancient magic will cost you around 400k (on Bahamut). It depends on how much you wanna get. You dont NEED ancient magic or an Ice/Dark Staff, but they really help.
        Kuno's super cool stats!
        Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

        Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
        Lushang's: Ok!


        • #5

          ok thnx for info it rly gave me an idea of around how much ill need, thnx again


          • #6
            Would I basically be better off investing in clothcraft? (say I invested 1 mil with no profit or returns <break evens>)
            serving two purposes
            1) making gil a lot easier and
            2) able to make vermillion cloak


            • #7
              being able to make vermillion cloak is cool and all but the damascene cloth needed to make it will cost you 700k need 3. thats not counting all the other stuff.

              i'd say probably 2-3 million, not counting a vermillion but personally, i wouldn't get it just because a black cloak is 9 levels away...9 levels of HELL that is.


              • #8
                Vermillion Cloak is a bit of a waste. The only blm I've seen with it only wore it while paying 3 million gil for +4 mp recovered while healing for 9 levels is a big no thanks. I'd rather use +1 food (which I do anyway) for the +2 mp recovery, and a dark staff for +10, and still have money for ice staff, spells, and other equips.

                As far as how much you need...

                I'd have to guess that from 8-75, spell costs are somewhere in the 300-400k range. Not including Ancient Magic. On midgardsormr, getting all the ancient magic will run you about 500k. I've found that just using the 2 cheapest (Frreze and Burst), I've never really needed anything else. I also would never spend the 350k required to buy Flare...or at least not while I still have gear to buy.

                As far as gear goes...from 1-51, there's really nothing expensive to buy. I had close to max +int (never got morion earrings), and I probably spent a grand total of somewhere near 60-70k. At lv51, you get hit with a sight...or at least I did anyways. Dark Staff and Ice Staff...both 2 million gil at the time. I took a week off for spring break..when I got back, dark staff was 800k and ice staff was 600k. Bought the ice staff, and had the dark staff crafted. Total cost was about 1.2 million gil. In addition to that, you'll need 150k or so for 2 zircon rings, 110k or so for a Phantom Tathlum, 80k for an arachne obi, 310k+ for Black Cloak, 115k for 1 morion earring (other earring should be Moldavite Earring...but I forgo the tathlum because I can't afford it and I forget the current cost of errant gear, but everything but the body is fairly cheap on midgardsormr. You'll only want the pants/shoes though.

                In addition to that, you'll also have incidental costs. Things like food, chocobo's, teleports, gobbie bags, and mog house expansions will probably run you another 500k (mainly from the gobbie bag / mog house costs). These costs are generally pretty similiar no matter what job you pick.
                For The Horde!!
                Current Gil total spent on gear:
                Current Gil Value of gear:
                Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                • #9
                  Ok so 1 million total for spells (including ancient magic which is one of the reasons I wanna play BLM!) which isn't bad at all, totally doable..

                  but how should I make money otherwise? Like I said, should I raise clothcrafting ? If so what point/skill would make me profit regularly while still allowing me to raise my level?

                  I'm also raising a DRK to help farm (I want to be nice and ready when I start my BLM, which includes a WHM sub)


                  • #10
                    ancient magic should not be the reason for playing blm. their damage is impressive at first, but once you realize how crap it is in comparison to mp cost and how annoying it is to even try and MB, AND that it looks fairly'll be very disappointed.


                    • #11
                      You'll find that farming with a blm is highly dissappointing. Therefore, find yourself a nice red mage early on, and duo things. When the rdm gets refresh, you'll be able to kill things a lot faster, and you'll both make a lot more money.

                      Playing a black mage for ancient magic though...that's not a good idea. Flare is just about the biggest dissappointment in the game, from what I've seen. Firaga III >>>>>>> Flare. I saw Fire IV already as well...but I didn't get a good chance to see it, but I imagine it's less impressive than Firaga III, but still cool. Firaga III is just amazing though....huge explosions...followed by another explosion...awesome. Not to mention a base damage of around sweet.
                      For The Horde!!
                      Current Gil total spent on gear:
                      Current Gil Value of gear:
                      Laughing when new players complain about prices:

