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help wich job?

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  • help wich job?

    Alright here lies the problem. I want to do to many jobs but i really just want to eb able to pick one and go all the way with it first....

    I kinda want to be a blk/whm and then maybe go brd/whm....But then i kinda wanna go war/thf and maybe drk/thf or rng/war

    I dont wanna be a healer just a backup and black mage looks awesome but doesnt seem as interesting ebcause they dont get WS and TP and all that.

    Bards look wicked sweet as a support and are always going to be needed in high end raids and stuff but it looks kinda of boring. (your just the groups bitch hehe :p) lot of running aorund also.

    Drks are cool but it seems theres to many of them and their damage is ok...but just ok while ranger has uber damage but seems to me they also can miss allot of the time and cost allot

    please help me sort them out from either starting in the mage path or the warrior path....i just wanna know some more about those all together if you could would help me out allot

  • #2
    If you want to get to an advanced class asap (aka brd, drk, etc etc), i suggest you go whm or blm. You will get party invites as a whm regardless of your equipment or sub. and any party with half a brain will always want a blm in it.

    Wither either of those two jobs, you'll get to level 30 very quickly and be able to get your advanced jobs.

    As for melee, a lot of high lvl whm's melee. Especially the galkan/evlaan ones. And they do pretty well to be honest.

    As a blm, you won't melee. You'll be conserving your mp and kneeling near the end of fights to minimize downtime anyway. So don't expect to melee as a blm much.

    Dark Knights do a LOT of damage later on. But there are so many of them you won't find parties as easily.

    Rangers do a lot of damage and get parties very well. But it's an expensive job.

    Bards are the gold laying egg goose of this game. Everyone wants one in there party. Especially at lvl 25+. And for some BNCM's, you can't do it without a bard.

    The jobs that get party invites like crazy are BRD and WHM, and then BLM to a lesser extent.
    AF Gear - DONE
    Rank: 6
    Ice Staff?: "Oh Yes"!


    • #3
      well how do black mages compare to drks at higher level damage wise?....i love the iedea of drk/thf and being able to trick hate onto the tank and do massive damage as a matte rof fact i like the whole idea of being able to burst a big amount of damage regardless of hate where as with the black mage it just seems a constant somewhat low amount of damage.


      • #4
        DRK + Trick attack + Sneak Attack + Berserk + *insert all the power ups I fail to mention here* + Guiloteen = DEATH!

        BLM + MB = DEATH

        Both are fun and kewl! DRK deals a lot of DMG more consecutivly because us BLMs need to sit on our rumps to heal up our MP, but we deal more DMG with one spell! >=D
        `\~*~/`Life is a Dream, Death is the Alarm Clock`\~*~/`


        • #5
          DRK + Trick attack + Sneak Attack + Berserk + *insert all the power ups I fail to mention here* + Guiloteen = DEATH!
          yeah, death for the drk. you'll get way too much aggro if you put berserk, last resort, and soul eater, which are the buffs i think you're referring to and then using guillotine, which in itself gets a lot of aggro. also, it wouldn't work, since SA and TA are from /thf while berserk is from /war.

          damage-wise, i think dark knights are awesome damage dealers, they have great +acc gear higher up that some other jobs can't use. not only do they have powerful weapon skills (guillotine, cross reaper) but their scythe hits do nice damage also.

          blm can out-damage drks imo but the problem is the aggro that causes and the hideous downtime afterwards. sure we can fire off non stop III spells, but it kills our mp, we have to worry about resist and getting aggro. drks are (slightly) more resilient and can control aggro when doing powerful weapon skills with a /thf sub. overall, i think meleeing is boring...i like being a blm cuz i'm so versatile.


          • #6
            little fact, drk don't use sycthe higher up because gsword is easier to chain lvl 3.


            • #7
              You don't "just" cast nukes as a blm.

              If you start nuking right off the bat you'll keep pulling hate to yourself, piss off the party, mess up weaponskills and probably get killed. You need to let the paladin get some hate first, and you do that by debuffing the monster (Enfeeblement magic) at the start.

              Chain a good few debuffs and then hit up a nuke. Get ready for Renkei and Magic Burst. Hit up a nuke or two more, monster nealy dead, drop to knee and rest. Let melee finish it. Monster dies, puller grabs a new one and you're ready. Minimize downtime.

              If you just want to do damage nonestop then i suggest you play a melee class. Because if you go crazy as a black mage, you will die.

              Example? First time i got Freeze i was so trigger happy i decided to MB with it without telling anyone i was going to. (We were doing distortion, so it was ice anyway).

              So off i go, and whammo, 1300damage magic burst. Guess what happened to me shortly there after?

              Unless it's an act of god, or paladins 2 hour ability...hate won't be removed from you. And you will die. Even if you live, you've caused serious mp drain on the whm/rdm healing. And will need more downtime after.

              Not to mention that those big amazing nukes, Ancient Magic, have insane casting times. Freeze, the 1st one you get, lvl 50...has a 19 second casting time. And Flare's what again? 44.5 seconds casting time?

              But a good blm will out damage any other party member by the end of a fight, if you add up all the dmg done.

              Even as a dark knight you won't want to go crazy and do insane damage too often. Because if the paladin can't get hate off of you, the dark knight will die too.

              Monsters tend to get really pissed when hit for over 1000 damage. And if you're going to do that much, then you better pray to whatever gods you believe in that your attack kills it. Because if it doesn't, it will kill you.
              AF Gear - DONE
              Rank: 6
              Ice Staff?: "Oh Yes"!


              • #8
                for an elvaan blm, your tactics are fine...conserves mp. tarus have a little more leeway with their tactics, since they have much more mp. they can nuke more, it shouldn't draw aggro if the tank is good. you're right though, start off with debuffs, after paladin has a solid amount of hate, throw a few nukes.

                few things strike me as odd...
                how did you time your freeze MB if u didn't tell anyone? O_o...this is definitely a teamwork thing.

                my freeze MB did just under 1100, on an IT chamber beetle in garlaige citadel. humes have better int than elvaan and i doubt your equipment could have added 200 damage more on a freeze MB compared to what i had.

                ancient spells have similar cast times, they don't differ by much.
                Monsters tend to get really pissed when hit for over 1000 damage. And if you're going to do that much, then you better pray to whatever gods you believe in that your attack kills it. Because if it doesn't, it will kill you.
                thats why you MB freeze only to finish a fight. i've stopped doing this however...feels inefficient after the novelty and shock factor of breaking 1k damage at lvl 50 wears off. and those big amazing nukes (ancient magics) suck. they have little practical use, fun for annihilating wild rabbits in ronfaure though.


                • #9
                  few things strike me as odd...
                  how did you time your freeze MB if u didn't tell anyone? O_o...this is definitely a teamwork thing.
                  I've done that a lot, when bored. It's VERY easy to guess when your melees are going to do their skillchain after you've PT'd with them for 2+ hours. It's a nice surprise sometimes when you're ending a chain and you have MP to burn.
                  58 BLM/RDM


                  • #10
                    I wish the ancients were actually viable to use.

                    The only time I've ever used them in an exp party (the novelty of it wore off after I did it for 5 hours hunting liches at 1 tnl in eldieme) was at lv57, I was partied with a lv58 blm (Keroko) and we burst flood/freeze off distortion to kill beetles in ranperre just about instantly. I still don't know if the additional kill speed was worth the time it took to gain back 307 mp (383 for flood is what Kero said, but I'm too lazy to check).

                    As far as damage goes, even holding a lot back, I tend to out-damage anyone in my party. Why? Well, in order to do our damage, we just have to cast spells. For other jobs to do their damage, they have to use Job Abilities. Every job ability is like a mini-provoke - they cause bits of "hate spikes" to occur, so by doing 3 JA's to get max damage out of a weapon skill, a dark will gain more aggro from less damage. Plus, whenever the dark does that big 800-900 damage guillotine (so far, the most damage I've seen stacked with all 3 has been 680, and it usually does 300-500), it just means that my Magic Burst does even MORE damage. The best burst I've had off non-ancient magic so far was a 725 damage Blizzaga II burst off Sidewinder->Viper Bite. My burst was the highest bit of damage there (650->580->something like 300 chain damage->725 burst damage).

                    Nothing will consistently outdamage a BLM, and even if they manage to, it won't outweigh the other things a BLM brings to the table. Black mages are the best damage dealers in the game, period. That doesn't mean DRKs and such are useless, it just means that the BLM is dealing the most damage. Our full potential is only realized when the melee in our party perform their own jobs well, so my ability to deal effective damage is directly linked to the ability of the melee part of the party's ability to do damage.
                    For The Horde!!
                    Current Gil total spent on gear:
                    Current Gil Value of gear:
                    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                    • #11
                      How did i do 1300 damage? It was to a Helm beetle. Sometimes it's 1100-1200 and i've had 1300.

                      I have a lot of +1 gear for INT and with +1 food and brd using learned etude for even more INT, it's not that hard to jack up your int.
                      AF Gear - DONE
                      Rank: 6
                      Ice Staff?: "Oh Yes"!


                      • #12
                        true, jacking up your int isn't hard, but when you get freeze, it'll do 800...850 tops, especially for non tarus no matter how much +int you got. MBed, it'll do 1k to 1100...i doubt u can do 1300, even on ice day. as a hume, i have about 6 more int than an elvaan blm/whm base of the same level...then i have +27 int with food. you could probably get about even with learned etude and better equipment and even higher than what i have...but i highly doubt a few points of int more would add 200 damage to a spell when MBed.


                        • #13
                          My record for freeze is 1,112. Flood on the same chain did 1,308 or so.

                          I tend to have ~7 int over base hume, and ~15 int over elvaan base. With +24 int from gear with food, and +5 from etude (bringing it to +29, for those of you keeping score), I did the record 1,112 damage from freeze. I'm fairly sure that an elvaan at pre-54 will be able to outdamage my freeze (lv54 for the +15 elemental skill from AF gloves).

                          At lv50, when I first got it, I was doing ~1010 damage to helm beetles with ~+22 int.
                          For The Horde!!
                          Current Gil total spent on gear:
                          Current Gil Value of gear:
                          Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                          • #14
                            I got lucky on a Citadel Beetle and hit for 1270... pretty close to 1300. Had 67+31 INT ( after learned etude and melon pie +1). Usually ~1000-1150 tho. Not worth the 307 mp IMO ( a little less than half my mp pool for less dmg than the same mp with 1 III or -agaII burst and the rest of the mp with normal spell dmg. )

