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Newb Question

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  • Newb Question

    I am getting FFXI through the GAP beta test and played as a warrior. I wanted to be something different to start. My friends are getting this game and we are setting our jobs now, so we can compliment eachother.

    If i wanted to be a pure damage dealer, what would be your RACE/SUB of choice be for BLM?

    Any opinions would be appreciated.

  • #2
    The "ideal" (<-- some may argue about that), and most common build for a BLM is Tarutaru, BLM/WHM.

    Of all races, Tarutaru has the highest INT and MP , which are both important to a black mage.
    Mithra and Hume are the next best choice. Their higher HP and defense does come in handy from time to time, but when you start to party with good tankers, it matter very little.
    I'd avoid Elvaan and Galka as race choice for BLM, due to the low INT and MP. Unless you have a thing for their appearance or you like a good challenge.

    The white mage sub provides versatility to your BLM. RDM is also pretty commonly used. It has less to offer when it comes to supportive abilities and less MP, but you get fast cast and a little bit more INT.

    I should note that this topic has been posted and reposted numerous times on this board already. If you'd just run a search or even just skimmed through the few topics on the first page, you'd probably find a lot of good related information. :sweat:
    Junior Member?

    Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


    • #3
      honestly i would sugest hume as a starter race they are decent at everything and if you and freiends decide to change what you want to be hume provides best race to do it with, if you want purer dmg Ranger is a good choice Dark knight is good to
      if you play a blm you will have a sub job eventualy and that sub will modt likly be rdm or whm and both of those are expected to heal when in a party. so blm may not be the absolute best choice for pure dmg. you may be better off doing ranger/ thief
      or DRK/WAR or a oure dmg mele type. just a couple thoughts.
      Keeping up with good gear and spells
      3 or 4 million gil
      Being a Galka BLM PRICELESS

      Galka BLM 60/30 WHM
      AF1,2,3 Done


      • #4
        Go for BLM/WHM if you want to be the main damage dealer when starting as fresh. You cant be a RNG or DRK until you have a job at lvl 30 and do the quests to get those jobs(both quests are cake to do).

        Now, if you want to be a RNG(most likely, the best damage dealers in the game) you need a bottomless wallet. Cant remember who said it, but the following is the motto for RNG: "Gil is to RNG, as MP is to mages". Go visit the RNG forum and you will see, they dont joke when they say its the most expensive job in the game(NIN being a close 2nd).

        If you want to be a DRK, be sure to have godly patience as they are the least desired job in PT for most part of the game. Since you played Beta, I am sure you know the only way to gain xp after 12-15 is with PTs.
        PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
        BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
        RNG, BRD, SAM 07
        MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

        Sandorian Rank 10
        Zm13 complete

        Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

        'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
        Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
        /happy Tawu dance. ^-^

