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Do the various elemental debuffs stack?

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  • Do the various elemental debuffs stack?

    Do the various elemental debuffs stack? For example, if I cast Shock then Rasp, will Rasp's Dex down effect override Shock's MIND down effect, or will both effects be in place? Thanks
    60RDM/39BLM, 53BRD/45WHM, 25SMN/WHM (yay avatars!)
    Bastokan Rank 5 1/2
    AFs obtained: WHM 1/6 RDM 6/6 BRD 5/6
    You were able to purchase the Dark Staff for 442,024 gil.
    Cooking: 47 Fishing: 17 Alchemy: 20

  • #2
    Burn > Frost > Choke > Rasp > Shock > Drown > Burn

    Each spell/element won't stack with the one next to it

    Burn overwrites Frost overwrites Choke overwrites Rasp overwrites Shock overwrites Drown which overwrites Burn.

    But you can stack Burn/Choke/Shock, or Frost/Rasp/Drown at most
    58 BLM/RDM


    • #3
      Wow, thats more complicated than I thought it would be, so I'm glad I asked. Thank you
      60RDM/39BLM, 53BRD/45WHM, 25SMN/WHM (yay avatars!)
      Bastokan Rank 5 1/2
      AFs obtained: WHM 1/6 RDM 6/6 BRD 5/6
      You were able to purchase the Dark Staff for 442,024 gil.
      Cooking: 47 Fishing: 17 Alchemy: 20


      • #4
        To put it more simply:

        We all know the elemental resistance wheel:

        Fire melts Ice
        Ice freezes Wind
        Wind erodes Earth
        Earth absorbs Lightning
        Thunder shocks Water
        Water douses Fire


        The key thing to remember is that if the two debuffs have a strong/weak relationship between them (Fire with Ice, or Water with Fire, etc.), they won't stack.

        This is why you can stack:

        Burn (Fire) / Choke (Wind) / Shock (Lightning) or
        Frost (Ice) / Rasp (Earth) / Drown (Water)

        Each stat has an element associated with it (except cha), and the elemental debuff will debuff the stat that it is strong against.

        Str - Fire -> Debuffed by Drown (Water) (reduces damage)
        Dex - Lightning -> Debuffed by Rasp (Earth) (reduces accuracy)
        Vit - Earth -> Debuffed by Choke (Wind) (reduces defense)
        Agi - Wind -> Debuffed by Frost (Ice) (reduces evasion)
        Int - Ice -> Debuffed by Burn (Fire) (reduces damage spell resistance)
        Mnd - Water -> Debuffed by Shock (Lightning) (reduces debuff spell resistance)

        I rarely see a blm use anything but Burn, which is kind of sad; I think a blm plays almost as important a role with elemental debuffs as the rdm plays with status debuffs. Blm debuffing with shock, especially, can be very beneficial to help aforementioned status debuffs land (I often played main status debuffer in valkurm as a blm/whm, shock was a godsend at level 16, I no longer had issues debuffing IT mobs, even though I only have a "C" cap in enfeeblement).
        61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
        Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
        28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM


        • #5
          What about Bio.. where does it goes it? Or it's a totally different line of debuff

          Click to see my profile Whm/Blm

          Click to see my profile Thf/Nin


          • #6
            Different line.

            Bio II > Dia II > Bio > Dia

            Bio 2 beats Dia 2, Dia 2 beats Bio, Bio beats Dia.

            Not sure where Diaga fits in.


            • #7
              Dia and Bio go by Light vs Dark. Not sure but Diaga MIGHT be against Poisonga, but I'm not stating this as a fact since I haven't tried it.


              • #8
                Poison is water based.

                Dia does not conflict with Poison. Go piss off an yagudo acolyte and a crawler and you will see.
                Junior Member?

                Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                • #9
                  Guess that makes sense since poison is enfeeble and not dark.


                  • #10
                    just curious...has anyone ever gotten hit by a bio III? kinda odd that this spell isn't available to mages (or is it...?).


                    • #11
                      So now, I was thinking about this last night (as I couldn't sleep)... If you were to use, lets say Rasp (earth based) on earthday, would it's effects be strong then any other day? If you used it on Windday would it be weaker than "normal"? Same goes for mob weaknesses. If it's weak to fire would a fire-based debuff stick for longer or be more potent?


                      • #12
                        i'm pretty sure it doesn't...or at least i haven't noticed it. one thing i've noticed about the elemental debuffs is that if u use one the monster is weak to (shock and frost vs crabs) the chances that it will be resisted is virtually none.

