...that if you are going to become a BLM solely for the damage then you should reconsider and become a Ranger instead?
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Black mage is a lot more than just damages. Yes, we do pack some serious punch, but we are more than just that.
Travelling spells such as Warp, Escape, and Warp II are not just life savers. They also can save you and your party a lot of effort getting back home after a quest/mission. If only I had a gil everytime someone said how they envy the blm warping spells...
Although we are not THE enfeebler, we have a share of that enfeebling ability. With elemental seal, we can usually land that critical "must have" debuff.
We have the largetst mana pool besides the summoner. This gives us some flexibility on casting. With a white or red sub, we can easily help out the main healer when the need arises.
So no, we aren't just simple damage dealers. We are alot more, and we aren't too shabby on the damage dealing part either!.Junior Member?
Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-
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I am not a mage, I don't have a super high level character, and generally i am new to the game so take this as what it is worth:
When i am party leader, I take BLM over RNG for dmg 9 times out of 10.
RNG is very high maintnance job. A BLM with average equipment does considerable dmg and in order for the RNG to equal and surpass it they have to cough up considerable cash.
The truth is alot of the RNGs i have grouped with are not properly equiped to be more effective than BLM for dmg. I know they are capable of bringing the pain, but the effort has to be made, and more often than not it seems people playing RNG don't make that effort.
I have grouped with some exceptional RNGs, but these guys are, in my experience, the exception and not the rule.
BLM > gimped RNG
Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
Tiamat O
Jormungand O
Vrtra O
DLord O
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