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BLM Farming/Equipment

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  • BLM Farming/Equipment

    Just for an idea, how much cash can someone really make farming Palb. like Ping did in his video?

    Also I'm very anal about equipment...Is it worth me farming around 15 to buy +1 gear and all the +int gear I can get my hands on? Or just keep pies for the +5 and level first?


  • #2
    From my own experience, the importance of uber gears does not really kick in in the early levels. In fact, you could probably get away with using a plain old robe, a mediocre wand, and a one INT ring besides your country ring all the way into the mid 20's.

    Unlike melee classes, gears aren't that important to us mages. The def doesn't really matter, we only wear them for the stats bonus. What's more important, IMO, are our spells. People really give us wierd looks when we are missing elemental spells of our levels.
    Junior Member?

    Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


    • #3
      Spells are no problem for me...I keep every current spell plus spells within 3-4 levels so I am always up to date. And I dont know why but I just cant let my equipment go that long w/o updating it....I feel sloppy if I do.


      • #4
        Well, in that case, you could probably do what I did at the level. I did repeatable quests and some one-time quests that gives gil rewards. some of them paid pretty well. This route also gives you an added bonus - fame. I accquired max fame at Windurst around lv 25 just from doing the repeatable gil quests regularly.

        Since I am not yet familiar with the Bastok quests, I can't recommand anything here, but if you take look at this site you should be able to find something worth doing.

        IMO farming at earlier levels is just not that rewarding. Since the type of enemies you can mass-kill is quite limited, and whatver you can farm so can just about everyone else.
        Junior Member?

        Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


        • #5
          nono I dont hurt for money...I am simply asking for information purposes. I steadly have around 10k on me and thats with up to date spells and pies.

          I am just trying to get an idea as to what I can expect.


          • #6
            ah, I see... guess I read this one wrong then... :p

            .Is it worth me farming around 15 to buy +1 gear and all the +int gear I can get my hands on? Or just keep pies for the +5 and level first?

            I did spend a few hours in palb. hunting for the key for my Kazham pass with a treasure hunting thief helping me. During all the time I got maybe a couple quadav fetish parts, and that's about it. It's worth a bit of gils, maybe, but I wouldn't call it great. Then again, it may just have been my rotten luck. :sweat:
            Junior Member?

            Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


            • #7
              Sneak Scrolls!!

              Well, you do get fetcih parts semi rarely but if you raise THF to lvl 5 and do BLM/THF you some moderately decent farming around level 20-25. The gil finder ability gets you around 15-40 gil per quadav depending on how tough it is. At 20-25 they'll always be "to weak to be worthwhile" but they are technically tougher as you go further into the mines. Every fetich part is worth around 160-180 (i'm not exactly sure) and not only that but the mage quadavs drop Bind, Blind, Paralyze, and Sneak scrolls. Sneak scrolls, despite being kinda rare are worth exactly 500 gil each and drop off of Amethyst Quadavs. Then you have all the blackplates and shell shields to sell which are also about 160ish.
              So after about an hour your inventory would definitly be full and you'd have a couple thousand gil from the money the quadavs drop alone. In my own personal experiences at doing this around levels 21 and 22 I made about 6-8k in an hour everytime I went there.


              • #8
                palborough mines was originally my farming spot of choice mid 30's to early 40's. making a huge train of lowbie quadavs netted me an average of 600 gil or so each...and a backplate every now and then. the backplates sold VERY fast for a respectable 700 or so gil, even as high as 1k. fetich parts sell for just under 200 to npcs with low fame. unless you can AE farm, i don't think pal mines would be very good

                once you are able to, here's what i suggest. make quadav trains on the 1st floor, netting you a few backplates and fetich parts. after you get a few, head on to the 2nd floor, train there...quadavs here will give more gil, 30-60 each, as well as the occasional piece of armor worth 200-300 to npcs. while waiting for quadavs to respawn either mine or kill the scorpions that spawn....scimitar scorpions drop the plant reaper scythe which sell for more than 1k to npcs as well as scorpion parts which net 200-500g to npcs. a nice quadav train on the 2nd floor will net you anywhere between 700-1k gil.

                finally, if you find yourself able to easily take large mobs of the quadavs on the 2nd floor, head on to the even tougher quadavs, the ones that drop the palborough mines key. with a thief sub (as you should have if u wanna make money here), you can steal silver coins for about 4.5k per stack while getting 50+ gil per kill as well as the occasional quadav helm or armor piece. the actual cash you get is less, but the armor drop is much higher and silver coins are very nice ^_^. doing this, i was able to afford dispel (for a friend) as well as all my int gear, which cost me about 100k...relatively quickly, in about a week or so. good luck


                • #9
                  So basically just keep up to date spells and get 30-40 for prime farming? Any other spots that would work for mass AE killing as 30blm?

