Is the hate for a spell determined just by the type of spell, or the damage it actually does taking resists/MB into account?
If the damage determines the hate, then resistance isn't much of an issue, because BLM usually have plenty of MP, and their damage output is limited mostly by their need to limit hate (in my experience). Casting a few extra spells to do the same damage might be annoying, but isn't that big a deal.
But if a resisted nuke still gets full hate, then it's even more important to know and use elemental weaknesses and MB - you're not just wasting MP by being resisted, you're also getting extra hate for the amount of damage you do to the target. Also, if hate is determined by the spell and not the damage, extra INT not only gives you more damage per MP, but more damage per hate too.
If the damage determines the hate, then resistance isn't much of an issue, because BLM usually have plenty of MP, and their damage output is limited mostly by their need to limit hate (in my experience). Casting a few extra spells to do the same damage might be annoying, but isn't that big a deal.
But if a resisted nuke still gets full hate, then it's even more important to know and use elemental weaknesses and MB - you're not just wasting MP by being resisted, you're also getting extra hate for the amount of damage you do to the target. Also, if hate is determined by the spell and not the damage, extra INT not only gives you more damage per MP, but more damage per hate too.