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Where to Start

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  • Where to Start

    Ok, first off, I don't have this game. Second, I like to be able to plan out what I'm going to do in a game (whether reading a guide about the first few levels or not)

    I zone out when it comes to forums, resurfacing sometimes. If this thread exists..I'm sorry, but I can't search 300 threads looking for this.

    As an elvaan black mage, where is the best place to start?



  • #2
    well be a Tarutaru not an elvan because tarutarus are best in agility,MP,and itelegence and start in windrust because thats where the most magic stuff are at but as I say Humans are gay Tarutarus are the way (even if your not a human) butif u get the game and u need a head start im on the (Laskmi) server i think thats how u spell it so mail me back when u get the game. So till next time see ya.


    • #3
      First of all, Hume's are not "gay" and they make fairly decent mages. I like Hume's more than Tarutaru's because of the fact that they don't die in two hits if things go wrong. Hume's cannot compare in the MP department with a Tarutaru, you can however wear items such as Astral rings to help boost your max MP if you feel it is necessary.

      Feel free to choose to be whatever you want to be, want to be a Galka mage, go for it. Don't let bias'd opinions shape the way you play the game, it will only make your gaming experience less enjoyable if you play as others want you to and not as you want to.



      • #4
        but I can't search 300 threads looking for this.
        no need for that. There are 2 thread already on this topic right on the first page.... about 5 and 7 threads down at the time of this typing. One of them's even titled as "Elvaan BLM"

        I zone out when it comes to forums
        /flame on

        I try to zone out when it comes to lazy people who like to waste other's time because they "can't be bothered" to put in some efforts of their own.... but sometimes I just can't resist and start heating up the stove like this.

        Anyways, for the lazy, just click
        and Here

        or for the searching inept, put in "Elvaan" in the search form, select "search in title only", and search in "Black Mage" forum.. That should get you the best matches, and *gasp* only 11 of them! It's magical.

        or for the truely lazy, here's the short short answer:

        - start in San d'Oria if you want your Elvaan racial ring
        - start in Windurst if you want easier mobs for blm.
        - start as Tarutaru in Windurst to have the easiest time as blm, because Elvaan blm takes more effort to biuld up, much like doing your own searching/reading.

        /flame off
        Junior Member?

        Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


        • #5
          Umm...I wasn't asking about being an Elvaan..I made a thread about that (and at the time didn't know alot existed..I've been off this forum for a while)

          I was asking, AS an Elvaan black mage, where is the BEST PLACE to start at?

          Question 2: Is that the only way to get the Elvaan racial ring (I don't even have the game yet)


          And please excuse me, I have alot of school work to do, I can't go over 300 threads of Black Mage information looking for the thread that MAY contain a PIECE of what I'm looking for.


          • #6
            And please excuse me, I have alot of school work to do, I can't go over 300 threads of Black Mage information looking for the thread that MAY contain a PIECE of what I'm looking for.
            That what the search engines are for.

            The Internet is a great resource for various information, but it's only as good as your ability to find what you need. Learn to use search engines well, and it will help a great deal in your school work and also later on in the work place.

            Anyways, back to the topic. The ring is an "exclusive item", which means the item cannot be traded. So you cannot get it from other players.

            There is, however, one other way of getting the ring. The country specific ring can be purchased using 4000 of your conquest points, which is a score that your country awards for killing monsters with a "signet" spell on. So to get the San d'Oria ring, you will have to immigrat back to San d'Oria, (this costs $$$!) earn conquest points there, and buy the ring that way when the country is #1 in the conquest race.

            However, by the time you have the ability to do this, the ring won't be worth the effort since you can just buy better rings. Besides, if you are going to be a black mage, the Windurst ring should give you better bonuse (MP+1, AGI+1, INT+1).

            Here is some info on the rings:
            Junior Member?

            Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


            • #7
              Mock my search engine abilities?...dont even go there, I know quite a bit on using search engines. I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours looking for the info. When I searched for a specific thread using the search box, it wasn't easy to get to where I wanted, finally did find the thread though.

              And..I believe a forum would be more reliable than someones personal site.

              Oh ya, I used a search engine to come here

              Thank you for the help


              And the zone out means I stop coming to the forums when I get to busy.

              Your flaming was not called for. You only made yourself look evil, so congrats on that. Thanks for the info, but you flamed nonetheless. /flame on only makes you seem like you think your being cool, say something in private if you want to be rude. Or, be nice and not say anything at all.

              Honestly, this was a simple thread man. I asked a simple question, and it wasn't hard to put in your answer without the flame.

              Thanks to the rest for being so nice and helpful, hope to converse with you later!


              • #8
                This is NOT a flame, but he did have a very valid point.

                you came here, and by all appearances, put no effort into finding the right answer to your question. Then and asked other people to put effort into answering your question.

                The attitude that your initial post had was "i don't want waste time to look for answers, i would rather have other people waste time to give them to me"

                as far as a flame, that is not what i would call his post, as he did give you the answer you wanted, and he was only minimally rude about it, perhaps as an attempt to educate you.
                Duffy - Taru Blm/Whm - Phoenix server


                • #9
                  If you feel it's a waste of your time to answer his question, don't answer it.

                  I'd start in windurst. Sandoria ring has stats you don't need as blm, and fewer casters there means you pay more for caster gear at the AH. Less up for sale means less competition between sellers, so the prices are generally higher.

                  Plus windurst has stuff you can actually use for conquest point gear.


                  • #10
                    whoa whoa whoa azid. I said 3 hours of time compared to a simple answer of a SINGLE word. If your not interested, don't come to the thread period. And despite what you say, still a flame.

                    3 hours DOESN'T = one the math.

                    minimal rude..HA

                    I AM sorry if my request came out the wrong way, I figured someone could simply answer the place to start, and not blow it up into a big deal....but...the world is full of suprises I guess

                    Thanks Ruinwraith


                    • #11
                      that is what i say to you.

                      just cause you think it would take 3 hours means NOTHING. if you actually tried, it shouldn't have taken you more than 10 minutes, TOPS. but rather than try, you make the FALSE assumption that it would take an inordinant amount of time.

                      all i was trying to say is, you're wasting other people's time because you are unwilling to try to help yourself. you have not said or done anything to show otherwise.

                      i wont waste any more of my time debating this with you, particularly due to the fact that you haven't denied it.
                      Duffy - Taru Blm/Whm - Phoenix server


                      • #12
                        Listen, Im sorry to both of you. I really didnt' want any to tick anyone off, and I figured that it was an obscure topic, and not any other threads would be on it.

                        I didn't mean to make it seem that my time is more valuable. I'm not sure what I haven't denied?

                        I agree, it may not have taken THAT long, but I figured this was the easiet/best way to go. Sorry for the inconvience.

                        Sorry again, and thanks to everyone



                        • #13
                          thank you

                          sorry for coming off like i did, i was a bit rude there... just wanted you to grasp the other point of view, i probably could have done it nicer though..

                          anyhow, best of luck in the game!
                          Duffy - Taru Blm/Whm - Phoenix server

