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Elv Black Mage

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  • Elv Black Mage

    Ok, is Elv black mage a doable combo? I read its one of the worst, but considering I can't be running alot of accounts (when I get the game) and I may want to switch to it ok? That, and taru doesn't interest me...

  • #2
    An race can do any job they please and make it work


    • #3
      If you do a search for "Elvaan" in this blm forum you can find several threads on this topic already.

      Elvaan has the lowest INT and the second lowest MP of all races, and both are very important to a BLM. So, no, Elvaan BLM isn't the best choice you can go with.

      If you for some reason don't want to go with Tarutaru, which, btw, is the best race for the BLM job, then Mithra and Hume are the next best bet.

      Besides, you don't need multiple accounts to have multiple characters. For $1/month, you can have an additional character on your existing account. I myself have an Elvaan besides my main (Tarutaru) for when I get tired of staring at other people's knee caps.

      An race can do any job they please and make it work

      Well, yeah, you can of course dig holes with a spoon and eat with a shavel, but it takes more effort and sometimes that can lead to more frustration. We play this game to have fun, after all. If you think the challenge of playing a character handicapped in the class of your choice is going to make it more fun for you, by all means, do so. It's always nice to see people breaking the molds, but just make sure you know what you are getting yourself into before hands.
      Junior Member?

      Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


      • #4
        the highest level importer blm...
        all elvaan muhahaha... well top 3 back when the cap was 70 were all elvaan....
        and as a level 75 elvaan blm i have to say i rock just as much as taru
        omfgbbq ;3


        • #5
          I'm an elvaan blm with mostly +1 or very rare gear. And i can tell you, the times i've been in a party with Taru blm's of my level, there was a very small difference.

          The Taru's did about 10dmg more per spell and had about 100-150 more mp.

          Mp isn't as big of a deal at lvl 41+ because rdm's give you refresh and bard songs do the same, so you'll never run out of mp during a fight. Nor will you have any downtime as you regen mp so fast between pulls.

          The dmg issue, 10dmg more isn't a big deal to me. I simply cannot stand Taru's HP nor how they look. When 1 monster crit on you puts you in the red, that just annoys me.

          But yes, a Taru blm will be a better dmg dealing black mage, then an elvaan. Mp isn't that big an issue at higher levels, and the extra dmg they do won't make or break a fight.

          So in the end, any class can be an amazing blm. One piece of advice, if you do play a blm, make sure you can get a lot of gil lvl 30+ the latest. Because your version II and version III of spells cost a lot, food (melon pies mostly for me) adds up over time, and the best equipment will also cost you a lot.
          AF Gear - DONE
          Rank: 6
          Ice Staff?: "Oh Yes"!


          • #6
            don't forget though, int plays a part in spell resists too.

            BLM 75 /-/ WHM 38 /-/ RDM 37
            BST 10
            San d'Oria Rank 10
            Zilart M16
            Not NA, not JP, not an importer. What am I? :confused:


            • #7
              since when?
              omfgbbq ;3


              • #8
                well, here's my experience....

                i started an elf because i intended to be a melee character, however, once i started dabbling in magic i got hooked.

                i got my elf up to lvl 21 blm and lvl 21 whm, and then decided to start a taru. my taru has already surpassed my elf and i no longer have any of the frustrations that i did as an elf. i no longer have issues with mp, my spells are resisted far less often, and i deal a good amount more damage than i did as an elf.

                i also have top of the line gear for my taru, and i think that if you compared an elf with the best gear, with a taru with the best gear, you will notice more of a difference than just 10 damage per spell. however, if you compare an elf with the best gear, and a taru with crappy gear, i would bet that the taru is still doing more damage than the elf.

                honestly, if you want to have a character and do both magic and melee, you are far better off with mithra or hume than elf. if your heart is set on elf, then by all means go for it. but i would definantly recommend spending the time and effort to buy some really good equipment to make up for the race difference.
                Duffy - Taru Blm/Whm - Phoenix server


                • #9
                  III's cost a lot? Aren't they dropped by mobs, so their prices fall below 10k? I know on my server they're all under 6k.


                  • #10
                    more then 10 dmg? pfffttt. no taru ive ptd with as ever hit more then 5 dmg more then me.
                    Temp Using this account


                    • #11
                      the hole bit about taura having allot more mp the other races is not that big a deal if you spend the time to farm for gil and buy good gear you will be able to stay ontop of things.
                      Keeping up with good gear and spells
                      3 or 4 million gil
                      Being a Galka BLM PRICELESS

                      Galka BLM 60/30 WHM
                      AF1,2,3 Done


                      • #12
                        Well, elvaan may have a few handicaps when it comes to casting but they sure do have cool poses when they cast

                        Only race I really wouldnt recommend is galka for mages. Yeah it could work but man theres a HUGE difference INT and mp wise compared to a taru. I go insane from the handicap ><. Thank goodness im hume and can do anything hehe.
                        "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
                        <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
                        nuts" -warbucket


                        • #13
                          taru dominate others for both MP, which DOES matter, as well as int. Your test which says

                          I'm an elvaan blm with mostly +1 or very rare gear
                          now think of the taru with the same gear. MP is important for exp chains, also I find MP alot more important than INT. What's going to help more, nuking for 50 damage more, or being able to get another 1 or 2 900 nukes off

                          as a taru blackmage I have 1015 MP, 76+43 INT unbuffed. I think an elvaan would have trouble getting close to that.
                          (with whitemage sub btw)


                          • #14
                            Elvaan BLM

                            I'm extremely happy w/ Elvaan BLM. I have RSE and good gear and I never run out of mana. Also the fact that I can take an AoE or an aggro attack is a big deal. I've seen a bunch of taru drop from 1 attack, where I can take 3. Also Elvaan BLM farming is great, good VIT for defense, good HP incase your getting beat on. I even Elemental Seal -Aga Magic Burst and I'll still have mana left over for nukes near the end of the fight. Go w/ Elvaan BLM, you'll have fun =]
                            Current Classes:
                            BLM: 66
                            WHM: 37
                            THF: 30
                            NIN: 26
                            SMN: 17
                            WAR: 26
                            PLD: 29

                            Rank: 10 San d'Oria


                            • #15
                              Tell it like it is

                              Nothing wrong with us elvaan, and some of us make very good BLMs!
                              - Solistam Valietith
                              Red Mage, and lovin' every minute of it!

                              AF Armor Complete!! *whew*
                              Genkai 1,2,3 and 4 Complete

