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INT boost cap

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  • INT boost cap

    Got a question:

    I heard from a friend that all stats will have some sort of cap to the amount of boost that can be applied to them before the boost becomes neglegible.

    My question is, what is it for INT? My INT is currently 56+14+BRD+Food, usually ending around 78-79. I notice a good benifit with each boost, but I want to make sure I don't waste my money boosting further than I need to. So does anyone know about this?

    The example I heard was CHR. A Bard at level 75 said that the max someone can boost their CHR before any further gain would become miniscule is +12. So as a level 75 Bard, he only had CHR+12. I guess once you boost to +13 it only offers about 0.001% more boost. These numbers may not be exact, but just enough to give an idea of what I'm talking about.

    Thanks in advance!
    Rank 8
    "Help a noob, feel better".

  • #2
    Re: INT boost cap

    Originally posted by Oompa
    I heard from a friend that all stats will have some sort of cap to the amount of boost that can be applied to them before the boost becomes neglegible.
    That's.... EQ. Not FFXI.

    The stat boost you can have is really limited by the equipment you can use at your level. But there's no neglected stat boost.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      There probably is diminishing returns at some point.


      • #4
        Do you have any information that supports this? I don't know either way, that's why I'm asking.

        At which point do the benifits becoming dimished?

        Anyone know?
        Rank 8
        "Help a noob, feel better".


        • #5
          INT affects your magic attack power. If you want to see whether or not there is a diminishing return on stats, try using an attack spell with all your INT equipped. Then use the same spell with your INT-1. Then again with INT-2. Keep doing this until you get your results. Hope that helps
          The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


          • #6
            I don't have any direct evidence to support this, which is why I left the statement so brief, but it SHOULD be true to some extent. If intelligence bonuses increase linearly, then the taru taru will end with a massive advantage over everyone else due to their additional int when the differences start getting large. For the issue of game balance, I think at some point you'll see a lower benefit to having higher intelligence, and on top of that, I doubt it's possible to completely remove spell resistance regardless of how much int you stack up. There's probably always a floor percentage. Once again, all this is just speculation as I doubt anyone really knows any of the formulas behind these calculations.


            • #7
              im at 76 int +50, and it still does help, basicall y i have 2 armor set withblack robe (refresh robe less int76+ 35 or so) and other with errant armor

              with a spell even like fire 2, you notice errant armor against undead will do 225-230, while the less int set up with black robe does 196 -> 210


              • #8
                If intelligence bonuses increase linearly, then the taru taru will end with a massive advantage over everyone else due to their additional int when the differences start getting large


                Why do you think Tarutaru is said to be "built for the BLM class"? :sweat:
                Junior Member?

                Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SlottyM
                  im at 76 int +50, and it still does help, basicall y i have 2 armor set withblack robe (refresh robe less int76+ 35 or so) and other with errant armor

                  with a spell even like fire 2, you notice errant armor against undead will do 225-230, while the less int set up with black robe does 196 -> 210
                  What about spell resists? Do you see any approximate change in the amount your spells are resisted?

                  Originally posted by YuanLung

                  Why do you think Tarutaru is said to be "built for the BLM class"?
                  There's a difference between being "built for the BLM class" with a couple hundred mp advantage, and outright imbalance if there's constant returns to INT. SlottyM posted some decent damage stats, but that only shows an 8% damage increase for an extra +15 INT. Until someone posts tests on the effects on spell resistance which can potentially be over 50% damage, I think being so arrogant over such an ambiguous statement as "Tarutaru is said to be 'built for the BLM class'" is quite premature.


                  • #10
                    well there's a reason HQ equipment that plus stats are so expensive ;o that's because the stats you get all taken into your output calculation.

                    Look at Mithra Thf level 40, they can have up to +25Dex with all the expensive gears. same weapon same armor compare to a hume with +12dex, mithra does 500-600 to a sneak/trick normal attack, hume does 300-350.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      I think being so arrogant over such an ambiguous statement as "Tarutaru is said to be 'built for the BLM class'" is quite premature.

                      Ok, I'll admit that I was trolling a bit back there. :sweat:

                      However, I stand behind what I have said. Tarutaru is built for BLM. The INT and MP advantage is significant. It starts to show even in the late teens and the gap only widens.

                      As for the benifit of INT, from my own experience up to this point, is only overlooked when you already have enough int to over come the monster's resistance. A human BLM in my link hits for about the same as me when we are out farming and blasting worthless mobs. The INt only adds a tiny bit of damage there.

                      The difference, however, show when you go up against tougher monsters, the exact type you'd be fighting if you wanted meaningful exp. In that case, even as a Taru BLM, I am starting to feel it's harder and harder to keep my INT on par with the mob's resistance. From what I have read here and other boards, it only gets worse as we level up.

                      So I'd imagine that as long as you are fighting tougher things for exp, you will need every little bit of INT you can get your hands on. So no, AFAIK there will unlikely be a point where I would want to forgo my INT gears for say, HP gears. I will probably never, even as Taru BLM, have enough INT to completely, with a comfortable margine, over come IT mobs' resistance with mroe INT to spare.

                      This is why I felt it was a no brainer when I chose the race of my BLM. I mena, just watch all that extra INT and MP.
                      Junior Member?

                      Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                      • #12
                        But that's exactly the point I was there a limit to how far Int will reduce spell resistance? I'm pretty sure it'll never reach 0 (I could be wrong, but then that'd be like melee accuracy going to 100%, and we all know that won't happen). So SOMEWHERE along the lines, there should be a gradual decrease in the effects of int, otherwise we'd just hit 0% resistance. If it's not curved, then it's a very shallowly sloped line, which more or less implies that each point of intelligence on its own has very little effect.


                        • #13
                          Scatman, I actually was trying to address that exact issue. You seem to be worrying about have "too much int". The fact is, monster resistance goes up faster then our INT and elemental skill. No matter how hard I try with the int gear and int food, I still see an increase of resists as my level go up. It's a losing race that we already are despretly trying to keep up, so every bit of INT counts.

                          Of course, with weaker mobs, once your int reaches some point, you will hardly ever get resisted, and that extra int only contribute to so much extra damage. So yeah, in that case you are right, the extra int isn't really helping much. However, these probably wouldn't be the monter you fight for exp anyways.
                          Junior Member?

                          Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                          • #14
                            yes i've noticed that monster resistances increase dramatically also, much faster than our elemental skills and int. :dead: in crawler's mid 40, i had 4x + 2x int, don't remember...hardly got resisted. now, 50 in garlaige, 54+26 int and i'm getting resisted pretty often, i'd say about 30% of the time. luckily, i use only blizzard and some other random level 1 spell and use my II spells for MBs. works fine. once monster resistances scale even higher though, i think i'd have to cast only to MB .

                            damage-wise, int seems to up spells by 1 point per point of int, give or take. for the stronger spells, 1 point isn't very much (like fire II for example) but for weaker spells, 1 point is pretty decent (like aero or fire...i still use them )

